Pali Primer Exercise 26
Translate into English
1. Pakkhii gaayanto saakhaaya.m nisiidati.
bird / singing / on branch / sits
The bird sits on the branch singing.
2. Gaavi.m rajjuyaa muñcamaanaa ammaa khette .thitaa hoti.
cow / from rope / releasing / mother / in field / stood / is
Mother is standing in the field releasing the cow from the rope.
3. Kaññaayo sabhaaya.m naccantiyo gaayi.msu.
girls / in hall / dancing / sang
The girls sang while dancing in the hall.
4. Se.t.thii mahanta.m (much) dhana.m vissajjetvaa sama.naana.m vihaara.m kaaraapesi.
millionaire / much / wealth / having spent / for monks / monastery / got...built
The millionaire spent much wealth and got a monastery built for the monks.
5. Hatthino ca ka.neruyo ca a.taviya.m aahi.n.danti.
male elephants and / female elephants / in forest / roam
Male and female elephants roam in the forest.
6. Paapakaarii paapaani pa.ticchaadetvaa sappuriso viya (like) sabhaaya.m nisinno se.t.thinaa saddhi.m
evil doer / wicked deeds / having hidden / righteous man /
like / at meeting / seated / with rich man / spoke
The evil doer hid (his) wicked deeds and sitting at the meeting (posing) like a righteous man spoke with the rich man.
7. Sappurisaa diighajiivino hontu, puttaa sukhino bhavantu.
good men / long living people / / sons / happy /
May good men enjoy long life, may (their) sons be happy.
8. Vaa.nijo nagaramhaa bha.n.daani ki.nitvaa pi.takesu pakkhipitvaa rajjuyaa bandhitvaa pesesi.
merchant / from town / goods / having bought / in boxes / having packed / with rope / having tied / [to] market / sent
The merchant bought the goods from the town, packed (them) in boxes, tied (the boxes) with a rope and sent (them) to the market.
9. Saarathinaa aaha.te rathe va.d.dhakii nisinno hoti.
by charioteer / brought / in chariot / carpenter / seated / is
The carpenter is seated in the chariot brought by the charioteer.
10. Sabbe (all) paa.nino diighajiivino na bhavanti/honto.
all / beings / long living ones / are not
All beings do not have long lives.
11. Ammaa va.d.dhakinaa geha.m kaaraapetvaa daarikaahi saha tattha (there) vasi.
mother / carpenter / house / build / with girls / there / lived
The mother got the carpenter to build a house and lived there with the girls.
12. Maya.m ma.nayo vatthena ve.thetvaa mañjuusaaya.m nikkhipitvaa bhariyaana.m pesayimha.
we / gems / in cloth / having wrapped / in box / having placed / to wives / sent
Having wrapped the gems in cloth and placed in a box, we sent (them) to (our) wives.
13. Muni paapakaari.m pakkosaapetvaa dhamma.m desetvaa ovadi.
sage / evil-doer / having summoned / doctrine / having preached / advised
Having summoned the evil-doer, the sage preached the doctrine and advised (him).
14. Balinaa bhuupatino dinna.m kari.m oloketu.m tumhe sannipatittha.
by powerful one / to king / given / elephant / to look / you / assembled
You assembled to look at the elephant given to the king by the powerful one.
15. Aha.m se.t.thii ku.t.thi.m pakkosaapetvaa bhojana.m (food) daapesi.m.
I / millionaire / leper / having got...summoned / food / got...given
I, the millionaire, called the leper and caused him to be given food.
16. Sace girimhi sikhino vasanti, te (them) passitu.m aha.m giri.m aaruhitu.m ussahissaami.
if / peacocks / in mountain / live / them / to see / I / mountain / to climb / will try
If the peacocks live in the mountain, I will try to climb the mountain to see them.
17. Bhuupati sappuriso abhavi/ahosi; mantino paapakaarino abhavi.msu/ahesu.m.
king / righteous man / was / ministers / evil-doers / were
The king was a righteous man, the ministers were evil-doers.
18. Balinaa kaaraapitesu paasaadesu se.t.thino puttaa na vasi.msu.
by powerful ones / got..built / in palaces / banker's / sons / did not live
The banker's sons did not live in the palaces the powerful ones got built.
