Pali Primer Exercise 29
Translate into English
1. Geha.m pavisanta.m ahi.m disvaa kaññaa bhaayitvaa assuuni pavattentii roditu.m aarabhi.
house / entering / serpent / having seen / girl / having got frightened / tears /
shedding / to cry / started
On seeing the serpent entering the house, the girl was frightened and, shedding
tears, began to cry.
Alt: On seeing the serpent entering the house, the girl was frightened and began to weep and cry."
2. Diipinaa hataaya gaaviyaa a.t.thiini bhuumiya.m vippaki.n.naani honti.
by leopard / killed / cow's / bones / on ground / scattered / are
The bones of the cow killed by the leopard are scattered on the ground.
3. Nadiyaa vaarinaa vatthaani dhovanto pitaa nahaapetu.m putta.m pakkosi.
in river / with water / clothes / washing / father / to get bathed / son / called
Washing clothes with the water in the river, the father called (his) son to get a bath.
4. Tva.m sappinaa ca madhunaa sammissetvaa odana.m bhuñjissasi.
you / with ghee / and / with honey / having mixed / rice / will eat
You will eat the rice, having mixed (it) with ghee and honey.
5. Maya.m khiiramhaa dadhi.m labhaama.
we / from milk / curd / get
We get curd from milk.
6. Bhikkhu diipassa acci.m olokento aniccasañña.m (perception of impermanence) va.d.dhento (developing) nisiidi.
monk / lamp's / flame / observing / perception of impermanence / developing / sat
Observing the flame of the lamp, the monk sat developing the perception of impermanence.
7. Paapakaari luddako dhanu.m ca sare ca aadaaya a.tavi.m pavi.t.tho.
evil / hunter / bow and / arrows and / having taken / forest / entered
The evil hunter has taken (his) bow and arrows and entered the forest.
8. Sattu amaccassa satthi.m asiinaa paharitvaa a.t.thi.m chindi.
enemy / minister's / thigh / with sword / having hit / bone / broke
The enemy hit with a sword the minister's thigh and broke (his) bone.
9. Aha.m sappinaa pacita.m odana.m madhunaa bhuñjitu.m na icchaami.
I / with ghee / cooked / rice / with honey / to eat / do not like
I do not like to eat the rice cooked in ghee with honey.
10. Nattaa hatthehi ca ja.n.nuuhi ca gacchanta.m yaacaka.m disvaa anukampamaano bhojana.m ca vattha.m ca daapesi.
grandson / with hands / with knees / going / beggar / having seen / feeling compassionate / food and / clothe and / be given
Seeing the beggar going on (his) hands and knees, the grandson felt compassionate and caused food and a clothe to be given (to him).
Alt: Seeing the beggar going on (his) hands and knees, the grandson felt
compassionate and had food and clothing given (to him).
11. Daaruuni sa.mharantiyo itthiyo a.taviya.m aahi.n.dantii gaayi.msu.
firewood / collecting / women / in forest / wandering / sang
The women collecting firewood sang wandering in the forest.
12. Ambuumhi jaataani padumaani na ambunaa upalittaani (smeared) honti.
in water / borned / lotuses / not / with water / smeared / are
Lotuses borned in the water are not smeared with water.
13. Manussaa naanaakammaani (various work) katvaa vasu.m sa.mharitvaa puttadaare (children and wives) posetu.m ussahanti.
people / various work / having done / wealth / having accumulated / children and wives / to bring up / try
The people doing various work and accumulating wealth try to bring up (their) children and wives.
14. Bhattaa maatuyaa akkhiisu assuuni disvaa bhariyaaya kujjhi.
husband / mother's / in eyes / tears / having seen / with wife / got angry
Seeing tears in the mother's eyes, the husband got angry with (his) wife.
15. Pitaa khettavatthuuni puttaana.m ca nattaaraana.m ca vibhajitvaa vihaara.m gantvaa pabbaji.
father / fields and estates / to children and / to grandchildren and / having distributed / [to] monastery / having gone / renounced
Having distributed to (his) children and grandchildren fields and estates, the father went to the monastery and became a monk.
16. Pakkhiihi khaaditaana.m phalaana.m a.t.thiini rukkhamuule patitaani
by birds / eaten / fruits' / seeds / at root of tree / fallen / are
The seeds of the fruits eaten by the birds have fallen at the root of the tree.
17. Aacariyo sissaana.m (pupils) sippa.m (art) vaacento te anukampamaano dhammena jiivitu.m anusaasi.
teacher / to pupils / art / teaching / them / feeling compassionate / righteously / to live / instructed
Feeling compassionate, the teacher teaching art to (his) pupils instructed them to live righteously.
