Introduction to Pali Exercise 4
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Now that I'm beginning posting exercise 4 of Warder, I am adding the canon
references that Warder supplies in the back of the book. For the Pali to English
sentences, he begins these with exercise 4.
The notation I'm using is as follows: D.II.85 means Digha Nikaya, PTS vol 2,
page 85 - just as Warder gives it. Then I include the sutta number and exact
paragraph number (and sub-paragraphs where appropriate), as indicated in the PTS
version, and these exact same paragrpah notations are also used by Walshe in his
translation. Thus xvi.1.22 means sutta 16, paragraph 1.22. [John Kelly]
Translate into English:-
upaasakaa nisiidi.msu
lay-followers / sat down
The lay-followers sat down
[D.II.85 - xvi.1.22]
bhutaapubba.m raajaa Disampati naama ahosi.
in the past / king / Disampati / by name / there was
At one time there was a king named Disampati. naama kumaaro putto ahosi.
Renu / by name / prince / son / was
The prince named Renu was his son.
Govindo naama purohito ahosi.
Govinda / by name / Brahmin / prime minister / was
The prime minister was a Brahmin named Govinda.
Jotipaalo naama maa.navo putto ahosi.
Jotipala / by name / young priest / son / was
The young priest named Jotipala was his son. ca raajaputto Jotipaalo ca maa.navo sahayaa ahesu.m.
Renu / and / prince / Jotipala / and / young priest /
friends / were
Prince Renu and the young priest Jotipala were friends.
atha kho Govindo kaala.m akaasi.
then / indeed / Govinda / the priest / time made (died)
Then Govinda the priest died.
Raajaa Disampati paridevesi.
king / Disampati / grieved
King Disampati grieved.
[D.II.230-231 - xix.(Mahaagovinda) 29]
eva.m tadaa aasi
thus / then / it was
This is how it was
[D.I.143 - v.21]
Translate into Pali:-
The priest went away / pakkaami pakkaami
The fortunate one entered the village
bhagavaa / paavisi / gaama.m
bhagavaa gaama.m paavisi
The son was called Uttara
putto / ahosi / naama / Uttaro
Uttaro naama putto ahosi
The fortunate one addressed Ananda
bhagavaa / aamantesi / Aananda.m
bhagavaa Aananda.m aamantesi
I have taught the doctrine
desesi.m / dhamma.m
dhamma.m desesi.m
The nobles approached the prince
khattiyaa / upasa.mkami.msu / raajaputta.m
khattiyaa raajaputta.m upasa.mkami.msu
I spoke thus
abhaasi.m / eva.m
eva.m abhaasi.m
The prince went forth
raajaputto / pabbaji
raajaputto pabbaji