Pali Primer Exercise 30
Translate into English
1. Balavantehi bhuupatiihi arayo paraajitaa honti.
by powerful kings / enemies / defeated / are
The enemies are defeated by the powerful kings.
2. Maya.m cakkhuuhi bhaanumantassa suriyassa rasmiyo oloketu.m na sakkoma.
we / with eyes / of radiant sun / rays / to see / are not able
We are not able to see the rays of the radiant sun with (our) eyes.
3. Bhikkhavo Bhagavataa desita.m dhamma.m sutvaa satimantaa bhavitu.m vaayami.msu.
monks / by Blessed One / preached / dhamma / having heard / mindful / to be / endeavored
The monks heard the dhamma preached by the Blessed One and endeavored to be mindful.
4. Siilavantaa upaasakaa Bhagavanta.m vanditvaa dhamma.m sutvaa satimantaa bhavitu.m vaayami.msu.
virtuous lay devotees / [to] Blessed One / having paid respect / dhamma / having heard / mindful / to be / tried
The virtuous lay devotees, having paid respect to the Blessed One and heard the dhamma, tried to be mindful.
5. Paññavantehi icchita.m patthita.m samijjhissati.
of the wise / desires / aspirations / will be fulfilled
Desires and aspirations of the wise will be fulfilled.
6. Kulavato bhaataa Bhagavataa saha mantento bhuumiya.m pattharitaaya kilañjaaya.m (mat) nisinno ahosi.
belonging to good family / brother / with Blessed One / taking counsel / on ground / spread / mat / seated / was
The brother belonging to a good family was seated on the mat spread on the ground, taking counsel with the Blessed One.
7. Phalavantesu taruusu nisinnaa pakkhino phalaani khaaditvaa a.t.thiini bhuumiya.m paatesu.m.
on fruit-laden trees / perched / birds / fruits / having eaten / seeds / on ground / dropped
The birds perched on the fruit-laden trees ate fruits and dropped the seeds on the ground.
8. Himavati bahuu (many) pasavo ca pakkhii ca uragaa (reptiles) ca vasanti.
on Himalayas / many / animals and / birds and / reptiles and / live
Many animals, birds and reptiles live on the Himalayas.
9. Siilavantaa dhamma.m sutvaa cakkhumantaa bhavitu.m ussahissanti.
virtuous people / dhamma / having listened to / men with vision / to be / try
Virtuous people listen to the dhamma and try to be men with vision.
10. Gu.navato bandhu sii.lavati.m pañha.m pucchi.
of virtuous one / relatives / virtuous lady / question / ask
The relatives of the virtuous one asked the virtuous lady a question.
11. Gu.navatii yuvati siila.m rakkhantii maatara.m posesi.
virtuous young woman / precepts / observing / mother / looked after
The virtuous young woman observing the precepts looked after (her) mother.
12. Yasavatiyaa bandhavo balavanto pabhuno abhavi.msu.
famous lady's / relatives / powerful / eminent / became
The relatives of the famous lady became powerful and eminent people.
13. Dhanavantassa sappurisassa bhariyaa puññavatii ahosi.
rich good man's / wife / meritorious / was
The rich good man's wife was meritorious.
14. Siilavantesu vasantaa asappurisaa pi gu.navantaa bhaveyyu.m.
with virtuous people / living / wicked men / too (even) / good / would become
Even wicked men living in the company of virtuous people would become good.
15. Silavatiyo maataro putte gu.navante kaatu.m ussahanti.
virtuous mothers / sons / noble / to make / try
The virtuous mothers try to make their sons noble.
16. Buddhimaa puriso paapa.m karonte putte anusaasita.m paññavanta.m bhikkhu.m pakkosi.
intelligent man / evil / doing / sons / to admonish / wise monk / invited
The intelligent man invited the wise monk to admonish (his) sons doing evil.
17. Kulavato nattaa siilavataa bhikkhunaa dhamma.m sutvaa pasiiditvaa geha.m pahaaya bhikkhuusu pabbaji.
grandson of a man of good family / virtuous monk / dhamma / having heard / having being pleased / home / having left / among monks / got ordained
The grandson of a noble family, was pleased after listening to the dhamma from the virtuous monk, left the household and got ordained among the monks.
18. Balavantaa pabhuno gu.navanto bhavantu.
powerful men of eminence / righteous /
May the powerful men of eminence be righteous.
19. Dhanavantaa balavantaa kadaaci karahaci (seldom) gu.navantaa bhavanti.
rich powerful people / seldom / virtuous / are
Rich powerful people are seldom virtuous.
20. Himavantasmaa aagato paññavaa isi siilavatiyaa maatuyaa uyyaane atithi ahosi.
from Himalayas / come / wise sage / virtuous mother's / in park / guest / was
The wise sage who has come from the Himalayas was the guest of the virtuous mother in the park.
21. Dubbala.m (weak) siilavati.m itthi.m disvaa anukampamaanaa dhanavatii ta.m (her) posesi.
weak virtuous woman / having seen / feeling compassionate / rich lady / her / brought...up
Feeling compassionate, the rich lady saw the weak virtuous woman and brought her up.
22. Himavati phalavantaa taravo na chinditabbaa honti.
in Himalayas / fruitful trees / not to be cut / are
The fruitful trees in the Himalayas should not be cut.
23. Dhammassa viññaataaro yasavantaa bhavitu.m na ussahanti.
of Dhamma / knowers / famous / to be / do not try
Those who know the Dhamma do not try to be famous.
