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The New Pāli Course Book 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Vocabulary: Pali-English
Vocabulary: English-Pali
For free distribution, as a gift of Dhamma.

The New Pali Course Book 1


57. Cardinals

  1. Eka (= eka.m)
  2. Dvi (= dve)
  3. Ti (= tayo)
  4. Catu (= cattaaro)
  5. Pa~nca
  6. Cha
  7. Satta
  8. A.t.tha
  9. Nava
  10. Dasa
  11. Ekaadasa
  12. Dvaadasa; baarasa
  13. Te.lasa; terasa
  14. Cuddasa; catuddasa
  15. Pa.n.narasa; pa~ncadasa
  16. So.lasa
  17. Sattarasa; sattadasa
  18. A.t.thaarasa; a.t.thaadasa
  19. Ekuunaviisati
  20. Viisati
  21. Ekaviisati
  22. Dvaaviisati; baaviisati
  23. Teviisati
  24. Catuviisati
  25. Pa~ncaviisati
  26. Chabbiisati
  27. Sattaviisati
  28. A.t.thaviisati
  29. Ekuunati.msati
  30. Ti.msati; ti.msaa
  31. Ekaati.msati
  32. Dvatti.msati; batti.msati
  33. Tetti.msati
  34. Ekuunacattaa.liisaa
  35. Cattaa.liisati; cattaa.liisaa
  36. Eku.napa~n~naasaa
  37. Pa~n~naasaa; pa.n.naasaa; pa~n~naasati; pa.n.naasati
  38. Ekuunasa.t.thi
  39. Sa.t.thi
  40. Dvesa.t.thi; dvaasa.t.thi; dvisa.t.thi
  41. Ekuunasattati
  42. Sattati
  43. Ekuunaasiiti
  44. Asiiti
  45. Dveasiiti; dvaasiiti; dviyaasiiti
  46. Teasiiti; tiyaasiiti
  47. Caturaasiiti
  48. Ekuunanavuti
  49. Navuti
  50. Dvenavuti; dvaanavuti; dvinavuti
  51. Ekuunasata.m
  52. Sata.m

1000 = Sahassa.m
10,000 = Dassahassa.m
100,000 = Satasahassa.m; lakkha.m
1,000,000 = Dasalakkha.m
10,000,000 = Ko.ti
100,000,000 = Dasako.ti
1,000,000,000 = Satako.ti

58. Some of these numerals take all the genders, and some have their own.

  1. The stems eka, ti, catu are of all genders and declined differently in each gender.
  2. The stem dvi and those from pa~nca to a.t.thaarasa do not show different inflections in different genders though they take all the genders.
  3. From viisati to navuti the numbers are feminine. So is ko.ti.
  4. Stems sata, sahassa and the compounds ending with them are neuter.
  5. Eka (one) has only singular forms. The plural forms of it are used to express the meaning "some", e.g. eke manussaa = some people.
  6. The stems from dvi to a.t.thaarasa have only the plural forms. From viisati upwards to navuti and from sata upwards to ko.ti are in singular. But they take the plural form when it is required to show separate quantities, e.g. cattaari sataani = four (quantities) of hundred.
  7. Numerals are more often used as adjectives.

Declension of Numerals

59. "Eka" is declined like the relative pronoun "ya" given above (§46).

Declension of Dvi (= two)

Plural (common to all genders)
Nom., Acc. dve, duve
Abl., Ins. dviibhi, dviihi
Dat., Gen. dvinna.m, duvinna.m
Loc. dviisu

Declension of Ti (= three)

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nom., Acc. tayo tisso tiini
Abl., Ins. tiibhi, tiihi tiibhi, tiihi tiibhi, tiihi
Dat., Gen. tinna.m, tinnanna.m tissanna.m tinna.m, tinnanna.m
Loc. tiisu tiisu tiisu

Declension of Catu (= four)

