Pali Day by Day

An Elementary Pali Course Lesson XX

Exercise 20-A: Translate into English.

1. "Sabbadaana.m dhammadaana.m jinaati."
all gifts / gift of truth / surpasses
"The gift of truth surpasses all gifts."

sabbadaana.m = sabba.m + daana.m [K]
dhammadaana.m = dhammam'eva daana.m [K]

2. "Aha.m te saddhi.m puttadhiituuhi daasii bhavissaami."
I / with you / by sons and daughters / maid-servant / will become
"I, with you, will become a maid-servant, by/with sons and daughters."

puttadhiituuhi = puttehi ca dhiituuhi ca [D]

3. "Tisara.nena saddhi.m pa~ncasiila.m detha me bhante."
with three-fold refuge / five-fold precept / may give / to me / Rev. Sirs
"Rev. Sirs, may you give the five-fold precept with the three-fold refuge to me." = tayo-sara.naani [Kn]
pa~ncasiila.m = pa~nca-siilaani [Kn]

4. "Iti'pi so Bhagavaa araha.m, sammaa-sambuddho,... satthaa devamanussaana.m..."
indeed-just so / such / the Blessed One / exalted / Fully Enlightened One / teacher / of gods and men
"Indeed so, such (is) the Blessed One, exalted, the Fully Enlightened One,... teacher of gods and men..."

devamanussaana.m = devaana.m ca manussaana.m ca [D]

5. "Maataapitaa disaa pubbaa, aacariyaa dakkhi.naa disaa."
mother and father / direction / eastern / teachers / south / direction
"Mother and father: eastern direction, teachers: southern direction.

maataapitaa = maataa ca pitaa ca [D]

6. Paraloka.m gacchanta.m puttadhiitaro vaa bhaataro vaa hatthigavaassa.m vaa na anugacchanti (follow).
[to] the other world / going / sons and daughters or / brothers or / elephants, cattle and horses or / do not follow
Sons and daughters, or brothers, or elephants, cattle and horses, do not follow (one) going to the other world.

puttadhiitaro = puttaa ca dhiitaro ca [D]
hatthigavaassa.m = hatthi ca gavo ca assaa ca [D]

7. Eko taru.navejjo vejjakamma.m karonto gaamanagaresu vicarati.
certain / young doctor / medical work / doing / in villages and cities / wanders
A certain young doctor wanders in cities and villages performing medical work.

taru.navejjo = + vejjo [K]
vejjakamma.m = vejjassa-kamma.m [T]
gaamanagaresu = gaamesu ca nagaresu ca [D]

8. Daarakadaarikaayo tesa.m maataapitunna.m ovaade .thatvaa ki~nci'pi paapakamma.m na karonti.
boys and girls / their / parents' / advice(s) / having heeded / any-at all / evil deeds / do not do
The children heed their parents' advice and do not do any evil deeds at all.

daarakadaarikaayo = daarakaa ca daarikaayo ca [D]
maataapitunna.m = maatunna.m ca pitunna.m ca [D]
paapakamma.m = paapa.m + kamma.m [K]

9. Siitodaka.m vaa u.nhodaka.m vaa aahara.
either cold water / or hot water / bring!
Bring either cold water or hot water!

siitodaka.m = siita.m + udaka.m [K]
u.nhodaka.m = u.nha.m + udaka.m [K]

10. Amhaaka.m Buddho pana pubbe Sumedhapa.n.dito naama ahosi.
our / Buddha / but / in former life / Sumedha the wise / by name / was
Our Buddha was but (known as) Sumedha the wise in (his) former life.

Sumedhapa.n.dito = Sumedho + pa.n.dito [K]

11. Sattasu dhanesu saddhaadhana.m pana pa.thama.m;
siiladhana.m dutiya.m, pa~n~naadhana.m sattama.m.
among seven / among wealth(s) / wealth of faith / yet / first / wealth of virtue / second / wealth of knowledge / seventh
Among the seven wealth(s), the wealth of faith (is) yet the first, the wealth of virtue (is) second, the wealth of knowledge (is) seventh.

saddhaadhana.m = saddhaa'eva dhana.m [K]
siiladhana.m = siila'eva dhana.m [K]
pa~n~naadhana.m = pa~n~naa'eva dhana.m [K]

