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Paali Primer
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Lesson 23
Lesson 24
Lesson 25
Lesson 26
Lesson 27
Lesson 28
Lesson 29
Lesson 30
Lesson 31
Lesson 32
For free distribution, as a gift of Dhamma.

Paali Primer

Lesson 32

1. Declension of Pronouns

There are relative pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and interrogative pronouns of all three genders. They are declined in all cases except the vocative. They become adjectives when they qualify other nouns.

2. Masculine gender, singular number

  Relative Pronoun Demonstrative Pronoun Interrogative Pronoun
Nom. yo = he who so = he, that ko = who?
Acc. ya.m ta.m ka.m
Ins. yena tena kena
Abl. yamhaa, yasmaa tamhaa, tasmaa kasmaa, kismaa
Dat. yassa tassa kassa, kissa
Gen. yassa tassa kassa, kissa
Loc. yamhi, yasmi.m tamhi, tasmi.m kamhi, kasmi.m, kimhi, kismi.m

3. Neuter gender, singular number

  Relative Pronoun Demonstrative Pronoun Interrogative Pronoun
Nom. ya.m = that, which ta.m = it, that kim = which?
Acc. ya.m ta.m kim

The rest is similar to the masculine declension.

4. Feminine gender, singular number

  Relative Pronoun Demonstrative Pronoun Interrogative Pronoun
Nom. yaa = she, who saa = she, that kaa = who?
Acc. ya.m ta.m ka.m
Ins. yaaya taaya kaaya
Abl. yaaya taaya kaaya
Dat. yassaa, yaaya tassaa, taaya kassaa, kaaya
Gen. yassaa, yaaya tassaa, taaya kassaa, kaaya
Loc. yassa.m, yaaya.m tassa.m, taaya.m kassa.m, kaaya.m

5. Masculine gender, plural number

  Relative Pronoun Demonstrative Pronoun Interrogative Pronoun
Nom. ye = they, who te = they, those ke = who?
Acc. ye te ke
Ins. yehi tehi kehi
Abl. yehi tehi kehi
Dat. yesa.m (yesaana.m) tesa.m (tesaana.m) kesa.m (kesaana.m)
Gen. yesa.m (yesaana.m) tesa.m (tesaana.m) kesa.m (kesaana.m)
Loc. yesu tesu kesu

6. Neuter gender, plural number

  Relative Pronoun Demonstrative Pronoun Interrogative Pronoun
Nom. yaani, ye = those, which taani, te = those kaani, ke = which?
Acc. yaani, ye taani, te kaani, ke

The rest is similar to the masculine declension.

7. Feminine gender, plural number

  Relative Pronoun Demonstrative Pronoun Interrogative Pronoun
Nom. yaa, yaayo = they, who taa, taayo = they, those kaa, kaayo = who
Acc. yaa, yaayo taa, taayo kaa, kaayo
Ins. yaahi taahi kaahi
Abl. yaahi taahi kaahi
Dat. yaasa.m (yaasaana.m) taasa.m (taasaana.m) kaasa.m (kaasaana.m)
Gen. yaasa.m (yaasaana.m) taasa.m (taasaana.m) kaasa.m (kaasaana.m)
Loc. yaasu taasu kaasu

8. The indefinite particle ci

The indefinite particle ci (Skt. cid) is appended to the case forms of the interrogative pronoun, expressing ideas such as anyone, whichever, whoever, e.g.

Masc. - koci puriso = some man;
- kenaci purisena = by some man
Neut. - ki~nci phala.m = some fruit;
- kenaci phalena = by some fruit
Fem. - kaaci itthi = some woman;
- kaayaci itthiyaa = by, to, of, on some woman.

