An Elementary Pali Course Lesson XI
Exercise 11-A: Translate into English.
1. Sabba~n~nuu bhikkhuuna.m dhamma.m desetu!
all-knowing one / to mendicants / doctrine / preach!
May the all-knowing one preach the doctrine to the mendicants!
2. Dhenu khaadatu!
cow / grass / eat!
Let the cow eat the grass!
3. Aavuso, a.taviyaa daaru.m aaharitvaa aggi.m karohi.
friend / from forest / fire-wood / having brought / fire / build!
Friend, bring fire-wood from the forest and build a fire.
4. Gahapatayo, bhikkhuusu maa kujjhatha.
householders / (with) monks / do not get angry!
Householders, do not get angry with the monks.
5. Bhikkhave, aha.m dhamma.m desessaami, saadhuka.m su.naatha.
monks / I / doctrine / will preach / well / listen!
Monks, I will preach the doctrine, listen well.
6. "Dhunaatha maccuno sena.m - na.laagaara.m'va ku~njaro."
destroy! / death's / army / house built of reeds-like / elephant
"Destroy the army of death - like the elephant a house built of reeds."
7. Yaavaa'ha.m gacchaami taava idha ti.t.thatha.
till-I / go / until / here / stand!
You stand here till I go.
8. Bhikkhuu pa~nha.m saadhuka.m bujjhantu!
monks / question / well / understand!
May the monks understand the question well!
9. Sissaa, sadaa kata~n~nuu hotha.
students / always / grateful / be!
Students, always be grateful.
10. Kata~n~nuno, tumhe aayu.m labhitvaa cira.m jiivatha!
grateful people / you / age / having attained / long /
Grateful people, may you attain (good old) age and live long!
11. "Dhamma.m pibatha, bhikkhavo."
Dhamma / drink! / monks
"Drink/Consume/Imbibe the Dhamma, monks."
12. Mayha.m cakkhuuhi paapa.m na passaami, Bhante.
my / with eyes / evil / do not see! / Venerable Sir
Let me not see evil with my eyes, Venerable Sir.
13. Dhenuyaa khiira.m gahetvaa madhunaa pibaama.*
cow's / milk / having gotten / with honey / drink!
Let us get the cow's milk and drink (it) with honey.
14. Aavuso, bhikkhuuna.m purato maa ti.t.thatha.
friends / of the monks / in front / do not stand!
Friends, do not stand before the monks.
15. Bhante, bhikkhumhaa maya.m pa~nha.m pucchaama.
Venerable Sir / from monk / we / question / ask!
Venerable Sir, let's (let us) ask the monk the question.
16. Naraa ca naariyo ca bhikkhuuhi dhamma.m saadhuka.m sutvaa pu~n~na.m katvaa sugatiisu uppajjantu!
men and / women and / from monks / Dhamma / well / having heard / good / having done / in happy states / are born!
May men and women listen well to the Dhamma from the monks, do good, and be born in happy states.
* The word 'saddhi.m' from the original question has been removed. A better
form of writing is "Dhenuyaa khiira.m gahetvaa madhunaa missaka.m pibaama.",
in which "madhunaa missaka.m" = "mixed with honey".
Exercise 11-B: Translate into Pali.
1. Let him salute the mendicants!
so / vandatu / bhikkhavo
So bhikkhavo vandatu!
2. May you live long, O All-Knowing One!
tva.m / jiiva / cira.m / sabba~n~nuu
Sabba~n~nuu, cira.m jiiva!
3. Do not give grass to the cows in the afternoon.
maa dehi / / dhenuuna.m / apara.nhe
Apara.nhe dhenuuna.m maa dehi.
4. Friend, do not go till I come.
aavuso / maa gaccha / yaava…taava / aha.m / aagacchaami
Aavuso, yaavaa'ha.m aagacchaami taava maa gaccha.
5. Reverend Sirs, may you see no evil with your eyes!
Bhante / tumhe / passatha / na paapa.m / tumhaaka.m / cakkhuuhi
Bhante, tumhaaka.m cakkhuuhi na paapa.m passatha!
6. Let us sit on the ground and listen to the advice of the Bhikkhus.
maya.m / nisiiditvaa / bhuumiyaa / su.naama / ovaada.m / bhikkhuuna.m
Maya.m bhuumiyaa nisiiditvaa Bhikkhuuna.m ovaada.m su.naama.
7. May you be grateful persons!
tumhe / hotha / kata~n~nuvo
Kata~n~nuvo hotha!
8. Let them stay here till we bring firewood from the forest.
te / ti.t.thantu / idha / yaava…taava / maya.m / aaharaama / daaru.m /
Yaava maya.m a.taviyaa daaru.m aaharaama taava te idha ti.t.thantu.
9. O young wives, do not get angry with your husbands.
vadhuyo / maa kujjhatha / (tumhaaka.m) / patiihi
Vadhuyo, patiihi maa kujjhatha.
10. May I destroy the army of death!
aha.m / dhunaami / sena.m / maccuno
Aha.m maccuno sena.m dhunaami!
11. May I drink rice-gruel with honey!
aha.m / pibaami / yaagu.m / madhunaa
Aha.m madhunaa yaagu.m pibaami!
12. May we know your age, O bhikkhu!
maya.m / jaanaama / tava / aayu.m / bhikkhu
Bhikkhu, maya.m tava aayu.m jaanaama!
13. Do not stand in front of the elephant.
maa ti.t.thaahi / purato / ku~njarassa
Maa ku~njarassa purato ti.t.thaahi.
14. O householders, treat your mothers and fathers well.
gahapatayo / sa`nga.nhaatha / tumhaaka.m / jananiyo ca /
janake ca / saadhuka.m
Gahapatayo, saadhuka.m tumhaaka.m jananiyo ca janake ca sa`nga.nhaatha.
15. Friends, do not offer rice-gruel to the Bhikkhus till we come.
mittaa / maa puujetha / yaagu.m / Bhikkhuuna.m / yaava…taava
/ maya.m / aagacchaama
Mittaa, yaava maya.m aagacchaama taava maa Bhikkhuuna.m yaagu.m puujetha.
16. Do not drink honey, child.
maa pibaahi / madhu.m / daaraka
Maa madhu.m pibaahi, daaraka.