Introduction to Pali
Please refer to the text for better understanding of the grammatical topics.
1st first person
2nd second person
3rd third person
I first conjugation class
II second conjugation class
III third conjugation class
IV fourth conjugation class
V fifth conjugation class
VI sixth conjugation class
VII seventh conjugation class
acc accusative case
act active voice
adj adjective
adv adverb
aor aorist
conj conjunctive
dem demonstrative
enc enclitic
f feminine
f-aa feminine noun
fut future tense
gen genitive case
ger gerund
imp imperative mood
ind indicative
indec indeclinable
ins instrumental case
m masculine
m-a, m-an,
m-ant, m-i,
m-u masculine noun
n neuter
n-a neuter noun
neg negative
nom nominative case
pas passive voice
per personal
pl plural
pp past participle
ppr present participle
pron pronoun
sg singular
voc vocative case