12. Dvipadesu vaa catuppadesu vaa sadaa mettacittena vasitabba.m.
towards bipeds or / towards quadrupeds or / always / heart of loving kindness / (one) should live
One should always live with a heart of loving kindness towards bipeds and quadrupeds.

dvipadesu = dve-padesu [Kn]
catuppadesu = caturo-padesu [Kn]
mettacitta.m = mettam'eva citta.m [K]

13. Aha.m khii.naasave vaa na di.t.thapubbo, satthudhamma.m vaa na sutapubbo.
I / saints or / not seen before / teacher's doctrine or / not heard before
I have never before seen saints or heard the doctrine of the teacher.

khii.naasava = + aasava [B]
di.t.thapubba = di.t.tha + pubba [T]*
satthudhammo = satthussa-dhammo [T]
sutapubba = suta + pubba [T]*

14. Itthipurisaa sukhadukkha.m bhu~njamaanaa tibhave vicaranti.
men and womean / pain and pleasure / experiencing / three-fold existence / wander
Men and women experiencing pain and pleasure wander in the three-fold existence.

itthipurisaa = itthii ca purisaa ca [D]
sukhadukkha.m = sukha~n ca dukkha~n ca [D]
tibhava.m = tayo-bhavaa [Kn]

15. Amaccaputtaa raajabhayena mahaapaasaadato** nikkhami.msu.
minister's sons / with fear from king / from great palace / left
The minister's sons, fearing the king, left the great palace.

amaccaputtaa = amaccassa-puttaa [T]
raajabhayena = ra~n~naa-bhayena [T]
mahaapaasaado = mahataa + paasaadato [K]

16. Mayha.m antevaasikesu dve brahmacaarino saddhaacetasaa*** Buddhadesita.m dhamma.m sutvaa sama.nadhamma.m katvaa di.t.thadhammaa ahesu.m.
my / among pupils / two / ones who lead the holy life / with a heart of faith / preached by the Buddha / doctrine / having heard / duties of a monk / having done / ones who realised the truth / were
Two, among my students, leading a holy life with a heart of faith, having heard the doctrine preached by the Buddha and carried out the duties of a monk, had realised the truth.

antevaasikesu = ante-vaasikesu [T]
brahmacaarii = brahma + caarii [B]
saddhaacitta.m = saddhaa'eva citta.m [K]
Buddhadesita.m = Buddhena-desita.m [T]
sama.nadhamma.m = sama.nassa-dhamma.m [T]
di.t.thadhammo = di.t.tha + dhamma [B]

* See explanation by Ven. Dhammanando here:

** 'To' is another suffix for forming the Ablative. See also Exercise 14-A.

*** cetasaa is the instrument form of ceta [declined like mana, see PED]

[K]ammadhaaraya {[n]umerical}

Exercise 20-B: Translate into Pali.

1. The boys and girls are studying diligently.
daarakadaarikaayo / ugga.nhanti / appamaadena
Daarakadaarikaayo appamaadena ugga.nhanti.

daarakadaarikaayo = daarakaa ca daarikaayo ca [D]

2. The monks and nuns heard the Teacher's Doctrine and gained their Deliverance.
bhikkhubhikkhuniyo / sutvaa / satthudhamma.m / labhi.msu / tesa.m / mutti.m
Bhikkhubhikkhuniyo satthudhamma.m sutvaa tesa.m mutti.m labhi.msu.

bhikkhubhikkhuniyo = bhikkhuu ca bhikkhuniyo ca [D]
satthudhamma.m =satthussa-dhamma.m [T]

3. Sons and daughters should respect their parents.
puttadhiitaro / puujeyyu.m / tesa.m / maataapitaro
Puttadhiitaro tesa.m maataapitaro puujeyyu.m.

puttadhiitaro = puttaa ca dhiitaro ca [D]
maataapitaro = maataro ca pitaro ca [D]

4. Little children wash their hands and feet with hot water.
taru.nadaarakaa / dhovanti / (tesa.m) / hatthapaade / u.nhodakena
Taru.nadaarakaa u.nhodakena hatthapaade dhovanti.

taru.nadaarakaa = taru.naa + daarakaa [K]
u.nhodakena = u.nhena + udakena [K]
hatthapaade = hatthe ca paade ca [D]

5. O young men! You should not associate with evil friends.
taru.napurisaa / tumhe / na bhajeyyaatha / paapamittehi saddhi.m
Tumhe taru.napurisaa* paapamittehi saddhi.m na bhajeyyaatha.

