The New Pali Course Part I
Exercise 20-A: Translate into
1. Rattaa gaaviyo khette aahi.ndantiyo bahu.m
red / cows / [in] field / wandering
/ much / grass / ate
The red cows wandering in the field ate a lot of grass.
2. Uccaa kumaarii niila.m vattha.m paridahitvaa mahanta.m
nagara.m gamissati.
tall / girls / blue / cloth / having
worn / big / city / will go
Having worn a blue cloth, the tall girls will go to the big city.
3. Bahavo manussaa diighaahi rajjuuhi setaa dhenuyo bandhitvaa
gambhiira.m nadi.m hari.msu.
many / people / long / [with] ropes
/ white / cows / having bound / deep / river / led
Having bound the white cows with long ropes, many people led them to the deep river.
4. Amhaaka.m bahuuna.m bandhavaana.m puttaa dubbalaa honti.
our / [of] many / [of] relations /
sons / feeble / are
The sons of our many relations are feeble.
5. Pa.n.ditassa purisassa saa baalaa bhaginii pakkaani
phalaani ocinitvaa appakaana.m daarakaana.m adaasi.
[of] wise / [of] man / that / foolish
/ sister / ripe / fruits / having collected / few / boys / gave
Having collected ripe fruits, that foolish sister of the wise man gave
them to a few boys.
6. Tassaa mahallikaaya itthiyaa daharo nattaa uttaane jale
[of] that / old / [of] woman / young
/ grandson /[in] shallow / [in] water / takes a bath
The young grandson of that old woman takes a bath in shallow water.
7. Tasmi.m ucce rukkhe .thito vaanaro imasmi.m niice tarumhi
nisinne pakkhino oloketi.
[in] that / high / [in] tree / stood
/ monkey / [in] this / low / [in] tree / seated / birds / looks at
The monkey that stood in that high tree looks at the birds seated in
this low tree.
8. Maalinii naarii rassena maggena khuddaka.m gaama.m gacchi.
wearing a garland / woman / short /
[through] path / small / [to] village / went
The woman wearing a garland went to the small village through a short
9. Daharaa ka~n~naa mudunaa hatthena rattaani padumaani
young / girl / soft / [with] hand /
red / lotuses / takes
The young girl takes the red lotuses with her soft hand.
10. Balavanto appakam pi dhana.m labhitvaa dubbale manusse
powerful / few / also / wealth /
having obtained / feeble / men / oppress
Having obtained also a little wealth, the powerful oppress the feeble
11. Balavantaa kaa.laa go.naa uccesu giriisu aahi.n.ditvaa
bahuuni ti.naani khaadanti.
powerful / black / cows / high /
[on] mountains / having wandered / a lot of / grass / eat
The powerful black cows wander on the high mountains and eat a lot of
12. Bahunna.m baalaana.m puttaa tassaa nadiyaa gambhiire jale
patitvaa mari.msu.
many / [of] young ones / sons / that
/ [from] river / deep / [in] water / having fallen / died
Sons of many foolish people fell in that river's deep water
and died.
13. Mama bhaataraana.m majjhimo niice pii.the nisiiditvaa
aama.m phala.m khaadati.
my / [of] brothers / middle-brother
/ low / [on] chair / having sat / unripe / fruit / eats
Having sat on a low chair, my middle-brother eats an unripe fruit.
14. Maya.m suve majjhima.m vaapi.m gantvaa setaani padumaani
niilaani uppalaani ca aaharissama.
we / tomorrow / medium / tank /
having gone / white / lotuses / blue / waterlilies / will bring
Tomorrow we will go to the medium tank and bring/gather white lotuses
and blue waterlilies.
15. Tumhe mahallake dubbale ca purise disvaa maa hasatha.
you / old / feeble / and / men /
having seen / not / laugh
Having seen old and feeble men, you should not laugh.
Exercise 20-B: Translate into
1. A white cow drank much water from that big tank.
seto / / pivi / bahu.m /
udaka.m / taaya / mahantiyaa / vaapiyaa
Seto taaya mahantiyaa vaapiya bahu.m udaka.m pivi.
2. Wearing red cloths many girls are going to the big market
in that large city.
paridahantii / rattaani / vatthaani / bahukaayo
/ ka~n~naayo / gacchantii / mahanta.m / / tasmi.m / mahante /
Rattaani vatthaani paridahantii bahukaayo ka~n~naayo tasmi.m mahante nagare
mahanta.m gacchanti honti.
