An Elementary Pali Course Lesson XXII
Exercise 22-A: Translate into English.
1. "Raajaa bhavatu dhammiko."
king / / righteous
"May the king be righteous."
dhammika = dhamma + ika [Nr]
2. "Socati puttehi* puttimaa**."
grieves / because of sons / he who has sons
He who has sons grieves because of the sons.
puttima = putta + ima [Nr]
3. Tava pa.n.diccena mama ki.m payojana.m?
your / with wisdom / to me / what / use
Of what use is your wisdom to me?
pa.n.dicca = pa.n.dita + ya [Nr]
4. Aha.m mama maataapitara.m*** sadaa dvikkhattu.m vandaami.
I / my / mother and father / always / twice / pay respect
I always greet my mother and father twice.
maataapitara.m = maatara.m ca pitara.m ca [D]
dvikkhattu.m = dvi + kkhattu.m [Nr]
5. Manussattam'pi labhitvaa kasmaa tumhe pu~n~na.m na karotha?
manhood-too / having obtained / why / you / good / do not
Having also obtained the human state, why do you not do good?
manussatta = manussa + tta [Nr]
6. Eso saddho daayako sabbadaa siila.m sammaa rakkhati.
this / faithful / supporter / everyday / precepts /
properly / observes
This faithful supporter observes the precepts properly everyday.
saddha = saddhaa + a [Nr]
daayaka = daa + aka [Vr]****
7. Sabbesu devamanussesu sammaa-sambuddho pana se.t.tho hoti.
among all / among gods and men / fully enlightened one /
but / best / is
But the Fully Enlightened One is the best among all gods and men.
devamanussesu = devesu ca manussesu ca [D]
8. Imesa.m dvinna.m saavakaana.m aya.m pana jeyyo seyyo ca hoti.
of these / of two / of disciples / this / however / older
/ better / and / is
However, of these two disciples, this is older and better.
jeyya = ji + iya [Nr]
seyya = /root + iya [Nr]*****
9. Tasmi.m vaa.nijo daarumayabha.n.daani na vikki.naati.
in that / in shop / merchant / wooden goods / does not
The merchant in that shop does not sell wooden goods.
daarumaya = daaru + maya [Nr]
daarumayabha.n.daani = daarumayaani + bha.n.daani [K]
10. Yo saddho vaa pa~n~no vaa ya.m ya.m desa.m gacchati so tatth'eva puujito
which / faithful or / wise or / whichever / place / goes /
he / there-just / venerated / is
Whichever place that the faithful or the wise goes, he is venerated right there.
11. Mahaara~n~no kani.t.thaputto imasmi.m ra.t.the
se.t.tharaajabha.n.daagaariko hoti.
great king's / youngest son / in this / in country / chief
treasurer of the king / is
The youngest son of the great king is the chief treasurer of the king in this
mahaara~n~no = mahato + ra~n~no [K]
kani.t.tha = kan + i.t.tha [Nr]
kani.t.thaputto = kani.t.tho + putto [K]
se.t.tharaajabha.n.daagaariko = se.t.tho + raajabha.n.daagaariko [K]
raajabha.n.daagaariko = ra~n~no-bha.n.daagaariko [T]
12. Amhaaka.m antevaasikaana.m ka.niyo pana venayiko, kani.t.tho pana
our / of students / younger / but (is) / one who studies Vinaya / youngest / but
(is) / one who studies Abhidhamma
The younger of our pupils studies the Vinaya while the youngest studies the
antevaasiko = ante-vaasiko [T]
ka.niya = kan + iya [Nr]
venayika = vinaya + ika [Nr]
kani.t.tha = kan + i.t.tha [Nr]
aabhidhammika******* = abhidhamma + ika [Nr]
13. Lokiyajanaa pu~n~napaapa.m katvaa sugatiduggatiisu uppajjitvaa bahudhaa
kaayikasukhadukkha.m bhu~njanti.
worldlings / good and bad / having done / happy and evil states / having been
born / in many ways / bodily happiness and pain / partake
The worldlings, having done good and bad, are born in happy and evil states and
partake in physical happiness and pain in many ways.
lokiyajanaa = lokiyaa + janaa [K]
pu~n~napaapa.m = pu~n~na.m ca paapa.m ca [D]
sugatiduggatiisu = sugatiisu ca duggatiisu ca [D]
bahudhaa = bahu + dhaa [Nr]
kaayikasukhadukkha.m = kaayika.m + sukhadukkha.m [K]
kaayika = kaayaa + ika [Nr]
sukhadukkha.m = sukha.m ca dukkha.m ca [D]
14. "Tesa.m saccena siilena - khantimettabalenaca
their / by truth / by virtue / and by power of patience and loving kindness
"By their truth and virtue - And by the power of patience and loving
Te pi tva.m anurakkhantu - aarogyena sukhena ca."
they / so / you / may...protect / with health / with happiness / and
May they so protect you - In health and happiness."
khantimettabala.m = khantimetta.m'eva bala.m [K]
khantimetta.m = khanti ca metta.m ca [D]
anurakkhati = anu + rakkhati [Vf]
aarogya = aroga + ya [Nr]
* Ablative case.
