Introduction to Pali Exercise 17
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Passage for Reading:—
bhuutapubba.m mahaa saka.ta-sattho saka.ta-sahassa.m puratthimaa janapadaa
pacchima.m janapada.m agamaasi.
in the past / great / cart caravan / cart thousand /
eastern / district / western / district / went
Once a large caravan of a thousand carts was travelling from the east to the
so yena yena gacchati khippa.m eva pariyaadiyati
it / wherever / it goes / quickly / just / it exhausts /
grass firewood water / green colour
Wherever it went, it quickly exhausted the grass, firewood, water, and green
tasmi.m kho pana satthe dve satthavaahaa ahesu.m;
in it / indeed / then / caravans / two / caravan-leader /
there were
It was comprised of two caravans and caravan-leaders;
eko pañcanna.m sakata-sataana.m, eko pañcanna.m saka.ta-sataana.m.
one / five / cart hundred / one / five / cart hundred
each one consisting of five hundred carts.
atha kho tesa.m sattha-vaahaana.m etad ahosi:
then / indeed / of these / of the caravan-leaders / thus /
it was
Then the following thought occurred to these caravan-leaders:
aya.m kho mahaa saka.ta-sattho saka.ta-sahassa.m.
this / indeed / great / cart caravan / cart thousand
“This indeed is a large cart caravan with a thousand carts.
te maya.m yena yena gacchaama khippam eva pariyaadiyati
they / we / wherever / we go / quickly / just / it
exhausts / grass firewood water / green colour
Wherever we go, they quickly exhaust the grass, firewood, water, and green
yan nuuna maya.m ima.m sattha.m dvidhaa vibhajeyyaama ekato pañca
which / is it not / we / this / caravan / in two / we
should divide / each / five / cart hundred
Should we not divide this caravan into two, each with five hundred carts?”
[D.II.342-3 – xxiii.23]
Translate into English:—
tena hi su.naahi, bhaasissaami
look here / Brahmin / listen / I will speak
Listen then, Brahmin, and I will speak.
[D.I.124 – iv.23]
diigha.m assasaami
long / I breathe in
I am breathing in a long breath.
[D.II.291 – xxii.2]
maa ekena dve agamittha
do not / by one (way) / two / go
Do not both go the same way.
[D.II.45 – xiv.3.22]
disvaa va maya.m ta.m bhagavanta.m Gotama.m gamissaama
having seen / just / we / this / Blessed One / Gotama / we
will go
After we have seen the Blessed One Gotama, we will leave.
[D.I.151 – vi.2]
devaa sabhaaya.m sannisinnaa honti
gods / in the assembly hall / seated together / they were
The gods were seated together in the assembly hall.
[D.II.225 – xix.14]
santaan’ eva nu kho saddaani naassosi, udaahu asantaani
existing / just / is it not / indeed / sounds / not he
heard / or / not existing
Are there any sounds he did not hear, or are there not?
[D.I.152 – vi.5]
aham pana agaarasmaa anagaariya.m pabbajissaami
I / then / from home / to homelessness / I will go forth
Then I will go forth from home to homelessness.
[D.III.64 – xxvi.8 ]
katame pañca
what / five
What are the five?
[D.II.85 – xvi.1.23]
kaamesu micchaa na caritabbaa
in the passions / misconduct / not / should be practiced
Misconduct in the passions should not be practiced
[D.III.62 – xxvi.6]
ya.m sukho bhava.m ta.m sukhaa maya.m, ya.m dukko bhava.m ta.m dukkhaa maya.m
which / happiness / being / that / happy / we / which /
suffering / being / that / suffering / we
Whatever happiness he has, that is our happiness; whatever suffering, that our
[D.II.233 – xix.33]
Translate into Pali:—
Brahmins declare (one) endowed with these five characteristics a Brahmin.
braahma.naa / paññaapenti / samannaagata.m / pañcehi /
a”ngehi /
pañcehi a”ngehi samannaagata.m braahma.naa paññaapenti.
