The New Pali Course Part I
Exercise 21-A: Translate into English.
1. Cattaaro purisaa catuuhi pharasuuhi cattaari rukkhaani chinditvaa aaharissanti.
four / men / [with] four / axes / four / trees / having cut / will bring
Four men will cut and bring four trees with four axes.
2. Taa tisso itthiyo imehi tiihi maggehi ta.m a.tavi.m gantvaa tissana.m ka~n~naana.m phalaani ada.msu.
those / three / women / [by] these / three / paths / that / forest / having gone / [to] three / girls / three / fruits / gave
Having gone to that forest by these three paths, those three women gave three fruits to the three girls.
3. Ekissa.m saalaaya.m sata.m purisaa pa~n~naasaa itthiyo ca nisiidissanti.
[in] one / [in] hall / 100 / men / 50 / women / and / will sit
The hundred men and fifty women will sit in one hall.
4. Maya.m ito navahi divasehi pa~ncahi kumaarehi saddhi.m Ko.lambanagara.m gamissaama.
we / from here / [by] boats / after nine days / five / boys / with / [to] Colombo / will go
We will go from here to Colombo after nine days with five boys.
5. Pa~nca daasaa dasanna.m assaana.m bahu.m, appaka.m udaka.m ca aahari.msu.
five / slaves / 10 / [to] horses / a lot of / grass / a little / water / and / brought
Five slaves brought a lot of grass and a little water to ten horses.
6. Viisati purisaa dasahi go.nehi cattaari khettaani kasanti.
20 / men / [with] ten / oxen / 4 / fields / plough
Twenty men plough four fields with ten oxen.
7. Vaa.nijo kahaapa.naana.m dviihi satehi a.t.tha asse ki.nitvaa te catunna.m dhanavantaana.m
merchant / [with] coins / two / hundred / eight / horses / having bought / them / four / rich ones / sold
Having bought eight horses with two hundred coins, the merchant sold them to four rich people.
8. Taasa.m channa.m itthiina.m cha bhaataro mahanta.m pabbata.m aaruhitvaa cha kapayo aanesu.m.
[of] those / six / women / six / brothers / big / rock / having brought / six / monkeys
Having climbed a big mountain, the six brothers of those six women brought six monkeys.
9. Taasa.m maataa dasa ambe ki.nitvaa catassanna.m dhiitaraana.m dadissati.
their / mother / ten / mangoes / having bought / [to] four / daughters / will give
Having bought ten mangoes, their mother will give to the four daughters.
10. Idaani La`nkaaya.m pa~nca-cattaa.liisa-satasahassa.m manussaa vasanti.
now / in Sri Lanka / also / fourty-five / 100000 / live
4.5 Million people live now in Sri Lanka.
11. Pubbe Saavatthinagare manussaana.m satta ko.tiyo vasi.msu.
in eastern / [in] city of Saavatthi / [of] people / 7 / crores / lived
Seven crores of people lived in the eastern city of Saavatthi.
Alt: Formerly, seven crores of people lived in Saavatthi.
12. Tumhe ito dviihi vassehi Anuraadhapura.m gantvaa tattha nava divase vasantaa mahante cetiye passissatha.
you / from now / after two years / [to] Anuraadhapura / having gone / there / nine / days / big / shrines / will see
Having gone to Anuraadhapura two years from now and staying there for nine days, you will see big shrines.
13. Daaso ekena hatthena dve naa.likere itarena eka.m panasa~n ca harati.
slave / [with] one / hand / two coconuts / [with] other / one / jackfruit / and / carries
The slave carries two coconuts with one hand and one jackfruit with the other.
14. Aha.m cattaari vassaani nagare vasitvaa tato pacchaa tayo maase gaame vasissaami.
I / four / years / [in] / city / having lived / from there / afterwards / three / months / [in] village / will live
Having lived four years in the city, thereupon afterwards I will live three months in the village.
Exercise 21-B: Translate into Pali.
1. Four women bought eight mangoes and gave them to the two daughters.
catasso / vanitaayo / ki.nitvaa / a.t.tha / ambe / desu.m / te / dvinna.m / dhiitaraana.m
Catasso vanitaayo a.t.tha ambe ki.nitvaa dvinna.m dhiitaraana.m te desu.m.