19. Sabbe paa.nino sukha.m pariyesamaanaa jiivanti, kammaani karonti.
all / living beings / happiness / seeking / live / deeds / performing
All beings live seeking happiness and performing deeds.
20. Saamii ma.nayo ca ca ki.nitvaa bhariyaaya adadi/adaasi.
husband / gems and / gold and / having bought / to wife / gave
The husband bought gems and gold and gave to (his) wife.
21. Asanisadda.m (sound of thunder) sutvaa girimhi sikhino naccitu.m
peal of thunder / having heard / in mountain / peacocks / to dance / began
After hearing the peal of thunder, peacocks in the mountain began to dance.
22. Maa balino paapakaarii hontu/bhavantu.
not / powerful men / evil doers / may/should be
Powerful men should not be evil doers.
Alt: May the powerful ones not be evil doers.
23. Sappurisaa kusala.m karontaa, manussehi puñña.m kaarentaa, sukhino bhavanti.
good men / merits / doing / people / good / do / happy / become
Righteous men doing good get people engaged in meritorious deeds and become happy.
24. Kavi asinaa ari.m pahari; kavi.m paharitu.m asakkonto ari kuddho ahosi.
poet / with sword / enemy / hit / poet / to hit / unable / enemy / angry / was
The poet hit the enemy with a sword; unable to hit the poet, the enemy was angry.
25. Kapayo rukkhesu carantaa pupphaani ca chindi.msu.
monkeys / on trees / moving / flowers (and) / destroyed
The monkeys moving on the trees destroyed the flowers.
Translate into Pali
1. Followed by the evil hunter the elephants ran in the forest.
anubandhitaa / paapakaarinaa / luddakena / hatthino / dhaavi.msu / a.taviya.m
Paapakaarinaa luddakena anubandhitaa hatthino a.taviya.m dhaavi.msu.
2. The leper took the garments given by the husband.
ku.t.thii / ga.nhi / saa.take / dinne / saaminaa
Ku.t.thii saaminaa dinne saa.take ga.nhi.
3. Leopards living in the forest do not fear lions living in the caves.
diipayo / vasantaa / araññamhi / na bhaayanti / siihehi / vasantehi / guhaasu
Diipayo araññamhi vasantaa guhaasu vasantehi siihehi na bhaayanti.
4. Singing a song, the boys danced with the girls in the hall.
gaayantaa / giita.m / kumaaraa / nacci.msu / daarikaahi saha / saalaaya.m
Giita.m gaayantaa kumaaraa saalaaya.m daarikaahi saha nacci.msu.
5. Mothers with their daughters spread lotuses on the flower altar (pupphaasane).
ammaayo / dhiituuhi saha / pattari.msu / padumaani / pupphaasane
Ammaayo dhiituuhi saha pupphaasane padumaani patthari.msu.
6. If the boys drink liquor, the girls will become angry and will not sing.
sace / kumaaraa / piveyyu.m / sura.m / kumaariyo / kujjhitvaa / na gaayissanti
Sace kumaaraa sura.m piveyyu.m kumaariyo kujjhitvaa na gaayissanti.
7. The farmer got angry with the evil doer (use gen.) who harassed the cows grazing in the field.
kassako / kujjhi / paapakaarissa / vihe.thentassa / gaaviyo / khaadantiyo / / khettasmi.m
Kassako khettasmi.m khaadantiyo gaaviyo vihe.thentassa paapakaarissa
8. The banker got the carpenter to build a mansion for his sons.
se.t.thii / va.d.dhakinaa / kaaresi / paasaada.m / puttaana.m
Se.t.thii va.d.dhakinaa puttaana.m paasaada.m kaaresi.
9. May the deities protect the good king governing the island righteously.
devaa / rakkhantu / sappurisa.m / bhuupati.m / paalenta.m / diipa.m / dhammena
Devaa dhammena diipa.m paalenta.m sappurisa.m bhuupati.m rakkhantu.
10. May all (sabbe) living beings live long happily.
Lit: May all living beings be happy and long-living.
sabbe / paa.nino / hontu/bhavantu / sukhino / diighajiivino
Sabbe paa.nino sukhino diighajiivino hontu/bhavantu.