[D.I.120 – iv.13]
Of these five characteristics let us except class, for what will class
imesa.m / pañcanna.m / a”ngaana.m / .thapayaama / / hi / ki.m / / karissati
imesa.m pañcanna.m a”ngaana.m .thapayaama, ki.m hi
[D.I.120 – iv.14]
“Don’t you bother, let the Brahmin Sonadanda discuss with me.”
ti.t.thatha / tu.mhe / / / mantetu
/ saddhi.m / mayaa / iti
ti.t.thatha tu.mhe, mayaa saddhi.m mantetuuti
[D.I.122 – iv.18]
When it had been spoken thus the Brahmin Sonadanda said this to the fortunate
one: “Let the honourable Gotama not trouble, let the honourable Gotama be
silent, I by myself will make a reply to them according to the doctrine.”
vutte / eva.m / / / avoca / etad /
Bhagavanta.m / bhava.m / Gotamo / ti.t.thatu / bhava.m / Gotamo / hotu / tu.nhii
/ aham / eva / karissaami / pa.tivacana.m / saha / tesa.m / dhammena / iti
eva.m vutte Bhagavanta.m etad avoca: ti.t.thatu bhava.m
Gotamo, tu.nhii bhava.m Gotamo hotu, aham eva tesa.m saha dhammena pa.tivacana.m
Then the Brahmin Sonadanda said this to those Brahmins: “Sirs! Do not speak
thus: ‘His honour Sonadanda surely disparages class, disparages prayers,
certainly his honour Sonadanda is going over to the argument of the philosopher
Gotama himself,’ I do not, sir, disparage either class or prayers.”
attha kho / / / avoca / etad / te
/ / bhavanto / ma / avacuttha / eva.m / bhava.m / / eva
/ apavadati / / apavadati / mante / eka.msena / bhava.m /
/ anupakkhandati / vaada.m / sama.nassa / Gotamassa / eva / iti / aha.m / na /
bho / apavadaami / vaa / / vaa / mante / iti
attha kho te etad avoca: ma bhavanto eva.m
avacuttha: apavadat’ eva bhava.m apavadati mante
eka.msena bhava.m sama.nass’ eva Gotamassa vaada.m
anupakkhandatii’ti. N’aaha.m bho apavadaami vaa mante vaa ti.
[D.I.122-123 – iv.19]
At that very time a young Brahmin called Angaka, a nephew of the Brahmin
Sonadanda, was sitting in that assembly.
tena / kho / samayena / pana / maa.navo / naama /
A”ngako / bhaagineyyo / braahma.nassa / So.nada.n.dassa / hoti / nisinno /
tassa.m / paarisaaya.m
tena kho pana samayena So.nada.n.dassa braahma.nassa bhaagineyyo A”ngako naama
maa.navo tassa.m paarisaaya.m nisinno hoti.
[D.I.123 – iv.20]
Do you see, sirs, this young Brahmin Angaka, our nephew? Yes, sir.
passattha (passanti no) / bhonto / ima.m / maa.navaka.m /
A”ngaka.m / amhaaka.m / bhaagineyya.m / iti / eva.m / bho
passattha (passanti no) bhonto ima.m A”ngaka.m maa.navaka.m amhaaka.m
bhaagineyyan ti. eva.m bho.
[D.I.123 – iv.20]
Where (there is ) virtue, there (there is) wisdom, where wisdom, virtue.
yattha / siila.m / tattha / pañña / yattha / pañña /
tattha / siila.m
yattha siila.m tattha pañña yattha pañña tattha siila.m.
[D.I.124 – iv.21]
It is reported that in the world the supreme is of-virtue-and-wisdom.
akkhaayati / lokasmi.m / agga.m / siila-paññaana.m / iti
siila-paññaana.m lokasmi.m agga.m akkhaayatiiti.
[D.I.124 – iv.21]