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nom., Acc. cattaaro, caturo catasso cattaari
Abl., Ins. catuubhi, catuuhi catuubhi, catuuhi catuubhi, catuuhi
Dat., Gen. catunna.m catassanna.m catunna.m
Loc. catusu catusu catusu

Declension of Pa~nca (= five)

Plural (similar in all genders)
Nom., Acc. pa~nca
Abl., Ins. pa~ncabhi, pa~ncahi
Dat., Gen. pa~ncanna.m
Loc. pa~ncasu

Cha, satta, a.t.tha and all up to a.t.thaadasa are declined like pa~nca, e.g.

Nom. Acc. Abl. Dat., Gen. Loc.
cha cha chahi channa.m chasu

60. Viisati and other numerals ending in -i are declined like bhuumi (§34). Ti.msaa and others ending in -aa are declined like vanitaa. Viisati itself has another form ending in -aa, i.e., viisaa.

"Sata" (100) and "sahassa" (1000) are declined like nayana (§40).

Exercise 21

Translate into English

  1. Cattaaro purisaa catuuhi pharasuuhi cattaari rukkhaani chinditvaa aaharissanti.
  2. Taa tisso itthiyo imehi tiihi maggehi ta.m a.tavi.m gantvaa tissanna.m ka~n~naana.m tii.ni phalaani ada.msu.
  3. Ekissa.m saalaaya.m sata.m purisaa, pa~n~naasaa itthiyo ca nisiidissanti.
  4. Maya.m ito navahi divasehi* pa~ncahi kumaarehi saddhi.m Ko.lambanagara.m gamissaama.
  5. Pa~nca daasaa dasanna.m assaana.m bahu.m ti.na.m, appaka.m udaka~nca aahari.msu.
  6. Viisati purisaa dasahi go.nehi cattaari khettaani kasanti.
  7. Vaa.nijo kahaapa.naana.m** dviihi satehi*** a.t.tha asse ki.nitvaa te catunna.m dhanavantaana.m vikki.ni.
  8. Taasa.m channa.m itthiina.m cha bhaataro mahanta.m pabbata.m aaruhitvaa cha kapayo aanesu.m.
  9. Taasa.m maataa dasa ambe ki.nitvaa catassanna.m dhiitaraana.m dadissati.
  10. Idaani La`nkaaya.m pa~nca-cattaa.liisa-satasahassa.m manussaa vasanti.
  11. Pubbe Saavatthinagare manussaana.m satta ko.tiyo**** vasi.msu.
  12. Tumhe ito dviihi vassehi Anuraadhapura.m***** gantvaa tattha nava divase vasantaa mahante cetiye passissatha.
  13. Daaso ekena hatthena dve naa.likere****** itarena eka.m panasa~nca******* harati.
  14. Aha.m cattaari vassaani********* nagare vasitvaa tato pacchaa tayo maase********* gaame vasissaami.

* After nine days.
** 'Kahaapa.na' is a square coin extensively used in former days, the purchasing power of which is said to have been about that of a florin (2 shillings).
*** With two hundreds (of kahaapa.nas).
**** Seven crores of people.
***** The sacred city of the Buddhists in Ceylon.
****** Naa.likere (m/n) coconut.
******* Panasa (m/n) jackfruit.
******** Vassa (m/n) year.
********* Maasa (m) month,

Translate into Pali

  1. Four women bought eight mangoes and gave them to the two daughters.
  2. Tomorrow five men will go to the forest and cut ten trees with their five axes.
  3. Three girls went separately* to three tanks and each** brought thirty flowers.
  4. In this hall there are five hundred men and three hundred women.
  5. There are five thousand people, one thousand cattle*** and five hundred houses in this town.
  6. The seven brothers of the five girls went to that forest and killed eight deer.
  7. We lived in Colombo for eight years and nine months.
  8. They will go to live there again three years and two months hence.
  9. Having bought three clothes the father gave them to his three daughters.
  10. Ten men with twenty oxen are ploughing these five fields.
  11. Sixty elephants came out of the city and thirty of them entered the forest.
  12. Of the twelve horses bought by me one is sold to another man.
  13. The slave having brought 25 coconuts sold 20 of them to a woman.
  14. Two merchants bought two horses for three hundred**** pieces (of kahaapa.nas).
  15. Five million people live in the island of Ceylon.

