Tipitaka Network :: Sutta Spectra

Season's Greetings
The Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples is practising the good way, practising the straight way, practising the true way, practising the proper way; that is, the four pairs of persons, the eight types of individuals -- this Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples is worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of reverential salutation, the unsurpassed field of merit for the world.
Anguttara Nikaya 6:10

Vinaya Piṭaka

Sutta Piṭaka

Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Developed and supported by PaliLogix
Anuruddha Sa.myutta
List of Suttas (Discourses/Sermons)
I. Rahogata Vagga
- Pa.thamarahogata Sutta
- Dutiyarahogata Sutta
- Sutanu Sutta
- Pa.thamaka.n.dakii Sutta
- Dutiyaka.n.dakii Sutta
- Tatiyaka.n.dakii Sutta
- Ta.nhakkhaya Sutta
- Sala.laagaara Sutta
- Ambapaalivana Sutta
- Baa.lhagilaana Sutta
II. Dutiya Vagga
- Kappasahassa Sutta
- Iddhividha Sutta
- Dibbasota Sutta
- Cetopariya Sutta
- .Thaana Sutta
- Kammasamaadaana Sutta
- Sabbatthagaamini Sutta
- Naanaadhaatu Sutta
- Naanaadhimutti Sutta
- Indriyaparopariyatta Sutta
- Jhaanaadi Sutta
- Pubbenivaasa Sutta
- Dibbacakkhu Sutta
- Aasavakkhaya Sutta