Pali Primer Exercise 31
Translate into English
1. Mama aacariyo ma.m vaacento* potthaka.m (book) likhi (wrote).
my / teacher / me / teaching / book / wrote
My teacher (who is) teaching me wrote a book.
2. Mayha.m bhaginii gilaana.m (sick) pitara.m posesi.
my / sister / sick father / looked after
My sister looked after (our) sick father.
3. Daataaro bhikkhuuna.m daana.m dentaa amhe pi bhojaapesu.m.
donors / to monks / alms / giving / us / too / fed
The donors giving alms to the monks fed us too.
4. Tumhaaka.m dhiitaro kuhi.m (where) gamissanti?
your / daughters / where / will go
Where will your daughters go?
5. Amhaaka.m dhiitaro satthaara.m namassitu.m Ve.luvana.m gamissanti.
our / daughters / teacher / to worship / [to] Veluvana /
will go
Our daughters will go to Veluvana to worship the teacher.
6. Amha.m kammaani karontaa daasaa (servants) pi sappurisaa bhavanti.
for us / work / doing / servants / too / virtuous men /
The servants doing work for us become virtuous men too.
Alt: The servants doing work for us are virtuous men too.
7. Amhehi kataani puññaani ca paapaani ca amhe anubandhanti.
by us / done / merit and / evil and / us / follow
Merit and evil done by us follow us.
8. Tayaa kiitaani bha.n.daani tava dhiitaa mañjuusaasu pakkhipitvaa .thapesi.
by you / bought / goods / your / daughter / in boxes / having put / kept
Your daughter put the goods bought by you in the boxes and kept (them).
9. Kulavantaa ca ca.n.daalaa (outcasts) ca amhesu bhikkhuusu pabbajanti.
men of good families and / outcastes and / among us / monks / renounce
(Both) men of good families and outcastes renounce (the world) among us monks.
10. Amhaaka.m uyyaane phalavantesu taruusu va.n.navantaa pakkhino caranti.
in our park / on fruitful trees / colourful birds / move
The colourful birds move on the fruitful trees in our park.
11. Uyyaana.m aagantvaa ti.naani khaadantaa migaa amhe passitvaa bhaayitvaa a.tavi.m dhaavi.msu.
[to] park / having come / grass / eating / deer / us / having seen / were frightened / [into] forest / ran
Coming to the park and eating grass, the deer having seen us were frightened and ran into the forest.
12. Amhaaka.m bhattaaro naavaaya udadhi.m taritvaa diipa.m
our / husbands / by ship / sea / having crossed / island / reached
Our husbands crossed the sea by ship and reached the island.
13. Amha.m bhuupatayo balavantaa jetaaro bhavanti.
our / kings / powerful / victorious / are
Our kings are powerful and victorious.
14. Tumhaaka.m nattaaro ca mama bhaataro ca sahayakaa abhavi.msu/ahesu.m.
your / grandsons and / my / brothers and / friends / were
Your grandsons and my brothers were friends.
15. Tumhehi aaha.taani ciivaraani mama maataa bhikkhuuna.m puujesi.
by you / brought / robes / my / mother / to monks / offered
My mother offered to the monks the robes brought by you.
16. Uyyaane nisinno aha.m nattaarehi kii.lanta.m tava.m apassi.m.
in park / seated / I / with grandsons / playing / you / saw
Seated in the park, I saw you playing with the grandsons.
17. Dhañña.m minanto aha.m tayaa saddhi.m kathetu.m na sakkomi.
corn / measuring / I / with you / to speak / am not able
Measuring corn, I am not able to speak with you.
18. Aha.m tava na kujjhaami, tva.m me kujjhasi.
I / with you / am not angry / you / with me / are angry
I am not angry with you, you get angry with me.
19. Mama dhanavanto bandhavo viññuu viduno bhavanti.
my rich relatives / intelligent / educated / are
My rich relatives are intelligent and educated.
20. Diipassa accinaa aha.m tava chaaya.m passitu.m sakkomi.
of lamp / by flame / I / your / shadow / to see / am able
By the shape of the lamp, I can see your shadow.
21. Amhaaka.m bhuupatayo jetaaro hutvaa paasaadesu ketavo ussaapesu.m (hoisted).
our / kings / victorious / having being / on palaces / banners / hoisted
Our kings being victorious hoisted banners on the palaces.
22. Bhaatuno puttaa mama gehe viharantaa sippa.m ugga.nhi.msu.
brother's / sons / my / in house / living / arts and science / learnt
Brother's sons/children living in my house received education.
23. Tava duhitaa bhikkhuno ovaade .thatvaa patino kaaru.nikaa sakhii (friend) ahosi.
your / daughter / monk's / advice / having abided / to husband / kind / friend / became
Your daughter abiding by the monk's advice became a kind friend to (her) husband.
24. Kusala.m karontaa netaaro sagga.m gantaaro bhavissanti.
good deeds / doing / leaders / [to] heavens / goers / will be
The leaders doing good deeds will be heaven-goers.