18. Bodhisatto maara.m (the evil one) paraajetvaa Buddho bhavi/ahosi.
Bodhisatta / ascetic / the evil one / having defeated / Buddha / became
Having defeated the evil one, the Bodhisatta ascetic became the Buddha.
19. Buddha.m passitvaa dhamma.m sotu.m patthentaa naraa dhamma.m caritu.m
Buddha / having seen / Dhamma / to hear / aspiring / people / dhamma / to walk /
Seeing the Buddha and aspiring to hear the Dhamma, the people endeavour to practise the
20. Sace sappurisaana.m sabbaa patthanaa (fem. aspirations) samijjheyyu.m manussaa loke sukha.m vindeyyu.m.
if / virtuous men's / all / aspirations / may get fulfilled / people / in world / joy / will experience
If all the aspirations of the virtuous men get fulfilled, the people in the world would experience joy.
21. Vyaadhinaa pii.litaa maataa assuuni pavattentii dhiituyaa geha.m aagantvaa mañce sayitvaa yaagu.m yaaci.
by disease / oppressed / mother / tears / shedding / daughter's / house / having come / on bed / having lay / gruel / asked for
Oppressed by a disease, the mother shedding tears came to the daughter's house, and lying on the bed, asked for gruel.
22. Maatara.m anukampamaanaa dhiitaa khippa.m (soon) yaagu.m pa.tiyaadetvaa maatuyaa mukha.m (face) dhovitvaa yaagu.m
to mother / feeling compassionate / daughter / soon / gruel / having prepared / mother's / face / having washed / gruel / made...drink
Feeling compassionate to (her) mother, the daughter soon prepared the gruel, washed (her) mother's face, and helped her drink the gruel.
23. Pitaraa pu.t.tha.m pañha.m bhattaa sammaa (correctly) vibhajitvaa upamaaya (with a simile) attha.m vyaakari/vyaakaasi.
by father / asked / question / husband / correctly / having analysed / with a simile / meaning / explained
Having analysed correctly the question asked by the father, the husband explained the meaning with a simile.
24. Luddako a.taviyaa bhuumiya.m dhañña.m vippakiritvaa mige palobhetvaa (tempting) maaretu.m ussahi.
hunter / in forest / on ground / corn / having scattered / deer / tempting / to kill / tried
The hunter tried to kill the deer by scattering corn on the ground in the forest and tempting (them).
25. Dhañña.m khaadantaa migaa aagacchanta.m luddaka.m disvaa vegena (speedily) dhaavi.msu.
corn / eating / deer / coming / having seen / speedily / ran
While eating the corn, the deer saw the hunter coming and ran (away) speedily.
Translate into Pali
1. He saw the bones of the animals killed by the leopards in the forest.
so / passi / a.t.thiini / pasuuna.m / hataana.m / diipina / a.taviyaa
So a.taviyaa diipina hataana.m pasuuna.m a.t.thiini passi.
2. You (pl.) will bathe in the river water.
tumhe / nahaayissatha / nadiyaa vaarismi.m
Tumhe nadiyaa vaarismi.m nahaayissatha.
3. There are tears in the eyes of the daughter who is a young girl.
santi / assuuni / cakkhuusu / dhiitaaya / taru.niyaa
Assuuni taru.niyaa dhiitaaya cakkhuusu santi.
4. The farmer sells ghee and curd to the merchants.
kassako / vikki.naati / sappi.m ca / dadhi.m ca / vaa.nijaana.m
Kassako vaa.nijaana.m sappi.m ca dadhi.m ca vikki.naati.
5. The flames of the lamps danced in the wind (vaatena).
acciini / diipaana.m / nacci.msu / vaatena
Diipaana.m acciini vaatena nacci.msu.
6. There is eczema on the feet of the enemy.
atthi / daddu / paadesu / sattuno
Sattuno paadesu daddu atthi.
7. The bee (bhamara/madhukara) collects honey from flowers without hurting them.
madhukaro / sa.mharati / madhu.m / pupphehi / na vihe.thento / pupphaani
Madhukaro pupphaani na vihe.thento pupphehi madhu.m sa.mharati.
8. The woman bringing firewood from the forest fell into the river.
vanitaa / aaharamaanaa / daaruuni / a.taviyaa / pati / vaari.m
Vanitaa a.taviyaa daaruuni aaharamaanaa vaari.m pati.
9. Planting trees in the fields and gardens men try to collect wealth.
ropetvaa / rukkhe / khettesu ca / uyyaanesu ca / manussaa / ussahanti / sa.mharitu.m / dhana.m
Khettesu ca uyyaanesu ca rukkhe ropetvaa manussaa dhana.m sa.mharitu.m
10. The husband brought a gem for the wife from the city.
saamii / aahari / / bhariyaaya / nagarasmaa
Saamii nagarasmaa bhariyaaya aahari.