3. The sons of that elderly woman are neither powerful nor
puttaa / tassaa / mahallakaaya /
vanitaaya / honti / vaa / balavantaa / na / dhanavantaa
Tassaa mahallakaaya vanitaaya puttaa balavantaa vaa dhanavantaa vaa na
4. Our young ones always like to eat many unripe fruits.
amha.m / susavo / sadaa / icchanti /
bhu~njitu.m / bha.n.daani / bahuuni / aamaani / phalaani
Amha.m susavo sadaa bahuuni aamaani phalaani bhu~njitu.m icchanti.
5. That foolish woman went to that long river and fell in its
deep water.
saa / baalaa / vanitaa / gantvaa /
ta.m / diigha.m / nadi.m / pati / tassa / gambhiire / jale
Saa baalaa vanitaa ta.m diigha.m nadi.m gantvaa tassa gambhiire jale pati.
6. Water in this pond is not deep but shallow.
udaka.m / imaaya.m / pokkhara.niya.m
/ hoti / na / gambhiira.m / uttaana.m
Udaka.m imaaya.m pokkhara.niya.m na gambhiira.m uttaana.m hoti.
7. My old (elderly) aunt brought a long rope to bind that red
mama / mahallakaa / maatulaanii /
aahari / diigha.m / rajju.m / bandhitu.m / ta.m / ratta.m / dhenu.m
Mama mahallakaa maatulaani ta.m ratta.m dhenu.m bandhitu.m
diigha.m rajju.m aahari.
8. The powerful man cut many tall and dwarf trees in that
small garden.
balavaa / puriso / chindi / bahuvo /
ucce / ca / rassa / rukkhe / tasmi.m / khuddake / aaraame
Balavaa puriso tasmi.m khuddake aaraame bahuvo ucce rassa ca rukkhe
9. Sitting on a low chair the young girl eats a ripe mango got
from her mother.
nisiidantii / niice / pii.the /
daharaa / ka~n~naa / khaadati / pakka.m / amba.m / laddha.m / tassaa /
Niice pii.the nisiidantii daharaa ka~n~naa tassaa ammaaya laddha.m
pakka.m amba.m khaadati.
10. Much grass is brought by the slaves from that small field
on the bank of that wide river.
bahu.m / / aaha.ta.m /
daasebhi / tamhaa / khuddakamhaa / khettamhaa / kuule / tassaa /
vitthataaya / nadiyaa
Bahu.m tassaa vitthataaya nadiyaa kule tamhaa khuddakamhaa
khettamhaa daasebhi aaha.ta.m.
11. White lotuses and blue lilies are bought by that feeble
maiden from the elderly man.
setaani / padumaani / ca / niilaani
/ uppalaani / kiitaani / honti / taaya / dubbalaaya / ka~n~naaya /
mahallakamhaa / naramhaa
Setaani padumaani niilaani uppalaani ca mahallakamhaa naramhaa taaya
dubbalaaya ka~n~naaya kiitaani honti.
12. The black oxen are sleeping on the rough ground near that
high mountain.
kaa.laa / go.naa / sayantaa / kharaaya.m /
bhuumiya.m / santika.m / tassa / uccassa / girino
Kaa.laa go.naa tassa uccassa girino santika.m kharaaya.m bhuumiya.m sayantaa honti.
13. The young boy's soft hand is burnt by the flame of that
small lamp.
daharassa / kumarassa / mudu /
hattho / hoti / da.d.dho / accinaa / tassa / khuddakassa / diipassa
Daharassa kumarassa mudu hattho tassa khuddakassa diipassa accinaa
da.d.dho hoti.
14. Many people will cross the great ocean and come to see
this beautiful little island.
bahuvo / purisaa / taritvaa /
mahanta.m / udadhi.m / aagamissanti / passitu.m / ima.m / suruupa.m /
khuddaka.m / diipa.m
Bahuvo purisaa mahanta.m udadhi.m taritvaa ima.m suruupa.m khuddaka.m
diipa.m passitu.m aagamissanti.
15. In this beautiful city there are big houses, wide streets,
long paths, and many gardens.
imasmi.m / suruupe / nagare /
bhavanti / mahantaa / gehaa / vitthataayo / visikhaayo / diighaa /
maggaa / bahuvo / aaraamaa
Imasmi.m suruupe nagare mahantaa gehaa vitthataayo visikhaayo diighaa
maggaa bahuvo aaraamaa ca bhavanti.