Pali Day by Day

The New Pali Course Part I

Exercise 17-A: Translate into English.

1. Aya.m siiho tamhaa vanamhaa nikkhamma imasmi.m magge .thatvaa eka.m itthi.m maaresi.
this / lion / [from] that / forest / having come out / [on] this / path / having stood / one / woman / killed
This lion came out of that forest, stood on this path and killed one woman.

2. So taasa.m yuvatiina.m taani vatthaani vikki.nitva taasa.m santikaa muula.m labhissati.
he / [to] those / maidens / those / cloths / having sold / money / [from] them / will get
Having sold those cloths to those women, he will get money from them.

3. Imissaa dhiitaro tamhaa vanamhaa imaani phalaani aahari.msu, a~n~naa naariyo taani khaaditu.m ga.nhi.msu.
[of] this / daughters / [from] that / forest / these fruits / brought / other / women / them / to eat / took
The daughters of this (woman) brought these fruits from that forest, other women took them to eat.

4. Imaa sabbaa yuvatiyoo ta.m aaraama.m gantvaa dhamma.m sutvaa Buddha.m padumehi puujessanti.
these / all / women / that / monastery / having gone / having heard / doctrine / Buddha / [with] lotuses / will honour
Having gone to that monastery and having heard the doctrine, all these women will honour the Buddha with lotuses.

5. Ime manussaa yaani pu~n~nani vaa paapaani vaa karonti taani te anugacchanti.
these / men / who / good actions / or / sins / do / those things / them / follow
Whatever (yaani) good or bad actions these (ime) men do, they (taani, the actions) follow them (te, the men).

6. Tassaa ka~n~naaya maataa dakkhi.naaya disaaya ima.m gaama.m aagantvaa idha cira.m vasissati.
[of] that / girl / mother / [in] southern / direction / [to] this / village / having come / here / for a long time / will live
Having come to this village in the southern direction, the mother of that girl will live here for a long time.

7. Tassa nattaa imassa bhaataraa saddhi.m Ko.lambanagara.m gantvaa taani bhan.daani vikki.nissati.
his / grandson / of this / brother / with / [to] Colombo/ having gone / those / goods / will sell
Having gone with the brother of this (man) to Colombo, his grandson will sell those goods.

8. Taa naariyo etaasa.m sabbaasa.m kumaariina.m hatthesu padumaani .thapesu.m, taa taani haritvaa cetiya.m puujesu.m.
those / women / [of] these / [of] all / [of] girls / [in] hands / lotuses / placed / they / them / having carried / [to] shrine / offered
Those women placed the lotuses in the hands of all these girls; they carried them and offered (them) to the shrine.

9. Tassaa raajiniyaa etaa daasiyo imehi rukkhehi pupphaani ocinitvaa imaa maalaayo kari.msu.
[of] that / queen / these / woman slaves / [from] these / [from] trees / flowers / having collected / these / garlands / made
Having collected the flowers from these trees, these woman slaves of that queen made these garlands.

10. Kesa.m so ima.m dhana.m datvaa sukha.m labhissati?
to whom / he / this / wealth / having given / will get / happiness
To whom will he give this wealth and get happiness?

11. Yo magge gacchati, tassa putto sura.m pivitvaa ettha sayati.
who / [on] road / goes / his / son / alcohol / having drunk / here / sleeps
The one who goes on the road, his son drank alcohol and slept here.

12. Ke ta.m khetta.m gantvaa aaharitvaa imaasa.m gaaviina.m datvaa khiira.m labhitu.m icchanti?
who / that / [to] field / having gone / grass / having brought / [to] these / [to] cows / having given / milk / to get / wish
Having gone to that field, brought the grass and given it to these cows, who wish to get milk?

Exercise 17-B: Translate into Pali.

1. A certain man having gone to that cemetery gathered those flowers and brought them here.
a~n~nataro / puriso / gantvaa / ta.m / susaana.m / ocinitvaa / taani / pupphaani / aahari / te / ettha
A~n~nataro puriso ta.m susaana.m gantvaa taani pupphaani ocinitvaa ettha te aahari.