taru.napurisaa = taru.naa + purisaa [K]
paapamittehi = paapehi + mittehi [K]

6. Sun and Moon shine in the sky.
candasuriyaa / dippanti / aakaase
Candasuriyaa aakaase dippanti.

candasuriyaa = cando ca suriyo ca [D]

7. My brother's son is a pupil in a village-school.
mayha.m / bhaatussa / putto / hoti / antevaasiko / gaamapaa.thasaalaaya.m
Mayha.m bhaatussa putto gaamapaa.thasaalaaya.m antevaasiko hoti.

gaamapaa.thasaalaaya.m = gaamassa-paa.thasaalaaya.m [T]
antevaasiko = ante-vaasiko [T]

8. Great beings are born amongst men for the good of the world.
mahaasattaa / uppajjanti / purisesu / atthaaya / lokassa
Mahaasattaa lokassa atthaaya purisesu uppajjanti.

mahaasattaa = mahantaa + sattaa [K]

9. In this vessel is well-water and in that is sea-water.
etasmi.m / gha.tasmi.m / atthi / kuupodaka.m / tasmi.m / atthi / samuddodaka.m
Etasmi.m gha.tasmi.m kuupodaka.m tasmi.m samuddodaka.m atthi.

kuupodaka.m = kuupassa-udaka.m [T]
samuddodaka.m =samuddassa-udaka.m [T]

10. The lion is the king of the quadrupeds.
siho / hoti / raajaa / catuppadaana.m
Siho catuppadaana.m raajaa hoti.

catuppadaana.m = caturo-padaana.m [Kn]

11. His pupils gave the three Refuges and the eight precepts to the male and female devotees.
tassa / antevaasikaa / ada.msu / ca / a.t.thasiila.m ca / upaasakopaasikaana.m
Tassa antevaasikaa upaasakopaasikaana.m ca a.t.thasiila.m ca ada.msu.

upaasakopaasikaana.m = upaasakaana.m ca upaasikaana.m ca [D] = tayo-sara.naani [Kn]
a.t.thasiila.m = a.t.tha-siilaani [Kn]

12. These chairs and beds were washed by the servants and maid-servants today.
etaani / ma~ncapii.thaani / dhovitaani / daasadaasiihi / ajja
Etaani ma~ncapii.thaani ajja daasadaasiihi dhovitaani.

ma~ncapii.thaani = ma~ncaa ca pii.thaani ca [D]
daasadaasiihi = daasehi ca daasiihi ca [D]

13. May I understand the four-fold Truth preached by the Buddha and be a Desireless One!
aha.m / bujjhitvaa / catusacca.m / desita.m / Buddhena / bhavaami / nitta.nho
(Aha.m) Buddhena desita.m catusacca.m bujjhitvaa nitta.nho bhavaami.

catusacca.m = cattaari-saccaani [Kn]
nitta.nho = ni + ta.nhaa [B]

14. These is no fear of death to the Saints.
na atthi / maccubhaya.m / arahantaana.m
Arahantaana.m maccubhaya.m na atthi.

maccubhaya.m = maccunaa-bhaya.m [T]

15. Never before have I seen white elephants or blue horses.
Lit: White elephants or blue horses are not seen before by me.
setahatthayo vaa / niilassaa vaa / na di.t.thapubbaa / mayaa
Setahatthayo vaa niilassaa vaa na mayaa di.t.thapubbaa.

setahatthayo = sete + hatthayo [K]
niilassaa = niile + assaa [K]
di.t.thapubba = di.t.tha + pubba [T]

16. By this gift of Truth may I be an all-knowing Buddha!
iminaa / Dhammadaanena / aha.m / bhavaami / Sabba~n~nubuddho
(Aha.m) iminaa Dhammadaanena Sabba~n~nubuddho bhavaami!

Dhammadaana = Dhammena'eva daanena [K]
Sabba~n~nubuddho = sabba~n~nuu Buddho [K]

* The vocative is used enclitically (i.e., cannot stand at the beginning of a sentence). See Warder p32.

Series A

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30
+ Lesson 31
+ Lesson 32

Series B

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12

Series C

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30

Series D

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

+ Exercise 1
+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22
+ Exercise 23
+ Exercise 24
+ Exercise 25
+ Exercise 26
+ Exercise 27
+ Exercise 28

Series F

+ Exercise 1
+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22