Tipitaka Network :: Sutta Spectra
Season's Greetings
When we experience a resultant moment we are reaping what we have sown, and when a causative moment of experience is being constructed we sow what we will later reap.
Andrew Olendzki
Shambhala Sun, November 2005
Vinaya Piṭaka
Sutta Piṭaka
Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Developed and supported by PaliLogix
Vinaya Pitaka
[S] วินยปิฏเก
[U] Vinaya Piṭaka
[V] Vinaya Pi.taka
[de] Der Korb der Regeln
[en] The Basket of the Discipline
[fr] La discipline
[ja] 律蔵
[ko] 율장
[pt] O Cesto do Vinaya
jskh msglh
[th] วินัยปิฎก
[vi] Luật Tạng
[zh] 律藏
[zh-tw] 律藏
Vinaya Pitaka :: Monastic Code
Vinaya Pitaka (Unicode: Vinaya Piṭaka, Velthuis: Vinaya Pi.taka)
is, literally, the "discipline basket". The word Vinaya means monastic
code. This category of texts contains the code of ethics for the Buddha's
ordained disciples. There are two sets of Vinaya rules, one each for the monks
and the nuns.
The Vinaya Pitaka also contains monastic observances and regulations for all
the five groups of ordained disciples. The five groups are
- Bhikkhu (monk, [ja] 比丘, [zh] 比丘, [zh-tw] 比丘): 227
rules + monastic observances and regulations
- Bhikkhuni (nun, [ja] 比丘尼, [zh] 比丘尼, [zh-tw] 比丘尼):
311 rules + monastic observances and regulations
- Samanera (novice monk, [ja] 沙弥, [zh] 沙弥, [zh-tw]
沙彌): 10 precepts + monastic observances and regulations
- Samaneri (novice nun, [ja] 沙弥尼, [zh] 沙弥尼, [zh-tw]
沙彌尼): 10 precepts + monastic observances and regulations
- Sikkhamana (nun-to-be, [zh] 式叉摩那, [zh-tw]
式叉摩那): 6 anudhammas + monastic observances and
The order of ordination for men and women are, as follows:
- Man: samanera > bhikkhu
- Woman: samaneri > sikkhamana > bhikkhuni
In addition, the Vinaya Pitaka comprises a section which gives an account of
the early history of Buddhism, in particular the formation of the early Sangha.
List of Books
- Paaraajika
- Paacittiya
- Mahaavagga
- Cuu.lavagga
- Parivaara
External Links
‣ 2: 2006/01/26 YPOng
‣ 1: 2006/01/02 YPOng
‣ 0: 2005/10/12 YPOng