Pali Day by Day

An Elementary Pali Course Lesson VII

Exercise 7-A: Translate into English.

1. Buddho loke uppajji.
Buddha / in world / was born
The Buddha was born in the world.

2. Hiiyo dhamma.m desesi.
yesterday / ascetic / doctrine / preached
Yesterday, the ascetic preached the doctrine.

3. Daarako paato'va* tassa paa.thasaala.m agamii.
child / in early morning / his / [to] school / went
The child went to his school in the early morning.

4. Aacariyaa tesa.m sissaana.m pubba.nhe ovaada.m ada.msu.
teachers / their / to students / in afternoon / counsel / gave
The teachers gave counsel to their students in the afternoon.

5. Cira.m te amhaaka.m ghara.m na agami.msu.
for a long time / they / our / [to] home / did not come
For a long time, they did not come to our house.

6. Daarikaa taasa.m janakassa purato a.t.tha.msu.
girls / their / of father / in front / stood
The girls stood in front of their father.

7. Tva.m tassaa hatthe mayha.m potthaka.m passo.
you / her / in hand / my / book / saw
You saw my book in her hand.

8. Tva.m ga`ngaaya.m nahaayitu.m paato'va agamo.
you / in river / to bathe / in early morning / went
You went to bathe in the river in the early morning.

9. Tva.m ajja paataraasa.m na bhu~njo.
you / today / breakfast / did not eat
You did not eat breakfast today.

10. Kuhi.m tumhe tumhaaka.m mittehi saddhi.m apara.nhe agamittha?
where / you / your / with friends / in afternoon / went
Where did you go with your friends in the afternoon?

11. Kasmaa tumhe'yeva** mama aacariyassa lekhanaani na likhittha?
why / you yourselves / my / to teachers / letters / did not write
Why did you not write letters to my teachers yourselves?

12. Tumhe cira.m mayha.m putte na passittha.
you / for a long time / my / sons / did not see
You did not see my sons for a long time.

13. Aha.m tuyha.m pa.n.naakaare hiiyo na alabhi.m.
I / your / gifts / yesterday / did not receive
I did not receive your gifts yesterday.

14. Aham'eva*** gilaanaana.m ajja osadha.m adaasi.m.
I myself / to sick people / today / medicine / gave
I gave medicine to the sick myself today.

15. Aha.m asse passitu.m visikhaaya.m a.t.taasi.m.
I / horses / to see / on street / stood
I stood on the street to see the horses.

16. Maya.m tuyha.m aacariyassa sisse ahosimhaa.
we / your / teacher's / pupils / were
We were your teacher's pupils.

17. Maya.m ajja pubba.nhe na ugga.nhimhaa.
we / today / in forenoon / did not learn
We did not learn in the forenoon today.

18. Sama.naa viya mayam'pi* saddhaaya dhamma.m su.nimhaa.
ascetics / like / we too / with faith / doctrine / heard
Like the ascetics, we heard the doctrine with faith too.

* Paato + eva = paato'va. Here the following vowel is dropped.

** Tumhe + eva = tumhe yeva. Sometimes 'y' is augmented between vowels.

*** Aha.m + eva = aham'eva. When a niggahita is followed by a vowel it is sometimes changed into 'm'.

**** Maya.m + api =mayam'pi. Here the following vowel is dropped and niggahita is changed into 'm'.

Exercise 7-B: Translate into Pali.

1. I slept on my bed.
aha.m / supi.m / mayha.m / ma~nce
Aha.m mayha.m ma~nce supi.m.

2. I stood in their garden in the evening.
aha.m / a.t.thaasi.m / tesa.m / aaraamamhi / pubba.nhe
Aha.m pubba.nhe tesa.m aaraamamhi a.t.thaasi.m.

3. I sat on a bench in the hall to write a letter to his friend.
aha.m / nisiidi.m / pii.the / salaaya.m / likhitu.m / lekhana.m / tassa / mittaaya
Aha.m tassa mittaaya lekhana.m likhitu.m salaaya.m pii.the nisiidi.m.

4. We bathed in the river in the early morning*.
maya.m / nahaayimhaa / ga`ngaaya.m / paato'va
Maya.m paato'va ga`ngaaya.m nahaayimhaa.

5. We ourselves** treated the sick yesterday.
mayam'eva / sa`nga.nhimhaa / gilaane / hiiyo
Mayam'eva hiiyo gilaane sa`nga.nhimhaa.

6. For a long time we lived in our uncle's house in the city.
cira.m / maya.m / vasimhaa / amhaaka.m / maatulassa / gharamhi / nagarasmi.m
Cira.m maya.m nagarasmi.m amhaaka.m maatulassa gharamhi vasimhaa.

7. Child, why do you stand in front of your teacher?
daaraka / kasmaa / tva.m / a.t.thaaso / purato / aacariyassa
Daaraka, kasmaa tva.m tava aacariyassa purato a.t.thaaso?

8. Wife, you cooked rice in the morning.
bhariye / tva.m / apaco / odana.m / paato
Bhariye, paato tva.m odana.m apaco.

9. Son, where did you go yesterday?
putta / kuhi.m? / tva.m / agamo / hiiyo
Putta, kuhi.m tva.m hiiyo agamo?

10. You obtained wisdom through your teachers.
tumhe / labhittha / pa~n~na.m / tumhaaka.m / aacariyehi
Tumhe tumhaaka.m aacariyehi pa~n~na.m labhittha.

11. Why did you not hear the Doctrine like your father?
kasmaa? / tva.m / na / Dhamma.m / viya / tuyha.m / janako
Kasmaa tva.m tuyha.m janako viya Dhamma.m na

12. Where did you take your dinner yesterday?
kuhi.m? / tva.m / bhu~njo / tuyha.m / saayamaasa.m / hiiyo
Kuhi.m tva.m hiiyo tuyha.m saayamaasa.m bhu~njo?

13. She was standing in her garden for a long time.
saa / a.t.thaasi / tassaa / aaraame / cira.m
Saa cira.m tassaa aaraame a.t.thaasi.

14. He himself*** washed the feet of his father.
so eva / dhovii / paade / tassa / janakassa
So eva tassa janakassa paade dhovii.

15. For a long time my friend did not buy goods from his shop.
cira.m / mayha.m / mitto / na / bha.ndaani / tassa / aapa.nasmaa
Cira.m mayha.m mitto tassa aapa.nasmaa bha.ndaani na

16. The doctors did not come to the hospital in the afternoon.
vejjaa / na aagami.msu / gilaanasaala.m / apara.nhe
Vejjaa apara.nhe gilaanasaala.m na aagami.msu.

17. The boys and girls did not bring their books to school yesterday.
daarakaa ca / daarikaayo ca / na aahari.msu / tesa.m / potthakaani / paa.thasaala.m / hiiyo
Daarakaa ca daarikaayo ca hiiyo tesa.m potthakaani paa.thasaala.m na aahari.msu.

18. I myself gave medicine to the sick last**** morning.
aham'eva / adaasi.m / osadha.m / gilaanaana.m / hiiyo / paato
Aham'eva gilaanaana.m hiiyo paato osadha.m adaasi.m.

* Use paato'va.

** Use mayam'eva.

*** Use so eva.

**** Use hiiyo.

Series A

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+ Lesson 32

Series B

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Series C

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Series D

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+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

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Series F

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