25. Sace coro geha.m pavisati siisa.m bhinditvaa naasetabbo hoti.
if / robber / house / enters / head / having broken / to be killed / is
If a robber enters the house, he should be killed by breaking (his) head.**
26. Amhaaka.m sattuno hatthesu ca paadesu ca daddu atthi.
of our enemy / on hands and / on feet and / eczema / there is
There is eczema on the hands and feet of our enemy.
27. Siilavantaa buddhimantehi saddhi.m loke manussaana.m hitasukhaaya (for welfare and happiness) naanaa kammaani
righteous men / with intelligent men / in world / people's / for welfare and happiness / various activities / perform
Righteous men together with intelligent people perform various activities for the welfare and happiness of human beings in the world.
28. Sace susuuna.m vinetaa kaaruniko hoti, te sotavantaa susavo gunavantaa bhavissanti.
if / young ones' / disciplinarian / kind person / is / they / listening young ones / virtuous men / will become
If the disciplinarian of the young ones is a kind person, they will become virtuous listening (to him).
29. Maya.m khiiramhaa dadhi ca dadhimhaa sappi.m ca labhaama.
we / from milk / curds and / from curds / ghee and / get
We get curds from milk and ghee from curds.
30. Maya.m sappi.m ca madhu.m ca sammissetvaa bhojana.m pa.tiyaadetvaa bhuñjissaama.
we / ghee and / honey and / having mixed / meal / having prepared / shall enjoy
We shall enjoy a dish (meal) prepared by mixing ghee and honey.
Translate into Pali
1. May our sons and grandsons live long and happily.
amhaaka.m puttaa ca / nattaaro ca / diighajivino ca / sukhino ca /
Amhaaka.m puttaa ca nattaaro ca diighajivino ca sukhino ca hontu.
2. Trees should not be cut by us or by you.
taravo / na chinditabbaa honti / amhehi ca / tumhehi ca
Taravo amhehi ca tumhehi ca na chinditabbaa honti.
3. Your king went to the island with the ministers and defeated the enemy.
tumhaaka.m / bhuupati / gantvaa / diipa.m / mantiihi saha / paraajesi / sattavo
Tumhaaka.m bhuupati mantiihi saha diipa.m gantvaa sattavo paraajesi.
4. I picked up the seeds which were scattered on the ground by you.
aha.m / sa.mhari.m / biijaani / vippaki.n.naani / bhuumiya.m / tvayaa
Aha.m tvayaa bhuumiya.m vippaki.n.naani biijaani sa.mhari.m.
5. Our teacher who was wise and famous taught us the doctine.
amhaaka.m / viññuu yasavanto aacariyo / vaacesi / amhe / dhamma.m
Amhaaka.m viññuu yasavanto aacariyo amhe dhamma.m vaacesi.
6. A bird taking a fruit by the beak was seen by you.
pakkhii / ocinanto / phala.m / tu.n.dena / di.t.tho / tayaa
Tu.n.dena phala.m ocinanto pakkhii tayaa di.t.tho.
7. My grandson wishes to become a doctor.
mayha.m / nattaa / icchati / bhavitu.m / vejjo
Mayha.m nattaa vejjo bhavitu.m icchati.
8. You (pl.) saw sages living in caves in the Himalaya mountain.
tumhe / passittha / munayo / vasante / guhaasu / Himavantamhi girimhi
Tumhe Himavantamhi girimhi guhaasu vasante munayo passittha.
9. May our sons and daughters become rich and virtuous.
amhaaka.m / puttaa ca / dhiitaro ca / bhavantu / dhanavantaa ca / gu.navantaa ca
Amhaaka.m puttaa ca dhiitaro ca dhanavantaa ca gu.navantaa ca bhavantu.
10. My grandson will become a disciple of yours.
mama / nattaa / bhavissati / saavako / tava
Mama nattaa tava saavako bhavissati.
11. May you be rich and famous.
tva.m / hohi/bhava / dhanavanto ca / yasavanto ca
Tva.m dhanavanto ca yasavanto ca hohi/bhava.
12. The bee (madhukara) is standing on the lotus born (jaata) in the water.
madhukaro / ti.t.thati / padume / jaate / udake
Madhukaro udake jaate padume ti.t.thati.
13. The devoted lay devotee gave a flower to the young girl of good family.
saddhaavanto upaasako / aadadi / puppha.m / kulavantiyaa yuvatiyaa
Saddhaavanto upaasako kulavantiyaa yuvatiyaa puppha.m aadadi.
14. The famous young girl has a colourful gem in her hand.
yasavantiyaa yuvatiyaa / (atthi/hoti/bhavati) / va.n.navanto mani / hatthamhi
Yasavantiyaa yuvatiyaa hatthamhi va.n.navanto mani atthi/hoti/ bhavati.
15. The radiant sun illuminates the world.
bhaanumanto ravi / obhaaseti / loka.m
Bhaanumanto ravi loka.m obhaaseti.
* How does vaaceti, which literally means "cause to speak" came to mean
"teach"? In the past, teaching is largely done through rote learning. For the teacher to pass on his knowledge to the pupil, he makes his pupil repeat after him and makes his recite what he has committed into memory. Thus, in teaching the student, the teacher literally causes him to speak.
** At this point of time, it is important to remind everyone that Buddhism strongly advises against taking lives.