Pali Day by Day

The New Pali Course Part I

Exercise 18-A: Translate into English.

1. Gaama.m gacchanto daarako eka.m disvaa bhaayi.
[to] village / going / boy / one / ox / having seen / got afraid
Going to the village, the boy saw one ox and got afraid.

2. Daarikaa rodantii ammaaya santika.m gantvaa pi.the nisiidati.
girl / crying / [to] mother / near / having gone / [on] chair / sits down
Crying, the girl goes near to the mother and sits on the chair.

3. Vaa.nijaa bha.n.daani vikki.nantaa nadiya.m nahaayante manusse passi.msu.
merchants / goods / selling / [in] river / bathing / people / saw
The merchants who are selling goods, saw people bathing in the river.

4. Ka~n~naayo hasamaanaa nahaayantiyo gacchanti.m vanita.m akkosi.msu.
girls / laughing / bathing / going / woman / scolded
The girls who are laughing and bathing, scolded a woman who is going.

5. Puriso hasanto rukkha.m aaruhitvaa phalaani khaadanto saakhaaya.m nisiidi.
man / laughing / tree / having climbed / fruits / eating / [on] branch / sat
The man climbed the tree laughing, and sat on the branch eating fruits.

6. Bhagavaa Saavatthiya.m viharanto devaana.m manussaana.m ca dhamma.m desesi.
Exalted One / [in] Savatthi / living / [to] gods / [to] men / doctrine / taught
Living in Savatthi, the Exalted One taught the doctrine to the gods and men.

7. Saa sayanti.m itthi.m u.t.thaapetvaa hasamaanaa tamhaa .thaanaa apagacchi.
she / sleeping / woman / having awakened /laughing / [from] that / place / went away
Having awakened the sleeping woman, she went away from that place laughing.

8. Tumhe bhuumiya.m kii.lamaana.m ima.m daaraka.m ukkhipitvaa ma~nce .thapetha.
you / [on] floor / playing / this / boy / having raised up / [in] bed / place
You, pick up this boy playing on the floor and place him in bed.

9. Siiha.m disvaa bhaayitvaa dhaavamaanaa te migaa asmi.m vane aavaa.tesu pati.msu.
lion / having seen / having feared / running / those / deers / [in] this / forest / [in] pits / fell
Having seen and feared the lion, those running deers fell in the pits in this forest.

10. Imasmi.m gaame vasantaana.m purisaana.m eko pharasu.m aadaaya vana.m gacchanto ekaaya* kaasuya.m pati.
[in] that / [in] village / [of] living / [of] men / one / axe / took / [to] forest / going / a / [in] pit / fell
One of the men living in this village took the axe and fell in a pit while going to the forest.

11. Nisiidantiyaa naariyaa putto rodamaano tassaa santika.m gamissati.
[of] sitting / [of] woman / son / crying / her / near / will go
The son of the sitting woman will go near her while crying.

12. Yaacakaa bhatta.m pacanti.m itthi.m disvaa ta.m aahaara.m yaacantaa tattha nisiidi.msu.
beggars / rice / cooking / woman / having seen / her / food / begging / there / sat down
Having seen a woman cooking rice, the beggars sat down there while begging her for food.

13. Vanamhaa daaruunii aaharantii ka~n~naa ekasmi.m udaka.m pivamaanaa niisiidi.
[from] forest / firewoods / bringing / girl / [on] a / [on] stone / water / drinking / sat down
The girl who was bringing firewoods from the forest sat down on a stone while drinking water.

14. Vaa.nijaa bha.n.daani ki.nantaa vikki.nantaa ca gaamesu nagaresu ca aahi.n.danti.
merchants / goods / bying / selling / and / [in] villages / [in] cities / and / wander about
The merchants wander about in villages and cities (while) buying and selling goods.

15. Daana.m dadanto so dhanavaa siilavante gavesati.
charity / giving / that / rich one / virtuous ones / seeks
Giving charity that rich man seeks the virtuous ones.

* The feminine locative singular can be either ekaaya or ekaaya.m.

Exercise 18-B: Translate into Pali.

1. Going to the river the slave sat at the foot of a tree, eating (some) fruit.
gacchanto / nadi.m / daaso / nisiidi / paade / ekassa / rukkhassa / khaadanto / phalaani
Nadi.m gacchanto daaso ekassa rukkhassa pade phalaani khaadanto nisiidi.

2. The mother, having raised the crying girl, gave her (some) milk.
ammaa / u.t.thaapetvaa / rodanti.m / ka~n~na.m / dadi / ta.m / khiira.m
Ammaa rodanti.m ka~n~na.m u.t.thaapetvaa ta.m khiira.m dadi.

