Pali Day by Day

Introduction to Pali Exercise 16

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Passage for Reading:-

Passage 1

te yen' a~n~natara.m gaamapada.m ten' upasa.mkami.msu.
they / towards / a certain / village site / there / they approached
They approached another village site.

tatth' addasa.msu pahuuta.m khoma.m cha.d.dita.m.
there / they saw / much / flax / abandoned
There they saw a large amount of abandoned flax.

disvaa pahuuta.m khoma-sutta.m cha.d.dita.m.
having seen / etc. / much / flax thread / abandoned
When they saw this ...etc. ... a large amount of abandoned flax thread.

disvaa pahuuta.m cha.d.dita.m.
having seen / etc. / much / gold / abandoned
When they saw this ...etc. ... a large amount of abandoned gold.

disvaa sahaayako sahaayaka.m aamantesi:
having seen / friend / friend / addressed
When they saw this, one friend said to the other:

yassa kho samma atthaaya iccheyyaama vaa saa.nasutta.m vaa ... siisa.m vaa sajjhu.m vaa, ida.m pahuuta.m cha.d.dita.m.
for which / indeed / my dear / purpose / we would want / hemp / or / hemp, thread / or / ... / lead / or / silver / or / this / much / gold / abandoned
"My dear, this large amount of abandoned gold is the very reason that we want hemp, or hemp thread, or ... lead, or silver.

tena hi, samma tva~n ca cha.d.dehi,
now / my dear / you / and / hemp load / abandon
Now abandon your load of hemp, my dear,

aha~n ca sajjhu-bhaara.m, cha.d.dessaami,
I / and / silver load / abandon
and I will abandon my load of silver,

ubho aadaaya gamissaamaa ti.
both / gold load / taking / we will go / (end-quote)
And both taking a load of gold, we will go".

aya.m kho me samma duur-aabhato ca su-sannaddho ca.
this / indeed / my dear / hemp load / difficult carried / and / well tied up / and
"This load of hemp has been difficult to carry and is well tied-up.

ala.m me; tva.m pajaanaahii ti.
sufficient / for me / you / understand / (end-quote)
That's good enough for me; you understand".

[D.II.350-351 - xxiii.29]

Passage 2

bhuutapubba.m a~n~nataro suukara-posako puriso sakamhaa gaamaa a~n~na.m gaama.m agamaasi.
in the past / a certain / pig raiser / man / from own / village / other / village / he went
Once, a man who raised pigs went from his own village to another.

tatth' addasaa pahuuta.m sukkha-guutha.m cha.d.dita.m.
there / he saw / much / dry dung / abandoned
There he saw a large amount of abandoned dried dung.

disvaan' assa etad ahosi:
having seen / to him / thus / it was
When he saw this, he thought to himself:

aya.m me bahuko sukkha-guutho cha.d.dito, mama~n ca suukarabhatta.m.
this / for me / much / dry dung / abandoned / my / and / pig, food
"This is a lot of abandoned dried dung and for me this is my pig food.

ya.n nuuna aha.m ito sukkha-guutha.m hareyyan ti.
which / is it not / I / from this / dry dung / I should take / (end-quote)
Why shouldn't I take this dried dung?"

so uttaraa-sa"nga.m pattharitvaa pahuuta.m sukkha-guutha.m aaharitvaa
he / outer robe / having spread / much / dry dung / having taken
He spread out his cloak, took a load of dried dung,

bha.n.dika.m bandhitvaa siise ubbaahetvaa, agamaasi.
in a bundle / having bound / on the head / having carried / he left
bound it up in a bundle, carried it on his head, and left.

tassa antaraa magge mahaa akaala-megho paavassi.
of him / whilst / on the way / great / untimely cloud / rained heavily
Whilst on his way, a large unseasonable raincloud drenched him.

so uggharanta.m paggharanta.m yaava agga-nakhaa guuthena makkhito guutha-bhaara.m aadaaya agamaasi.
he / oozing / dripping / as far as / tip toenails / with dung / smeared / dung load / taking / he went
He went, bearing his load of dung, smeared with dung which was oozing and dripping down to the tips of his toenails.

tam ena.m manussaa disvaa evam aaha.msu:
this / him / people / having seen / thus / they said
People, on seeing him thus, said this:

kacci no tva.m ummatto, kacci viceto.
aren't you? / not / you / I say! / mad / aren't you? / daft
"I say! You must be mad, you must be daft?

katha.m hi naama uggharanta.m paggharanta.m yaava agganakhaa guuthena makkhito guutha-bhaara.m harissasii ti.
why / though / indeed / oozing / dripping / as far as / tip, toe nails / with dung / smeared / dung load / you will carry / (end-quote)
Why would you carry a load of dung, smeared with dung oozing and dripping down to the tips of your toenails?"

tumhe kho ettha ummattaa tumhe vicetaa
you / indeed / here / I say! / mad / you / daft
"In this case, I say that you are mad, you are daft,

tathaa hi pana me suukara-bhattan ti.
since / though / then / for me / pig food / (end-quote)
since for me this is pig-food".