9. Pronominal Adverbs

Relative Adverbs Demonstrative Adverbs Interrogative Adverbs
yattha - where tattha - there kattha - where?
yatra - where tatra - there kutra - where?
yato - whence, where tato - thence, therefore kuto - whence?
yathaa - how, in what manner tathaa - in that manner katha.m - how?
yasmaa - because tasmaa - therefore kasmaa - why?
yadaa - when tadaa - then kadaa - when?
yena - where tena - there  
yaava - how long taava - so long  

10. Examples in sentence formation

  1. Yo attha~n~nu hoti so kumaare anusaasitu.m aagacchatu.
    May he who is benevolent come to admonish the boys.
  2. Ya.m aha.m aaka`nkhamaano ahosi.m so aagato hoti.
    He whom I was expecting has come.
  3. Yena maggena so aagato tena gantu.m aha.m icchaami.
    By which road he came, I wish to go by the same.
  4. Yassa saa bhariyaa hoti so bhattaa pu~n~navanto hoti.
    He is a fortunate husband whose wife she is.
  5. Yasmi.m hatthe daddu atthi tena hatthena patto na ga.nhitabbo hoti.
    The bowl should not be taken by the hand which has eczema on it.
  6. Yaani kammaani sukha.m aavahanti (bring) taani pu~n~naani honti.
    Those actions which bring happiness are meritorious.
  7. Yaa bhariyaa siilavatii hoti saa bhattuno piyaayati.
    The wife who is virtuous is dear to the husband.
  8. Yaaya raajiniyaa saa vaapii kaaraapitaa ta.m aha.m na anussaraami.
    I do not remember the queen by whom that tank was built.
  9. Yassa.m sabhaaya.m so katha.m pavattesi tattha bahuu manussaa sannipatitaa abhavi.msu/ahesu.m.
    The meeting where he made a speech, there many people gathered.
  10. Yaasa.m itthiina.m ma~njuusaasu suva.n.na.m atthi taayo dvaaraani thaketvaa gehehi nikkhamanti.
    Those women in whose boxes there is gold close the doors and go out.
  11. Yaasu itthiisu kodho natthi taayo viniitaa bhariyaayo ca maataro ca bhavanti.
    Women in whom there is no anger become disciplined wives and mothers.
  12. Yattha bhuupatayo dhammikaa honti tattha manussaa sukha.m vindanti.
    Where kings are righteous, there the men enjoy happiness.
  13. Yato bhaanumaa ravi loka.m obhaaseti tato cakkhumantaa ruupaani passanti.
    Since the radiant sun illuminates the world, (therefore) those who have eyes see objects.
  14. Yathaa Bhagavaa dhamma.m deseti, tathaa tumhehi pa.tipajjitabba.m.
    Just as the Blessed One preaches the doctrine, so should you conduct yourselves.
  15. Yasmaa pitaro rukkhe ropesu.m, tasmaa maya.m phalaani bhu~njaama.
    Because fathers planted trees, (therefore) we enjoy fruits.
  16. Yaada amhehi icchita.m patthita.m samijjhati tadaa amhe modaama.
    When our wishes and aspirations are fulfilled, then we are happy.
  17. Ko tva.m asi? Ke tumhe hotha?
    Who are you (sg.)? Who are you (pl.)?
  18. Kena dhenu a.taviyaa aaniitaa?
    By whom was the cow brought from the forest?
  19. Kassa bhuupatinaa paasaado kaaraapito?
    For whom was the palace built by the king?
  20. Kasmaa amhehi sacca.m bhaasitabba.m?
    Why should we speak the truth?
  21. Asappurisehi paalite diipe kuto maya.m dhammika.m vinetaara.m labhissaama?
    In an island governed by wicked men where will we get a righteous disciplinarian?
  22. Kehi kata.m kamma.m disvaa tumhe kujjhatha?
    Seeing whose work (lit. done by whom) do you get angry?
  23. Kesa.m nattaaro tuyha.m ovaade .thassanti?
    Whose grandsons will stand by your advice?
  24. Kehi ropitaasu lataasu pupphaani ca phalaani ca bhavanti?
    On the creepers planted by whom are there flowers and fruits?
  25. Kaaya itthiyaa paadesu daddu atthi?
    On the feet of which woman is there eczema?