24. Bandhumaa balavaa hoti, dhanavaa bandhumaa hoti.
he who has relatives / powerful / is / he who is rich / relatives / has
He who has relatives is powerful, he who is rich has relatives.
25. Siilavatii raajinii gu.navatiihi itthiihi saddhi.m saalaaya.m nisiiditvaa yasavatiyaa kaññaaya katha.m
virtuous queen / with good women / in hall / having seated / famous girl's / speech / listened
The virtuous queen with the good women sat in the hall and listened to the speech of the famous girl.
26. Gu.navaa puriso rukkhamhaa ojavantaani phalaani ocinitvaa vihaare vasantaana.m silavantaana.m bhikkhuuna.m vibhaji.
virtuous man / from tree / nourishing fruits / having picked / in monastery / living / to virtuous monks / distributed
The virtuous man picked nourishing fruits from the tree and distributed to the virtuous monks living in the monastery.
27. Balavatiyaa raajiniyaa amaccaa dhammena diipe manusse paalesu.m.
powerful queen's / ministers / righteously / on island / people / ruled
The ministers of the powerful queen ruled the people on the island righteously.
28. Yasavantiina.m naariina.m dhiitaro pi yasavantiyo bhavissanti.
of famous women / daughters / too / famous / will be
The daughters of the famous women will be famous too.
29. Paññavantiyaa yuvatiyaa pu.t.tho dhanavaa pañha.m vyaakaatu.m asakkonto sabhaaya.m
by wise maiden / asked / rich man / question / to explain / unable / in hall / sat
The rich man, unable to explain the question asked by the wise maiden, sat in the hall.
30. Bhaanumaa suriyo manussaana.m aaloka.m deti.
radiant / sun / to people / light / gives
The radiant sun gives light to the people.
Translate into Pali
1. Sages living in the Himalaya sometimes (kadaaci) come to towns.
munayo / vasantaa / himavante / kadaaci / upasa'nkamanti / nagare
Munayo himavante vasantaa nagare kadaaci upasa'nkamanti.
2. Mindful monks preached the doctrine to wise lay devotees.
satimantaa bhikkhavo / desesu.m / dhamma.m / paññavantaana.m upaasakaana.m
Satimantaa bhikkhavo paññavantaana.m upaasakaana.m dhamma.m desesu.m.
3. Fortunate people have virtuous friends and relations.
puññavantaana.m manussaana.m / atthi/santi/bhavanti/honti / gu.navantaa mittaa ca / bandhavo ca
Puññavantaana.m manussaana.m gu.navantaa mittaa ca bandhavo ca atthi/santi/bhavanti/honti.
4. Rich merchants go from village to village selling goods.
dhanavantaa vaa.nijaa / gacchanti / gaamasmaa / gaama.m / vikki.nantaa / bha.n.daani
Dhanavantaa vaa.nijaa bha.n.daani vikki.nantaa gaamasmaa gaama.m gacchanti.
5. The virtuous girl was the wife of the rich teacher.
gu.navatii taru.nii / ahosi / bhariyaa / dhanavantassa aacariyassa
Gu.navatii taru.nii dhanavantassa aacariyassa bhariyaa ahosi.
6. The intelligent monk answered the question asked by the powerful eminent person.
paññavaa bhukkhu / vyaakari / pañha.m / pu.t.tha.m / balavataa pabhunaa
Paññavaa bhikkhu balavataa pabhunaa pu.t.tha.m pañha.m vyaakari.
7. There are garlands in the hand of the virtuous girl.
atthi / maalaayo / hatthe / gu.navatiyaa kumaariyaa
Gu.navatiyaa kumaariyaa hatthe maalaayo atthi.
8. The rich are famous, the wise are virtuous.
dhanavanto / honti / yasavantaa / paññavantaa / honti / gu.navantaa
Dhanavanto yasavantaa honti, paññavantaa gu.navantaa honti.
9. You (pl.) do not avoid virtuous and wise men.
tumhe / maa parivajjetha / paññavante ca / gu.navante ca
Maa tumhe paññavante ca gu.navante ca parivajjetha.
10. The Fortunate One is living in the famous island ruled by the powerful king.
Bhagavanto / viharati / yasavati diipasmi.m / paalite / balavantena bhuupatinaa
Bhagavanto balavantena bhuupatinaa paalite yasavati diipasmi.m viharati.
11. If a wise man lives in the village, people will become virtuous.
sace / siilavaa manusso / vasati / gaame / manussaa /
bhavissanti / gu.navantaa
Sace siilavaa manusso gaame vasati, manussaa gu.navantaa bhavissanti.
12. May men of good families become virtuous and wise.
kulavantaa manussaa / bhavantu / gu.navantaa ca / viññaataaro ca
Kulavantaa manussaa gu.navantaa ca viññaataaro ca bhavantu.
13. People will follow the rich and powerful.
manussaa / anugacchissanti / dhanavante ca / balavante ca
Manussaa dhanavante ca balavante ca anugacchissanti.
14. The famous king defeated the powerful enemy who has many relations.
yasavanto bhuupati / paraajesi / bandhumanta.m balavanta.m sattu.m
Yasavanto bhuupati bandhumanta.m balavanta.m sattu.m paraajesi.
15. People with eyes see the radiant sun.
cakkhumantaa manussaa / passanti / bhaanumanta.m suriya.m
Cakkhumantaa manussaa bhaanumanta.m suriya.m passanti.