[D.II.347-348 - xxiii.25]

Translate into English:-

Bhagavaa Raajagahe viharati
Blessed One / at Rajagaha / was living
The Blessed One was living at Rajagaha.

[D.I.47 - ii.1]

ime candima-suriyaa parasmi.m loke na imasmi.m
these / moons suns / in other / in the world / not / in this
These suns and moons are in the other world, not in this world.

[D.II.319 - xxiii.5]

kismi.m vivaado
on what / quarrel
What is the quarrel about?

[D.I.237 - xiii.9]

eva.m vutte a~n~nataro raaj-aamacco raajaana.m etad avoca
thus / said / a certain / king minister / the king / this / he said
After this was said, a certain king's minister said this to the king.

[D.I.47 - ii.2]

na daani tena cira.m jiivitabba.m bhavissati
not / then / by this / for a long time / to be lived / he will be
Because, then, he does not have long to live.

[D.II.22 - xiv.2.2]

so bhotaa ra~n~na vippa.tisaaro na kara.niiyo
this / honourable / of the king / regret / not / that which should be done
Such regret of the honourable king should not be shown.

[D.I.138 - v.15]

na kho pan' eta.m Po.t.thapaada eva.m da.t.thabba.m
not / indeed / then / this / Potthapada / thus / to be seen
Truly, Potthapada, this is not to be seen like this.

[D.I.196 - ix.40]

ki~n cid eva kara.niiya.m uppajji
what / ever / thus / to be done / arose
Some business or other came up.

[D.II.340 - xxiii.21]

ida.m sevitabba.m, ida.m na sevitabba.m
this / to be practised / this / not / to be practised
This is to be practised, and this is not to be practised.

[D.II.223 - xix.7]

Translate into Pali:-

If now I were to ask the philosopher Gotama a question,
ce / va kho pana / aha.m / puccheyyaami / / Gotama.m / pa~nha.m
aha.m ce va kho pana Gotama.m pa~nha.m puccheyya.m,

if in that connection the philosopher Gotama were to say to me thus:
ce / tattha / / Gotamo / vadeyya / ma.m / eva.m
tattha ce Gotamo ma.m eva.m vadeyya:

"Brahmin, this question, now, should not be asked thus, / eso / pa~nho / ca / na / pucchitabbo / eva.m
na c' eso pa~nho eva.m pucchitabbo,

but thus, Brahmin, this question should be asked,"
naama / eva.m / / eso / pa~nho / pucchitabbo / (iti)
eva.m naam' eso pa~nho pucchitabbo ti

this assembly would despise me for that:
aya.m / parisaa / paribhaveyya / ma.m / tena
tena ma.m aya.m parisaa paribhaveyya:

"The Brahmin Sonadanda is a fool, unintelligent, / / baalo / avyatto
baalo avyatto

he could not ask the philosopher Gotama a question consequently."
asakkhi / na / pucchitu.m / / Gotama.m / pa~nha.m / yoniso / (ti)
naasakkhi Gotama.m yoniso pa~nha.m pucchitun ti.

If now the philosopher Gotama were to ask me a question,
ce / va kho pana / / Gotamo / puccheyya / ma.m / pa~nha.m
ma.m ce va kho pana Gotamo pa~nha.m puccheyyaa,

and I were not to satisfy his mind with my explanation of his question,
ca / aha.m / na / aaraadheyya.m / citta.m / veyyaakara.nena / tassa / pa~nhassa
tassa caaha.m pa~nhassa veyyaakara.nena citta.m na aaraadheyya.m,

if in that connection the philosopher Gotama were to say to me thus:
ce / tattha / / Gotamo / vadeyya / ma.m / eva.m
tattha ce Gotamo ma.m eva.m vadeyya:

"Brahmin, this question, now, should not be explained thus, / eso / pa~nho / ca / na / pucchitabbo / eva.m
na c' eso pa~nho eva.m pucchitabbo,

but thus, Brahmin, this question should be explained,"
naama / eva.m / / eso / pa~nho / vyaakaatabbo / (iti)
eva.m naam' eso pa~nho vyaakaatabbo ti

this assembly would despise me for that:
aya.m / parisaa / paribhaveyya / ma.m / tena
tena ma.m aya.m parisaa paribhaveyya:

"The Brahmin Sonadanda is a fool, unintelligent, / / baalo / avyatto
baalo avyatto

he couldn't satisfy his mind with his explanation of the philosopher Gotama's question."
asakkhi / na / aaraadhetu.m / citta.m / veyyaakara.nena / sama.nassa / Gotamassa / pa~nhassa / (ti)
naasakkhi sama.nassa Gotamassa pa~nhassa veyyaakara.nena citta.m na aaraadhetun ti.

[D.I.119 (not I.118 as per book) - iv.10]

Series A

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+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30
+ Lesson 31
+ Lesson 32

Series B

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+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12

Series C

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+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
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+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30

Series D

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+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

+ Exercise 1
+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22
+ Exercise 23
+ Exercise 24
+ Exercise 25
+ Exercise 26
+ Exercise 27
+ Exercise 28

Series F

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+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22