Tipitaka Network :: Sutta Spectra
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Season's Greetings
Above, across or back again,
wherever he goes in the world
let him carefully scrutinise
the rise and fall of compounded things.
Itivuttaka 120
Vinaya Piṭaka
Sutta Piṭaka
Abhidhamma Piṭaka
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Sutta Spectra!
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Supa.n.na Sa.myutta

List of Suttas (Discourses/Sermons)

  1. Suddhika Sutta
  2. Haranti Sutta
  3. Dvayakaarii Sutta
  4. Dutiyaadidvayakaarii Suttattika..m
  5. A.n.dajadaanuupakaara Suttadasaka.m
  6. Jalaabujaadidaanuupakaara Suttati.msaka.m