Tipitaka Network :: Sutta Spectra
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Season's Greetings
Arise, victorious hero, caravan leader
debtless one, and wander in the world.
Let the Blessed One teach the Dhamma, there will be those who will understand.
Majjhima Nikaya 26
Vinaya Piṭaka
Sutta Piṭaka
Abhidhamma Piṭaka
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Sutta Spectra!
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Kutadanta Sutta 究羅檀頭經/구라단두경
- English: [mn] [bi] / German: [pk] / Croatian: [rd] / Sinhala: [mn] / Vietnamese: [bs] / Indonesian: [sp] / Pali: [mn]
- Buddhism and Global Economic Justice
- The Politics of Compassion
- Theravada Perspective on Causation and Resolution of Conflicts
- Relevance of Buddhist view of world to present global society