The New Pali Course Part I
Exercise 19-A: Translate into English.
1. Hiiyo ara~n~na.m gato so puriso ahinaa da.t.tho mari.
yesterday / [to] forest / gone / that / man / [from] serpent / bitten
/ died
Yesterday, the man, who has gone to the forest and was bitten by a serpent, died.
2. Rukkhato oti.n.naa pakkhii daarakena sakkharaahi hataa honti.
[from] trees / descended / birds / [by] boy / [with]
gravel(s) / killed / are
The birds which have descended from the trees are killed with gravel by the boy.
3. Purisena pharasunaa chinno so rukkho tassa gehassa upari pati.
[by] man / [with] axe / cut / that / tree / his / [of] house / over / fell
That tree which was cut by a man with an axe, fell over his house.
4. Gaamato nikkhantaa taa gaaviyo khette khaaditvaa vaapito jala.m pivissanti.
from the village / that have come out / those / cows / [in] field /
grass / having eaten / from the tank / water / will drink
Those cows that have come out from the village will eat grass in the field and drink water from the tank.
5. Vaa.nijehi nagarato aaha.taani bhandaani imesu gaamesu manussehi kiitaani
[by] merchants / from the city / brought / goods / [in] these /
villages / [by] men / bought / are
The goods that have been brought from the city by the merchants are bought by men in these villages.
6. Taaya ka~n~naaya pakka.m odana.m a.tavito aagataa tassaa bhaataro bhu~njitvaa sayissanti.
[by] that / girl / cooked / rice / from the forest / come / her /
brothers / having eaten / will sleep
Her brothers who have come from the forest will eat the rice cooked by that girl and sleep.
7. Pitaraa vutta.m anussarantii saa yuvatii taaya laddha.m dhana.m ga.nhitu.m na icchi.
[by] father / told / remembering / that / maiden / [from] her /
received / wealth / to take / not / wished
Remembering being told by her father, that maiden did not wish to take the wealth she received.
8. Ekena hatthinaa chinna.m saakha.m a~n~naa hatthiniyo gahetvaa khaadi.msu.
[by] one / [by] elephant / cut / branch / other / she-elephants /
having taken / ate
The other she-elephants took and ate the branch cut by one elephant.
9. Kuto tumhehi imaani vatthaanii taani padumaani ca kiitaani?.
from where / you / these / cloths / those / lotuses / and / bought
From where have you bought these cloths and those lotuses?
10. Kuddho so bhuupati tasmi.m nagare vutthe sabbe manusse tato niihari.
enraged / that / king / [in] that / city / lived / all / people / from
there / ejected
The enraged king ejected all people who lived in that city from there.
11. Sappena da.t.tho vaa.nijassa putto tassa daasehi ekassa vejjassa santika.m niito hoti.
[by] snake / bitten / [of] merchant / son / his / [by] slaves / [of]
one / doctor / near / carried / is
The merchant's son, who was bitten by a snake, is carried before one doctor by his slaves.
12. Idha imasmi.m pii.the nisinna.m kumaari.m gehato aagataa a~n~naa daarikaa pahari.
here / [on] this / [on] chair / sat / girl / from the house / come /
other / girl / beat
Another girl who came from the house beat that girl who sat here on this chair.
13. Taaya paha.taa saa ka~n~naa tassaa maatuyaa santika.m gataa rodantii
[by] her / beaten / that / girl / her / mother / near / gone / crying
/ stood
That girl who went close to her mother was beaten by her and stood crying.
14. Magge gachantaa te purisaa taaya dhenuyaa bhinna.m gha.ta.m passi.msu.
[on] road / going / those / men / [by] this / [by] cow / broken /
water-pot / saw
Those men who are going on the road saw a water-pot broken by this cow.
15. Bhuupati tehi manussehi kataani gehaani passitvaa tesa.m muula.m adaasi.
king / [by] those / [by] men / made / houses / having seen / [to] them
/ money / gave
Having seen the houses made by those men, the king gave them money.
Exercise 19-B: Translate into Pali.
