Pali Day by Day

An Elementary Pali Course Lesson XXI

Exercise 21-A: Translate into English.

1. "Maa nivatta abhikkama."
do not / turn back / go forward
"Do not turn back, go forward."

nivattati = ni-vattati [Vf]
abhikkamati = abhi-k-kamati [Vf]

2. Puttadhiituuhi maataapitaro yathaasatti sa`nga.nhetabbaa.
sons and daughters / mothers and fathers / according to their abilities / should be treated
Parents should be treated by (their) sons and daughters according to their abilities.

puttadhiituuhi = puttehi ca dhiituuhi ca [D]
maataapitaro = maataro ca pitaro ca [D]
yathaasatti = yathaa-satti [A]

3. Idh'aagacchatha, bhikkhavo, yathaavu.d.dha.m* vandatha.
here-come / monks / according to seniority / pay respect
Come here, monks, pay (your) respect according to seniority.

yathaavu.d.dha.m = yathaa-vuddha [A]

4. Sace'pi dujjanaa yaavajiiva.m sujane bhajeyyu.m tesa.m koci'pi attho na bhaveyya.
if-even / evil ones / till life lasts / good men / should associate / to them / any-at all / good / should not be
Even if the evil ones should associate (with) the good men for life, (it) should not be (of) any good to them at all.

dujjana = du-j-jana [K]
yaavajiiva.m = yaava-jiiva [A]
sujana = su + jana [K]

5. Sudesita.m Buddhadhamma.m ugga.nhaami yathaabala.m.
well-preached / Buddha's doctrine / (I) learn / according to strength
I learn the well-preached doctrine of the Buddha according to my strength.

sudesita = su-desita [Vf]
Buddhadhamma.m = Buddhassa-dhamma.m [T]
yathaabala.m = yathaa-bala [A]

6. Sabbe devamanussaa manussaloke vaa devaloke vaa yathaakamma.m uppajjanti.
all / gods and men / human world or / heavenly world or / according to deeds / are born
All gods and men are born in the human world or the heavenly world according to deeds.

devamanussaa = devaa ca manussaa ca [D]
manussaloke = manussaana.m-loke [T]
devaloke = devassana.m-loke [T]
yathaakamma.m = yathaa-kamma [A]

7. **Taav'aaha.m Paa.libhaasa.m ugga.nhaami.
still-I / Pali language / learn
(I) still learn the Pali language.

Api ca kho pana*** tassa bhaasaaya pa.tilekhana.m likhitu.m vaayamaami.
nevertheless / his / in language / letter in reply / to write / strive
Nevertheless, (I) strive to write a letter in reply in his language.

pa.tilekhana = pa.ti-lekhana [K]

8. Tass'antevaasikaa gaamanigamesu vicaritvaa suriyodaye**** nagara.m
his-pupils / in villages and market towns / having wandered / at sunrise / [at] city / arrived
His pupils, having wandered in villages and hamlets, reached the city at sunrise.

antevaasikaa = ante-vaasikaa [T]
gaamanigamesu = gaamesu ca nigamesu ca [D]

9. Senaapatiputto anupubbena tassa ra.t.the senaapati ahosi.
general's son / in course of time / his / in country / general / became
In the course of time, the general's son became the general in his country.

senaapatiputto = senaapatissa-putto [T]
anupubba.m = anu-pubba [A]

10. "Iti h'eta.m vijaanaahi pa.thamo so paraabhavo."
thus / indeed-this / learn! / first / he / defeat
Thus, learn this indeed: it is the first failure!
Alt: "Know that to be so indeed: that is the first failure."

paraabhavo = paraa-bhavo [K]

11. Duranubodha.m abhidhamma.m yathaabala.m pa.n.ditaa-sotuuna.m desetu.m va.t.tati*.
difficult to understand / higher Doctrine / according to strength / to wise hearers / to preach / it is fit
It is fit to preach to the wise hearers according to (their) strength the higher Doctrine (which is) difficult to understand.

duranubodha.m = du-r-anubodha [Vf]
abhidhamma.m = abhi-dhamma [K]
yathaabala.m = yathaa-bala [A]

12. Uparaajaa pa.tiraajaana.m abhibhavitu.m upanagara.m gato.
viceroy / hostile kings / to overcome / [to] suburb / is gone
The viceroy is gone to the suburb to overcome the hostile kings.

uparaajaa = upa + raajaa [K]
pa.tiraajaa = pa.ti + raajaa [K]
upanagara.m = upa-nagara [A]

13. Sattasattaaha.m so niraahaaro'va vane vasi.
seven-seven-day / he / without food-so / in forest / lived
So he lived seven weeks in the forest without food.

niraahaara = ni-r-aahaara [B]

14. Mahaase.t.thino corabhayena yathaasukha.m na supi.msu.
multi-millionaires / with fear from thief / comfortably / did not sleep
Having fear of the thief, the multi-millionaires did not sleep comfortably.

mahaase.t.thino = mahaa + se.t.thino [K]
corabhayena = corasmaa-bhayena [T]
yathaasukha.m = yathaa-sukha [A]

15. "Attaa hi kira duddamo."
self / indeed / truly / difficult to tame
"Indeed self truly (is) difficult to tame."

duddama = du-d-dama [B]

* yathaavu.d.dha.m = yathaavuddha.m
** taava = still
*** api ca kho pana = nevertheless
**** See Lesson 24. Also compare Ex.12B-14.
***** va.t.tati = it is fit

[K]ammadhaaraya {[n]umerical}
[V]erbal Pre[f]ix

Exercise 21-B: Translate into Pali.