3. Walking on the river bank we saw (some) people bathing in the river.
carantaa / kuule / maya.m / passimhaa / eke / manusse / nahaayante / nadiya.m
Maya.m kuule carantaa nadiya.m nahaayante eke manusse passimhaa.

4. Seeing us there, a deer began to run and fell in a pit.
passanto / amhaaka.m / tattha / eko / migo / aarabhitvaa / dhaavitu.m / pati / ekaaya.m / kaasuya.m
Eko migo tattha amhaaka.m passanto, dhaavitu.m aarabhitvaa ekaaya.m kaasuya.m pati.

5. Coming out of the forest the lion saw a cow eating grass on that field.
nikkhamanto / vanamhaa / siiho / passi / eka.m / dhenu.m / khaadanti.m / / tamhi / khette
Vanamhaa nikkhamanto siiho tamhi khette eka.m khaadanti.m dhenu.m passi.

6. Bringing firewood from this forest the maiden drank water from that tank.
aaharanta / daaru.m / imamhaa / vanamhaa / ka~n~naa / pivi / udaka.m / taaya / vaapiyaa
Ka~n~naa imamhaa vanamhaa daaru.m aaharantii taaya vaapiyaa udaka.m pivi.

7. A certain man living in this village saw a leopard running to that mountain.
a~n~nataro / naro / viharanto / imasmi.m / gaame / passi / diipi.m / dhaavanta.m / ta.m / giri.m
A~n~nataro naro imasmi.m game viharanto ta.m giri.m dhaavanta.m diipi.m passi.

8. Our fathers and brothers will wander through villages and towns, (while) selling and buying goods.
amhaaka.m / pitaro / ca / bhaataro / aahi.n.dissanti / gaamehi / ca / nagarehi / vikki.nantaa / ca / ki.nantaa / bha.n.daani
Amhaaka.m pitaro ca bhaataro ca bha.n.daani vikki.nantaa ca ki.nantaa ca gaamehi ca nagarehi ca aahi.n.dissanti.

9. Standing on the mountain that day, I saw a lioness sleeping in a cave.
ti.t.thanto / girimhi / ta.m / divasa.m / aha.m / passi.m / siihi.m / sayanti.m / guhaaya.m
Ta.m divasa.m girimhi ti.t.thanto, aha.m guhaaya.m sayanti.m siihi.m passi.m.

10. The boy came to me, laughing and running.
kumaaro / aagacchi / ma.m / hasanto / ca / dhaavanto
Kumaaro hasanto dhaavanto ca ma.m aagacchi.

11. Carrying a drum for his aunt, the farmer sat on this rock, looking at these trees and fields.
haranto / eka.m / dundubhi.m / tassa / maatulaaniyaa / kassako / nisiidi / imasmi.m / / passanto / ime / rukkhe / ca / khettaani
Tassa maatulaaniyaa eka.m dundubhi.m haranto, kassako ime rukkhe khettaani ca passanto imasmi.m nisiidi.

12. The Buddha, living in Savatthi for a long time, preached His doctrine to the people of that city.
Buddho / viharanto / Saavatthiya.m / cira.m / desesi / tassa / Dhamma.m / manussaana.m / tassa / nagarassa
Buddho, cira.m Saavatthiya.m viharanto, tassa nagarassa manussaana.m tassa Dhamma.m desesi.

13. While cooking (some) rice, his sister sat singing on a chair.
pacantii / odana.m / tassa / bhaginii / nisiidi / gaayantii / pii.the
Odana.m pacantii, tassa bhaginii gaayantii pii.the nisiidi.

14. Giving alms to the beggars the millionaire spent all his wealth.
dadanto / daana.m / yaacakaana.m / se.t.thii / vissajjesi / sabba.m / tassa / dhana.m
Se.t.thii yaacakaana.m daana.m dadanto se.t.thii sabba.m tassa dhana.m vissajjesi.

15. Playing on the road the boys saw a man running from there.
kii.lantaa / magge / kumaaraa / passi.msu / nara.m / dhaavanta.m / tato
Kumaaraa magge kii.lantaa tato eka.m dhaavanta.m nara.m passi.msu.

Series A

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30
+ Lesson 31
+ Lesson 32

Series B

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12

Series C

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30

Series D

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

+ Exercise 1
+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22
+ Exercise 23
+ Exercise 24
+ Exercise 25
+ Exercise 26
+ Exercise 27
+ Exercise 28

Series F

+ Exercise 1
+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22