** The word 'puttimaa' is nominative (inflected like gu.navaa).
*** Original sentence has maataapitare.
**** See Lesson 23.
***** See explanation by Rett here:
****** See Exercise 14A-10.
******* Also abhidhammika.
[K]ammadhaaraya {[n]umerical}
[N]ominal De[r]ivative
[V]erbal De[r]ivative
[V]erbal Pre[f]ix
Exercise 22-B: Translate into Pali.
1. What is the good of your manhood if you do no good to others?
ki.m / attha.m / tava / manussattassa / sace / tva.m /
na kareyyaasi / pu~n~na.m / a~n~nesa.m
Sace tva.m pu~n~na.m a~n~nesa.m na kareyyaasi, ki.m tava manussattassa attha.m?
manussatta [Nr]
2. Every bodily deed is mind-made.
sabba.m / kaayikakamma.m / hoti / manomaya.m
Sabba.m kaayikakamma.m manomaya.m hoti.
kaayikakamma [K] / manomaya [Nr]
3. His eldest brother is the most virtuous boy in the school.
tassa / je.t.thabhaataa / hoti / /
Tassa je.t.thabhaataa paa.thasaalaaya hoti.
je.t.thabhaataa [K] / je.t.tha [Nr] / paa.thasaalaa [K] /
[K] / [Nr]
4. The great multitude sat in the hall in different ways.
mahajanataa / nisiidi / saalaaya.m / bahudhaa
Mahajanataa saalaaya.m bahudhaa nisiidi.
mahajanataa [K] / janataa [Nr] / bahudhaa [Nr]
5. Health is the best wealth.
aarogya.m / hoti / se.t.thadhana.m
Aarogya.m se.t.thadhana.m hoti.
Alt: Aarogya.m paramadhana.m.*
aarogya [Nr] / se.t.thadhana.m [K] / se.t.tha [Nr]
6. It is a Buddha who understands the nature of a Buddha in every way.
so / hoti / Buddho / yo / bujjhati / Buddhadhammata.m /
Yo sabbathaa Buddhadhammata.m bujjhati so Buddho hoti.
sabbathaa [Nr] / Buddhadhammataa [K] / dhammataa [Nr]
7. I went to see the treasurer several times.
aha.m / agami.m / passitu.m / bha.n.daagaarika.m /
Aha.m bha.n.daagaarika.m bahukkhattu.m passitu.m agami.m.
bha.n.daagaarika [Nr] / bahukkhattu.m [Nr]
8. All ships are not made of iron.
sabbaa / naavaa / na honti / ayomayaa
Sabbaa naavaa ayomayaa na honti.
9. What is the use of worldly goods to monks and nuns?
ki.m / payojana.m / lokiyabha.n.dehi /
Ki.m payojana.m bhikkhubhikkhuniina.m lokiyabha.n.dehi?
bhikkhubhikkhuniina.m [D] / lokiyabha.n.da [K] / lokiya [Nr]
10. He advised me in every way to strive to attain Buddhahood.
so / ovadi / ma.m / sabbaso / parakkamitu.m / adhigantu.m
/ Buddhabhaava.m
So Buddhabhaava.m adhigantu.m parakkamitu.m ma.m sabbaso ovadi.
Buddhabhaava [B] / adhigacchati [Vf] / parakkamati [Vf] / sabbaso [Nr]
11. Twice I wrote to him, but he did not send a reply even once.
dvikkhattu.m / aha.m / likhi.m / tassa / pana / so / na
pesesi / patilekhana.m / eva / ekakkhattu.m
Aha.m tassa dvikkhattu.m likhi.m, so pan'eva** patilekhana.m ekakkhattu.m na
dvikkhattu.m [Nr] / patilekhana [K] / ekakkhattu.m [Nr]
12. My youngest brother is the wisest of all.
amha.m / kani.t.thabhaataa / hoti / medhi.t.tho / sabbesu
Amha.m kani.t.thabhaataa sabbesu medhi.t.tho hoti.
kani.t.thabhaataa [K] / kani.t.tha [Nr] / medhi.t.tha [Nr]
13. The righteous and wise men are very few.
dhammikaa / ca / medhaavino / (santi) / katipayaa
Dhammikaa ca medhaavino ca katipayaa.
dhammika [Nr] / medhaavii [Nr]
14. Wooden beds are better than iron*** beds.
daarumayama~ncaa / sundarataraa / ayomayama~ncehi
Daarumayama~ncaa ayomayama~ncehi sundarataraa.
daarumayama~nca [K] / daarumaya [Nr] / ayomayama~nca [K] / ayomaya [Nr]
* From Dhammapada Verse 204.
** Sandhi, see Lesson 24.
*** Use the Ablative case.