Introduction to Pali Exercise 15
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Passage for Reading:-
te ubho aadaaya yen'a~n~natara.m gaama-pada.m ten'upasa.mkami.msu.
they / both / hemp-load / having taken / towards / a
certain / village-site / there / they approached
Both bearing their loads of hemp, they approached the site of another village.
tatth'addasa.msu pahuuta.m cha.d.dita.m.
there / they saw / much / hemp-thread / abandoned
There they saw a large amount of abandoned hemp thread.
disvaa sahaayako sahaayaka.m aamantesi:
having seen / friend / friend / addressed
Having seen this, one friend said to the other:
yassa kho samma atthaaya iccheyyaama, ida.m pahuuta.m
for which / indeed / my dear / purpose / we would want /
hemp / this / much / hemp-thread / abandoned
"My dear, this large amount of abandoned hemp thread is just what we want hemp
tena hi samma tva~n ca cha.d.dehi, aha~n ca
now / my dear / you / and / hemp-load / abandon / I / and
/ hemp-load / abandon
Now abandon your load of hemp, my dear, and I will abandon mine.
ubho aadaaya gamissaamaa ti.
both / hemp-thread-load / taking / we will go /
And both taking a load of hemp thread, we will go."
aya.m kho me samma duur-aabhato ca su-sannaddho ca.
this / indeed / of me / my dear / hemp-load / difficult-carried /
and / well-tied up / and
"This load of hemp of mine has been difficult to carry and is well tied-up.
ala.m me; tva.m pajaanaahii ti.
sufficient / for me / you / understand / (end-quote)
That's good enough for me; you understand."
atha kho so sahaayako cha.d.detvaa
then / indeed / his / friend / hemp, load / having
abandoned / hemp-thread-load / took
Then his companion abandoned his load of hemp and took a load of hemp thread.
[D.II.350 - xxiii.29]
Translate into English:-
tena hi su.naahi
now / brahmin / listen
Now then Brahmin listen.
[D.I.124 - iv.23]
na tva.m ima.m dhamma-vinaya.m aajaanaasi. aha.m ima.m dhamma-vinaya.m
not / you / this / doctrine-discipline / you understand /
I / this / doctrine-discipline / I understand
You do not understand this doctrine and discipline, whereas I do understand it.
[D.III.117 - xxix.1]
idha tathaagato jaato
here / tathagatha / born
Here the Tathagatha was born.
[D.II.140 - xvi.5.8]
ko ima.m dhamma.m khippa.m eva aajaanissati
who / this / doctrine / quickly / even / will understand
Who would understand this doctrine so quickly?
[D.II.40 - xiv.3.8]
ekacco daana.m deti sama.nassa vaa braahma.nassa vaa anna.m paana.m vattha.m
yaana.m maalaa-gandha-vilepana.m seyy-aavasatha-padiipeyya.m
someone / charity / gives / to a recluse / or / to a
brahmin / or / food / drink / clothing / carriage / garlands-scent-ointment /
Someone gives to a recluse or Brahmin food, drink, clothing, transportation,
garlands, perfume, ointment, a bed, a room, or lamps.
[D.III.259 - xxxiii.3.1(vii)]
ko nu kho pana bho jaanaati. madaniiyaa kaamaa.
who / is it / indeed / but / sir / knows / intoxicating /
sense pleasures
But who knows, sir? Sense pleasures are intoxicating.
[D.II.234 - xix.34]
jaanaahi yadi vaa ta.m bhavanta.m Gotama.m tathaa santa.m yeva saddo
abbhuggato, yadi vaa no tathaa
know you / whether / or / this / honourable / Gotama /
true / existing / surely / sound / disseminated / whether / or / not / true
Find out whether or not it is true that this honourable Gotama is just as reported.
[D.I.88 - iii.1.5]
tassa eva.m jaanato eva.m passato kaam-aasavaa pi citta.m vimuccati
bhav-aasavaa pi citta.m vimuccati avijj-aasavaa pi citta.m vimuccati
of him / thus / of one knowing / thus / of one seeing /
sense desire-taint / and / mind / is freed / becoming-taint / and / mind / is
freed / ignorance-taint / and / mind / is freed
The mind of one who thus knows and sees is freed from the taints of sense desires, becoming, and ignorance.
[D.I.84 - ii.97]
ya.m ki~n ci samudaya,dhamma.m, sabban ta.m nirodha-dhamma.m
which / whatever / arising-nature / all / that /
Whatever is of the nature to arise, is of the nature to cease.
[D.II.41 - xiv.3.11]
n' atthi jaatassa amarana.m
not / there is / for one born / not death
There is no immortality for anyone born.
[D.II.246 - xix.51]
Translate into Pali:-
What I know, you know; what you know, I know
ya.m / aha.m / jaanaami / tva.m / (ta.m) jaanaasi / ya.m /
tva.m / jaanaasi / aha.m / (ta.m) jaanaami
ya.m aha.m jaanaami ta.m tva.m jaanaasi, ya.m tva.m jaanaasi ta.m aha.m jaanaami
[D.I.88 - iii.1.3]
I learn the saying of the fortunate one
aajaanaami / bhaasita.m / bhagavato
bhagavato bhaasita.m aajaanaami
[D.I.184 - ix.18]
He will grasp what I explain (fut.) quickly
(ta.m) aajaanissati / ya.m / vyaakarissaami / khippa.m
ya.m vyaakarissaami ta.m khippa.m aajaanissati
[D.II.150 - xvi.5.25]
After some time he hears the excellent doctrine
aparena / samayena / so / su.naati / pa.niita.m / dhamma.m
so aparena samayena pa.niita.m dhamma.m su.naati
[D.II.214 - xviii.23]
The fortunate one, taking robe-and-bowl, entered Raajagaha for alms
bhagavaa / aadaaya / patta-ciivara.m / paavisi /
Raajagaha.m / pi.n.daaya
bhagavaa pattaciivara.m aadaaya Raajagaha.m pi.n.daaya paavisi
[D.III.180 - xxx1.2]
Stop! Aananda, don't grieve
ala.m / Aananda / ma / paridevi
ala.m Aananda ma paridevi
[D.II.144 - xvi.5.14]
He understands that (use direct speech) these beings (are) endowed with
pajaanaati / ime / sattaa / sammannaagataa /
kaaya-duccaritena / ti
ime sattaa kaayaduccaritena sammannaagataa ti pajaanaati
[D.I.82 - ii.95]
Not-memorizing that speech, I left
anuga.nhanto / ta.m / vaaca.m / pakkaami.m
ta.m vaaca.m anuga.nhanto pakkaami.m
[D.I.53 - ii.18]
Why (is) this unexplained by the philosopher Gotama?
kasmaa (pana) / eta.m / avyaakata.m / sama.nena / Gotamena
kasmaa pan' eta.m sama.nena Gotamena avyaakata.m
[D.I.188 - ix.28]
You (plur.) have gone forth from house to homelessness
tumhe / pabbajitaa / agaarasmaa / anagaariya.m
tumhe agaarasmaa anagaariya.m pabbajitaa
[D.III.84 - xxvii.9]