Introduction to Pali Exercise 11
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Translate into English:-
na kho aha.m aavuso addasa.m
not / indeed / I / friend / saw
Indeed, friend, I did not see
[D.I.130 - xvi.4.26]
aya.m tathaagatassa pacchimaa vaacaa
this / of the Tathagata / last / saying
This is the last utterance of the Tathagata
[D.II.156 - xvi.6.7]
paamujja.m bhavissati, sukho ca vihaaro
joy / will be / happiness / and / abiding
There will be joy and a happy abiding
[D.I.196 - ix.40]
addasaa kho bhagavaa taa devataayo
he saw / indeed / the Blessed One / those / deities
Truly the Blessed One saw those deities
[D.II.87 - xvi.1.27]
iminaa kho eva.m bho pariyaayena Jotipaalassa maa.navassa Mahaagovindo ti
sama~n~naa udapaadi
by this / indeed / thus / sir / course / of Jotipala /
young Brahmin / Mahagovinda / [end-quote] / agreed name / arose
Thus, in this way Mahagovinda ("Great Steward") arose as the agreed name of the young
Brahmin Jotipala
[D.II.232 - xix.31]
sassato loko
eternal / world
The world is eternal
[D.I.187 - ix.25]
so gacchati disa.m
he / goes / southern / direction
He is going in the southern direction
[D.I.222 - xi.85]
kusalan ti pi na bhavissati, kuto pana kusalassa kaarako
good / [end-quote] / also / not / will be / whence / but / of good / doer
There is not even the concept of "good", let alone a doer of good
[D.III.71 - xxvi.19]
aha.m kho magga.m agamaasi.m
I / indeed / path / went
Indeed I went on the path.
[D.III.255 - xxxiii.3.1(iv)]
kalyaana.m vuccati
beautifully / it is said / brahmin
Beautifully said, Brahmin.
[D.I.110 - iii.2.22]
atha kho raajaa Mahaasudassano vaamena hatthena bhi`nkaara.m gahetvaa
dakkhi.nena hatthena cakkaratana.m abbhukkiri
then / indeed / king / Mahasudassana / with the left /
hand / ceremonial water vessel / having taken / with the right / hand /
wheel-gem / sprinkled
Then King Mahasudassana took the ceremonial water vessel in his left hand and
sprinkled the wheel-gem with his right hand.
[D.II.172 - xvii.1.8]
ida.m kusala.m
this / good
This is good.
[D.II.222 - xix.7]
aya.m Jambudiipo iddho c'eva bhavissati phiito ca
this / India / powerful / and / surely / will be /
prosperous / and
Thus this India will surely be powerful and prosperous.
[~D.III.75 - xxvi.23]
micchaa pa.ti panno tva.m asi, aha.m asmi sammaa pa.tipanno
wrongly / practising / you / are / I / am / rightly /
You are practising incorrectly, I am practising correctly.
[D.III.117 - xxix.1]
so tato cuto idhuupapanno
he / then / died / here-reborn
Then he died and was reborn here.
[D.I.81 - ii.93]
addasaa paribbaajako bhagavanta.m aagacchanta.m
he saw / the wanderer / the Blessed One / coming
The wanderer saw the Blessed One coming.
[D.I.179 - ix.4]
sa~n~naa uppajjanti pi nirujjhanti pi
perceptions / arise / and / cease / and
Perceptions arise and pass away.
[D.I.180 - ix.6]
bhagavato aabaadho uppajji
to the Blessed One / illness / arose
Illness arose in the Blessed One.
[D.II.127 - xvi.4.20]
sa.mvara.m aapajjati
restraint / he acquires
He practises restraint.
[D.I.85 - ii.100]
aha.m kho kamma.m akaasi.m. kamma.m kho pana me karontassa kaayo kilanto,
handaaha.m nipajjaami
I / indeed / work / did / work / indeed / then / of me / of the doing / body / tired / then, I /
lie down
I worked. But truly while doing this work my body tired, so I am lying down.
[D.III.255 - xxxiii.3.1.(iv)]
ima.m maya.m addasaama idha upapanna.m
this / we / we saw / here / arisen
We saw this arisen here.
[D.I.18 - i.2.5]
Translate into Pali:-
The universe is infinite
loko / ananto
ananto loko
[D.I.188 - ix.25]
This is not easy
ida.m / na / sukara.m
na ida.m sukara.m
[D.I.63 - ii.41]
I followed the road
aha.m / pa.tipajji.m / magga.m
aha.m magga.m pa.tipajji.m
[D.III.255 - xxxiii.3.1.(iv)]
The king saw the boy
raajaa / addasaa / kumaara.m
raajaa kumaara.m addasaa
[D.II.16 - xiv.1.31]
The city was prosperous
nagara.m / ahosi / phiita.m
nagara.m phiita.m ahosi
[cf. D.II.146, I.211]
He is fixed, permanent, eternal
so / dhuvo / nicco / sassato
so dhuvo nicco sassato
[D.I.18 - i.2.6]
We saw the fortunate one
maya.m / addasaama / bhagavanta.m
maya.m bhagavanta.m addasaama
[D.III.39 - xxv.7]
The speech is agreeable
vaacaa / kantaa
vaacaa kantaa
[D.III.173 - xxx.2.22]
My life was given by him, his life was given by me
mama / jiivita.m / dinna.m / tena / tassa / jiivita.m /
dinna.m / mayaa
mama jiivita.m tena dinna.m, tassa jiivita.m mayaa dinna.m
[cf. D.I.148 - v.28]
See! Ananda - They are past, ended, changed
passa / Aananda / te / atiitaa / niruddhaa / pari.nataa
pass' Aananda te atiitaa niruddhaa pari.nataa
[D.II.198 - xvii.2.16]
He has much gold
tassa / hoti / pahuuta.m / suvanna.m
tassa pahuuta.m hoti
[cf. D.II.351 - xxiii.29, III.163 - xxx.2.2]