1. The peacock, having descended from the tree, has gone now to the rock.
mayuuro / / rukkhato / gato / idaani /
Rukkhato so mayuuro, idaani gato.
2. Having been bitten by a serpent the boy was carried to a physician.
da.t.tho / ahinaa / kumaaro / / vejja.m
Ahinnaa da.t.tho so kumaaro vejja.m
3. This woman does not like to take the money received from her sister.
aya.m / vanitaa / na / icchati / ga.nhitu.m / muula.m / laddha.m /
tassaa / bhaginiyaa
Tassaa bhaginiyaa muula.m laddha.m aya.m vanitaa ga.nhitu.m na icchati.
4. The man who has come from that village bought (some) goods from this market.
naro / aagato / tamhaa / gaamamhaa / / bha.n.daani / imamhaa /
Tamhaa gaamamhaa aagato so naro imamhaa aapa.namhaa bha.n.daani
5. Remembering his mother's words the boy did not go to the dead man.
anussaranto / tassa / maatuyaa / vacana.m / kumaaro / na / gacchi /
mata.m / nara.m
Tassa maatuyaa vacana.m anussaranto so kumaaro mata.m nara.m na gacchi.
6. My aunt's cows will come out of the forest and will eat the grass mowed and brought by the slave woman.
mama / maatulaaniyaa / dhenuyo / nikkhammissanti / vanamhaa /
khaadissanti / tina.m / chinna.m / aaha.ta.m / daasiyaa
Mama maatulaaniyaa dhenuyo vanamhaa nikkhamma daasiyaa chinna.m aaha.ta.m ca
7. Having seen a man sleeping on the bed the householder told his boy not to go near him.
passitvaa / nara.m / sayanta.m / ma~nce / gahapati / kathesi /
tassa / daarake / na / gantu.m / santika.m / ta.m
Ma~nce sayanta.m nara.m passitvaa gahapati tassa daarake ta.m santika.m na
gantu.m kathesi.
8. A deer was seen by the maiden who was cooking rice for her mother.
migo / di.t.tho / ka~n~naaya / pacantiyaa / bhatta.m / tassaa / ammaaya
Tassaa ammaaya bhatta.m pacantiyaa ka~n~naaya migo di.t.tho.
9. The rice that was cooked by her is given to beggars and crows.
odano / pakko / taaya / ahosi / dinno / yaacakaana.m / ca / kaakaana.m
Taaya pakko odano yaacakaana.m kaakaana.m ca dinno ahosi.
10. The house made by them was broken by an elephant.
geho / kato / tebhi / bhinno / hatthinaa
Geho tebhi kato hatthinaa bhinno.
11. The enraged king killed all men who came to the city.
kuddho / bhuupati / maaresi / sabbe / nare / aagate / nagara.m
Kuddho so bhuupati nagara.m aagate sabbe nare maaresi.
12. The branch broken by the elephant fell on the ground, and afterwards your cows ate its leaves.
saakhaa / bhinnaa / hatthinaa / pati / bhuumiya.m / pacchaa /
tumha.m / dhenuyo / khaadi.msu / tassa / pa.n.naani
Hatthinaa bhinnaa saakhaa bhuumiya.m pati, pacchaa tumha.m dhenuyo tassa pa.n.naani
13. The garland received from the queen by that girl is given to another girl.
maalaa / laddhaa / raajiniya / taaya / ka~n~naaya / dinnaa / a~n~naaya
/ ka~n~naaya
Taaya ka~n~naaya raajiniya laddhaa maalaa a~n~naaya ka~n~naaya dinnaa.
14. The rice given to them was eaten by the slaves and the beggars.
odana.m / dinna.m / tesaana.m / bhutta.m / daasehi / ca / yaacakehi
Tesaana.m dinna.m odana.m daasehi ca yaacakehi ca bhutta.m.
15. The horse bought by the millionaire is carried by a charioteer.
asso / kiito / se.t.thinaa / ha.ta.m / saarathinaa
Se.t.thinaa kiito asso saarathinaa ha.ta.m.