Exercise 32

Translate into English

  1. Yassaa so putto hoti saa maataa pu~n~navatii hoti.
  2. Yo ta.m diipa.m paaleti so dhammiko bhuupati hoti.
  3. Kena ajja (today) nava.m (new) jiivitamagga.m na pariyesitabba.m?
  4. Sace tumhe asappurisaa loka.m duuseyyaatha (pollute) kattha puttadhiitarehi saddhi.m tumhe vasatha?
  5. Yadaa bhikkhavo sannipatitvaa saalaaya.m kila~njaasu nisiidi.msu tadaa Buddho paavisi.
  6. Yasmi.m padese Buddho viharati tattha gantu.m aha.m icchaami.
  7. Yaaya.m guhaaya.m siihaa vasanti ta.m pasavo na upasa`nkamanti.
  8. Yo dhanavaa hoti, tena siilavataa bhavitabba.m.
  9. Sace tumhe ma.m pa~nha.m pucchissatha aha.m vissajjetu.m (to explain) ussahissaami.
  10. Yattha siilavantaa bhikkhavo vasanti tattha manussaa sappurisaa honti.
  11. Kadaa tva.m maatara.m passitu.m bhariyaaya saddhi.m gacchasi?
  12. Yaahi rukkhaa chinnaa taayo pucchitu.m kassako aagato hoti.
  13. Katha.m tumhe udadhi.m taritu.m aaka`nkhatha?
  14. Kuto taa itthiyo ma.nayo aahari.msu?
  15. Yaasu ma~njuusaasu aha.m suva.n.na.m nikkhipi.m taa coraa coresu.m.
  16. Yo ajja nagara.m gacchati so taruusu ketavo passissati.
  17. Yassa mayaa yaagu puujitaa so bhikkhu tava putto hoti.
  18. Kuto aha.m dhammassa vi~n~naataara.m pa~n~navanta.m bhikkhu.m labhissaami?
  19. Yasmaa so bhikkhuusu pabbaji, tasmaa saa pi pabbajitu.m icchati.
  20. Ya.m aha.m jaanaami tumhe pi ta.m jaanaatha.
  21. Yaasa.m itthiina.m dhana.m so icchati taahi ta.m labhitu.m so na sakkoti.
  22. Yato amhaaka.m bhuupati arayo paraajesi tasmaa maya.m taruusu ketavo bandhimha.
  23. Kadaa amhaaka.m patthanaa (aspirations) samijjhanti?
  24. Sabbe te sappurisaa tesa.m pa~nhe vissajjetu.m vaayamantaa saalaaya nisinnaa honti.
  25. Sace tva.m dvaara.m thakesi aha.m pavisitu.m na sakkomi.
  26. Amhehi kataani kammaani chaayaayo viya amhe anubandhanti.
  27. Susavo maatara.m rakkhanti.
  28. Aha.m saaminaa saddhi.m gehe viharantii modaami.
  29. Tumhaaka.m puttaa ca dhiitaro ca udadhi.m taritvaa bha.n.daani vikki.nantaa muula.m pariyesitu.m icchanti.
  30. Tva.m sura.m pivasi, tasmaa saa tava kujjhati.

Translate into Paali

  1. He who is virtuous will defeat the enemy.
  2. The girl who spoke at the meeting is not a relation of mine.
  3. When the mother comes home the daughter will give the gems.
  4. The dog to whom I gave rice is my brother's.
  5. Why did you not come home today to worship the monks?
  6. From where did you get the robes which you offered to the monks?
  7. Whom did you give the gold which I gave you?
  8. Eat what you like.
  9. I will sit on the rock until you bathe in the river.
  10. Where intelligent people live there I wish to dwell.