2. This lioness having come out from that forest killed a cow in this place.
aya.m / siihii / nikkhamma / tamhaa / vanamhaa / dhenu.m / maaresi / imasmi.m / .thaanasmi.m
Aya.m siihii tamhaa vanamhaa nikkhamma imasmi.m .thaanasmi.m dhenu.m maaresi.

3. The husband of that woman bought these clothes from that market and gave them to his grandsons.
bhattaa / tassaa / vanitaaya / ki.nitvaa / imaani / vatthaani / tamhaa / aapa.namhaa / adadi / tassa / nattaaraana.m
Tassaa vanitaaya bhattaa tamhaa aapa.namhaa imaani vatthaani ki.nitvaa tassa nattaaraana.m adadi.

4. Whose servants will go to Colombo to buy goods for you and me?
Lit. The servants of whom will go to Colombo to buy goods for you and me?
upa.t.thaakaa / kassa* / gamissanti / Ko.lambanagara.m / ki.nitu.m / bha.n.daani / tava / ca / mama
Kassa upa.t.thaakaa tava mama ca bha.n.daani ki.nitu.m Ko.lambanagara.m gamissanti?

5. Tomorrow his brothers will go to that forest and collect honey and fruits.
suve / tassa / bhaataro / gantva / ta.m / vana.m / ocinissanti / madhu.m / ca / phalaani
Suve tassa bhaataro ta.m vana.m gantva madhu.m ca phalaani ca ocinissanti.

6. Her sisters went to that field (in order) to bring grass for these cows.
tassaa / bhaginiyo / gacchi.msu / ta.m / khetta.m / aaharitu.m / / imaasa.m / dhenuuna.m
Tassaa bhaginiyo imaasa.m dhenuuna.m aaharitu.m ta.m khetta.m gacchi.msu.

7. I got these lotuses and flowers from a certain woman of that village.
aha.m / imaani / padumaani / ca / pupphaani / a~n~nataraaya / vanitaaya / tassa / gaamassa
Aha.m tassa gaamassa a~n~nataraaya vanitaaya imaani padumaani ca pupphaani ca labhi.m.

8. Today all maidens of this city will go to that river and will bathe in it.
ajja / sabbaa / ka~n~naayo / imassa / nagarassa / gantvaa / ta.m / nadi.m / nahaayissanti / tassa.m
Ajja imassa nagarassa sabbaa ka~n~naayo ta.m nadi.m gantvaa tassa.m nahaayissanti.

9. They brought those goods to a merchant in that market.
te / aahari.msu / taani / bha.ndaani / vaa.nijassa / tamhi / aapa.namhi
Te tamhi aapanamhi vaa.nijassa taani bha.ndaani aahari.msu.

10. Having sold those cows to the merchants, they bought clothes, garlands and umbrellas with that money.
vikki.nitvaa / taayo / dhenuyo / vaa.nijaana.m / te / / vatthaani / maalaayo / ca / chattaani / tena / muulena
Vaa.nijaana.m taayo dhenuyo vikki.nitvaa te tena muulena vatthaani ca maalaayo ca chattaani ca

11. Who are those men that killed a lion yesterday in this forest?
ke / santi / te / naraa / ye / maaresu.m / siiha.m / hiiyo / asmi.m / vanasmi.m
Ke te naraa (santi) ye asmi.m vanasmi.m hiiyo siiha.m maaresu.m?
Ye asmi.m vanasmi.m hiiyo siiha.m maaresu.m, ke te naraa (santi)?

12. Which woman stole her garland and ran through this street?
kaa / vanitaa / coretvaa / tassaa / maala.m / dhaavi / imaaya / visikhaaya
Kaa vanitaa tassaa maala.m coretvaa imaaya visikhaaya dhaavi?

* If one interprets the 'whose' as plural, then it would be 'kesa.m'. See Warder, p.70 and p.73 for the differences between a relative pronoun and an interrogative one.

Series A

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30
+ Lesson 31
+ Lesson 32

Series B

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12

Series C

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30

Series D

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

+ Exercise 1
+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22
+ Exercise 23
+ Exercise 24
+ Exercise 25
+ Exercise 26
+ Exercise 27
+ Exercise 28

Series F

+ Exercise 1
+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22