1. The viceroy became the king in due course.
uparaajaa / bhavi / raajaa / anupubba.m
Uparaajaa yathaakkamena raajaa bhavi.

uparaajaa = upa + raajaa [K]
anupubba.m = anu-pubba [A]

2. You should sit according to seniority.
tumhe / nisiideyyaatha / yathaavu.d.dha.m
Tumhe yathaavu.d.dha.m nisiideyyaatha.

yathaavu.d.dha.m = yathaa-vu.d.dha [A]

3. Just when the sun had set they in due course arrived in the suburb.
suriyattha`ngatey'eva / te / anupubba.m / / upanagara.m
Suriyattha`ngatey'eva anupubba.m te upanagara.m

suriyattha`ngate = suriya-attha`ngate [T]
anupubba.m = anu-pubba [A]
upanagara.m = upa-nagara [A] = [Vf]

4. Husbands should treat their wives and children according to their might.
bhattaro / sa`nga.nheyyu.m / (tesa.m) / daarakabhariyaayo ca / yathaasatti
Bhattaro daarakabhariyaayo yathaasatti sa`nga.nheyyu.m.
Alt: Bhattaro puttadaaraa* yathaasatti sa`nga.nheyyu.m.

daarakabhariyaayo = daarake ca bhariyaayo ca [D]
yathaasatti = yathaa-satti [A]

5. Good men and bad men do not always come together.
sujanaa ca / dujjanaa ca / sadaa / na samaagacchanti
Sadaa sujanaa ca dujjanaa ca na samaagacchanti.

sujana = su-jana [K]
dujjana = du-j-jana [K]
samaagacchati = sam-aagacchati [Vf]

6. I shall try to be a celibate as long as I live.
aha.m / vaayameyyaami / bhavitu.m / brahmacaarii / yaavajiiva.m
Aha.m yaavajiiva.m brahmacaarii bhavitu.m vaayameyyaami.

yaavajiiva.m = yaava-jiiva [A]

7. It is not right to sleep after meals as one wishes.
na va.t.tati / sottu.m / pacchaabhatta.m / yaavadattha.m
Yaavadattha.m pacchaabhatta.m sottu.m na va.t.tati.

yaavadattha.m = yaava-attha [A]
pacchaabhatta.m = pacchaa-bhatta [A]

8. He is yet studying the Higher Doctrine.
so / taava / ugga.nhati / abhidhamma.m
Taava so abhidhamma.m ugga.nhati.

Nevertheless he will try to teach it according to his strength.
api ca kho pana / so / vaayamissati / ugga.nhaapetu.m / ta.m / yathaabala.m
Api ca kho pana, (so) yathaabala.m (ta.m) ugga.nhaapetu.m vaayamissati.

abhidhamma = abhi-dhamma [K]
yathaabala.m = yathaa-bala [A]

9. Boys, I shall question you now.
daarakaa / aha.m / pucchaami / tumhe / idaani
Aha.m daarakaa idaani tumhe pucchaami.

You must give answers according to order.
tumhe / pa.tivadeyyaatha / yathaakkama.m
Tumhe yathaakkama.m pa.tivadeyyaatha.

yathaakkama.m = yathaa-kama [A]
pa.tivadati = pa.ti-vadati [Vf]

10. Pupils follow their teachers according to their ability.
antevaasikaa / anugacchanti / (tesa.m) / satthaaro / yathaasatti
Antevaasikaa yathaasatti satthaaro anugacchanti.

antevaasiko = ante-vaasiko [T]
yathaasatti = yathaa-satti [A]
anugacchati = anu-gacchati [Vf]

11. Take as much as you require and go away from this home.
gahetvaa / yaavadattha.m / nikkhamaahi / imamhaa / gharamhaa
(Tva.m) yaavadattha.m gahetvaa imamhaa gharamhaa nikkhamaahi.

yaavadattha.m = yaava-attha [A]

12. It is not right for good men to look down upon bad men and women.
na va.t.tati / sujanaa / avama~n~nitu.m / asaadhuu / naranaariyo
Sujanaa asaadhuu naranaariyo avama~n~nitu.m na va.t.tati.

sujana = su-jana [K]
naranaariyo = naraa ca naariyo ca [D]
avama~n~nati = ava-ma~n~nati [Vf]

13. The mind is indeed difficult to tame.**
mano / kira / hi / duddamo
Mano*** hi kira duddamo.
Alt: Mana.m*** hi kira duddamo.

The wise nevertheless overcome it by degrees.
pa.n.ditaa / api ca kho pana / atigacchanti / (ta.m) / anupubba.m
Api ca kho pana pa.n.ditaa anupubba.m atigacchanti.

duddama = du-d-dama [B]
anupubba.m = anu-pubba [A]
atigacchati = ati-gacchati [Vf]

14. When the moon arises darkness disappears.
candodaye**** / tamo / antaradhaayati
Candodaye tamo antaradhaayati.

candodaya = canda + udaya [T]

15. Healthy people do not eat and sleep as much as they like.
niirogaa / na bhu~njanti / na supanti / yaavadattha.m
Niirogaa yaavadattha.m na bhu~njanti yaavadattha.m na supanti.

niiroga = nii-roga [B]
yaavadattha.m = yaava-d-attha [A]

* Puttadaara = wife and children (family); puttadaaraa = families [see PED putta]
** Compare Ex21A-15.
*** Mana can be either masculine or neuter. If masculine: Mano hi... If neuter: Mana.m hi...
**** Compare Ex21A-8.

Series A

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30
+ Lesson 31
+ Lesson 32

Series B

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12

Series C

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30

Series D

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

+ Exercise 1
+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22
+ Exercise 23
+ Exercise 24
+ Exercise 25
+ Exercise 26
+ Exercise 27
+ Exercise 28

Series F

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+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22