2. Tomorrow five men will go to the forest and cut ten trees with their five axes.
suve / pa~nca / naraa / gantvaa / ara~n~na.m / chindissanti / dasa / rukkhe / tesa.m / pa~ncabhi / pharasuuhi
Suve pa~nca naraa ara~n~na.m gantvaa tesa.m pa~ncabhi pharasuuhi dasa rukkhe chindissanti.
3. Three girls went separately to three tanks and each bought thirty flowers.
tisso / ka~n~naayo / gantvaa / visu.m / tisso / vaapiyo / ek'ekaa / / ti.msati / pupphaani
Tisso vaapiyo visu.m gantvaa tisso ka~n~naayo ek'ekaa ti.msati pupphaani
4. In this hall there are five hundred men and three hundred women.
imissa.m / saalaaya.m / bhavanti / pa~nca / sataani / naraa / ca / tiini / sataani / vanitaayo
Imissa.m saalaaya.m pa~nca sataani naraa ca tiini sataani vanitaayo ca bhavanti.
5. There are five thousand people, one thousand cattle and five hundred houses in this town.
bhavanti / pa~nca / sahassaani / naraa / sahassa.m / gaavo / ca / pa~nca / sataani / gehaa / imasmi.m / nagare
Pa~nca sahassaani naraa sahassa.m gaavo pa~nca sataani gehaa ca imasmi.m nagare bhavanti.
6. The seven brothers of the five girls went to that forest and killed eight deer.
satta / bhaataro / pa~ncananna.m / ka~n~naana.m / gantvaa / ta.m / vana.m / maaresu.m / a.t.tha / mige
Pa~ncananna.m ka~n~naana.m satta bhaataro ta.m vana.m gantvaa a.t.tha mige maaresu.m.
7. We lived in Colombo for eight years and nine months.
maya.m / viharimha / Ko.lambanagare / a.t.tha / vassaani / ca / nava / maase
Maya.m Ko.lambanagare a.t.tha vassaani nava maase ca viharimha.
8. They will go to live there again three years and two months hence.
te / gamissanti / vasitu.m / tattha / puna / tayo / vasse / ca / dve / maase / tato pacchaa
Te tato pacchaa tayo vasse dve maase ca puna tattha vasitu.m gamissanti.
9. Having bought three clothes the father gave them to his three children.
ki.nitvaa / tiini / vatthaani / pitaa / dadi / te / tassa / tissanna.m / daarakaana.m
Pitaa tiini vatthaani ki.nitvaa tassa tissanna.m daarakaana.m dadi.
10. Ten men with 20 oxen are ploughing these five fields.
dasa / naraa / viisatiihi / go.nehi / kasanti / imaani / pa~nca / khettaani
Viisatiihi go.nehi saha dasa naraa imaani pa~nca khettaani kasanti.
11. Sixty elephants came out of the city and thirty of them entered the forest.
sa.t.thi / hatthino / nikkhamma / nagaraa / ti.msati / tesaana.m / paavisi.msu / vana.m
Sa.t.thi hatthino nagaraa nikkhamma tesaana.m ti.msati vana.m paavisi.msu.
12. Of the twelve horses bought by me one is sold to another man.
dvaadasananna.m / assaana.m / kiitaana.m / mayaa / eko / vikkiito / a~n~nassa / naraaya
Dvaadasananna.m assaana.m mayaa kiitaana.m eko a~n~nassa naraaya vikkiito.
13. The slave having brought 25 coconuts sold 20 of them to a woman.
daaso / aaharitvaa / pa~ncaviisati.m / naa.likere / / tesaana.m / viisati.m / vanitaaya
Daaso pa~ncaviisati.m naa.likere aaharitvaa tesaana.m viisati.m vanitaaya
14. Two merchants bought two horses for three hundred pieces (of kahaapa.nas).
dve / vaa.nijaa / / dve / asse / tiihi / satehi / kahaapa.naana.m
Dve vaa.nijaa kahaapa.naana.m tiihi satehi dve asse
15. Five million people live in the island of Ceylon.
pa~n~naasati-satasahassa.m / manussaa / vasanti / La`nkaaya.m
Pa~n~naasati satasahassa.m manussaa La`nkaaya.m vasanti.