* Visu.m.
** Ek'ekaa.
*** Gaavo.
**** Use the Instrumental.

61. Ordinal Numerals

All these are treated as adjectives.

In the masculine they are declined like nara. In the feminine their last vowel is changed into aa or ii and are declined like vanitaa and kumaarii respectively. Their declension in the neuter is like that of nayana.

Remark. "The first among the eight men" and such other phrases should be translated with the locative or genitive forms, as:

(1) A.t.thasu purisesu pa.thamo or
(2) A.t.thanna.m purisaana.m pa.thamo.

Exercise 22

Translate into English

  1. Gacchantesu dasasu purisesu sattamo vaa.nijo hoti.
  2. Tassa sattamaa dhiitaa a.t.thamaaya eka.m vattha.m adaasi.
  3. Catassanna.m yuvatiina.m tatiyaaya bhaataa pa~nca asse aanesi.
  4. Mayha.m pitaa sattatime vasse pa~ncame maase kaala.m akaasi*.
  5. Maya.m ito cha.t.the divase catuuhi purisehi saddhi.m dutiya.m nagara.m gamissaama.
  6. Idaani a.t.thamo Edwardnaamo bhuupati rajja.m karoti**.
  7. Pubbe cha.t.tho Parakkamabaahu-bhuupati Jayavaddhanapure rajja.m kari.
  8. Paa.thasaalaaya*** asiitiyaa sissesu pa~ncaviisatimo hiiyo gambhiire udake pati.
  9. Amhaaka.m pitaaro ito pa~ncame vasse bahuuhi manussehi Anuraadhapura.m gamissanti.
  10. Dviisu paa.thasaalaasu pa.thamaaya tisata.m sissaa**** ugga.nhanti.
  11. Dvinna.m dhanavantaana.m dutiyo ti.msatiyaa yaacakaana.m daana.m adaasi.
  12. Nahaayantiisu pa~ncasu naariisu tatiyaaya bhaataa dhanavaa hoti.
  13. Bhatta.m pacantiina.m tissanna.m itthiina.m dutiyaa nahaayitu.m gamissati.
  14. Bhagavaa pa.thama.m vassa.m Baaraa.nasiya.m Isipatanaaraame vihari.
  15. Tadaa so pa~ncanna.m bhikkhuuna.m bahunna.m manussaana~nca dhamma.m desesi.

* Kaala.m karoti = dies.
** Rajja.m karoti = reigns.
*** Paa.thasaalaa (f) school.
**** Sissa (m) student.

Translate into Pali

  1. The fifth of the ten merchants will buy the gem.
  2. On the third day the four rich men will give alms to a hundred beggars.
  3. There are eight hundred students in the first of the three schools.
  4. My fourth brother lives in the sixth house of the fifth street in Colombo.
  5. We will go to the city in the third month of the second year.
  6. His tenth son will come here on the 25th day of this month.
  7. The sixth of the seven women wears a red cloth, and the fifth a blue one.
  8. King Edward VII died 26 years ago*.
  9. His son, King George V reigned for 25 years and 10 months.
  10. I will buy the second of these ten horses with one hundred florins.
  11. Out of the eighty students in this school the 20th died yesterday.
  12. His dead body was carried to the cemetery by 15 students.
  13. My sixth brother will come here with the fourth one.
  14. His third brother's second daughter learns at this school.
  15. The first sister of the queen will visit Anuraadhapura after three months.

* Ago (ni) upari. Use the genitive with this.