Pali Day by Day

Pali Primer Exercise 21

Translate into English

1. Khette phalaani corentii daarikaa kassaka.m disvaa bhaayitvaa dhaavitu.m aarabhi.
in field / fruits / stealing / girl / farmer / having seen / got frightened / to run / started
Having seen the farmer, the girl stealing fruits in the field got frightened and started to run.

2. Buddhassa saavakena desita.m dhamma.m sutvaa yuvati sacca.m adhigantu.m icchantii ammaaya saddhi.m mantesi.
Buddha's / by disciple / preached / dhamma / having heard / maiden / truth / to understand / wishing / with mother / discussed
Wishing to understand the truth, the young girl discussed with (her) mother after hearing the dhamma preached by the Buddha's disciple.

3. Sayanta.m sunakha.m aamasantii kumaarii gehadvaare nisinnaa hoti.
sleeping / dog / touching / girl / at door of house / seated / is
Lit: The girl touching the sleeping dog is seated at the door of the house.
The girl is sitting at the door of the house stroking the dog.

4. Raajinii naariihi pu.t.the pañhe vyakarontii sabhaaya.m nisinnaa parisa.m aamantetvaa katha.m kathesi.
queen / by women / asked / questions / explaining / in assembly / seated / retinue / having addressed / speech / spoke
The queen seated in the assembly addressed the retinue and made a speech explaining the questions asked by the women.

5. A.tavi.m gantvaa rukkha.m chinditvaa saakhaayo aaka.d.dhantiyo itthiyo sigaale disvaa bhaayi.msu.
[to] forest / having gone / tree / having cut / branches / dragging / women / jackals / having seen / got frightened
Having gone to the forest and cut the tree, the women dragging the branches saw the jackals and got frightened.

6. Gehadvaare nisiiditvaa dussa.m sibbantii bhaginii giita.m gaayati.
having seated / at door of house / garment / sewing / sister / song / sings
Sitting at the door of the house and sewing a garment, the sister sings a song.

7. Asappuriso paapakammaani pa.ticchaadetvaa upaasakehi saddhi.m sallapanto vihaarasmi.m aasane nisinno hoti.
wicked man / evil deeds / having concealed / with lay devotees / engaging in conversation / in monastery / on seat / seated / is
The wicked man concealing (his) evil deeds is seated on the seated in the monastery conversing with the lay devotees.

8. Saa.takena ve.thetvaa niliiyita.m passitu.m aaka'nkhamaanaa yuvati ovarakassa (room) dvaara.m vivari.
in garment / having wrapped / hidden / gold / to see / hoping / maiden / room's / door / opened
The maiden hoping to see the gold wrapped and hidden in a garment opened the room's door.

9. Sace tva.m mula.m vissajjetu.m iccheyyaasi, maa vattha.m ki.naahi.
if / you / money / to spend / wish / do not / cloth / buy
If you wish to spend the money, do not buy a cloth.
Alt: If you wish to spend the money, do not buy clothes.
Alt: If you wish to spend the money, do not buy a garment.

10. Sace tumhe bhuupaalassa duuta.m pesetha amacce pi aarocetha.
if / you / to king / messenger / send / minister / too / inform
If you send a messenger to the king, inform the ministers too.

11. Kassako chinnaa sakhaayo khettamhaa niiharitvaa a.taviya.m pakkhipi.
farmer / cut / branches / from field / having taken / in forest / placed
The farmer took out the broken branches from the field and dumped (them) in the forest.

12. Pokkara.niyaa tiire (bank) .thatvaa kadaliphala.m khaadantii kaññaa bhaginiyaa dinna.m paduma.m ga.nhi.
pond's / bank / having stood / plantain (fruit) / eating / girl / by sister / given / lotus / took
Standing at the bank of the pond and eating a plantain, the girl took the lotus given by (her) sister.

13. Amhaaka.m (our) hatthapaadesu viisati (twenty) a'nguliyo santi.
our / on hands and feet / twenty / fingers / there are
There are twenty fingers (and toes) on our hands and feet.

14. Rattiyaa gehaa nikkhamitu.m bhaayantii kaññaa dvaara.m na vivari.
at night / house / to leave / fearing / girl / door / did not open
The girl did not open the door, being afraid to leave the house at night.

15. Sace tva.m ya.t.thiyaa kukkura.m pahareyyaasi so .daseyya.
if / you / with walking stick / dog / would hit / it / would bite
If you hit the dog with the walking stick, it will bite.

16. Maya.m sappurisaa bhavitu.m aaka'nkhamaanaa upasa'nkamma dhamma.m sutvaa kusala.m kaatu.m aarabhimha.
we / virtuous men / to become / hoping / monks / having approached / doctrine / having heard / good / to do / started
Hoping to become good men we approached monks, listened to the doctrine and started to do good (work).

17. Paapakammehi anubandhitaa asappurisaa coraa niraye (purgatory) uppajjitvaa dukkha.m vindanti.
by evil deeds / followed / wicked / robbers / in purgatory / having being born / suffering / experience
The wicked robbers, being chased by (their) evil deeds, are born in purgatory and experience suffering.

18. Maa puñña.m parivajjetvaa paapa.m karotha, sace kareyyaatha manussalokamhaa cavitvaa dukkha.m vindissatha.
do not / merit / having avoided / evil / do! / if / (you) do / from human world / having departed / suffering / would experience
Do not avoid merit and do evil; if you do, you will experience suffering after being departed from the human world.

19. Sace tumhe sagge uppajjitvaa moditu.m patthetha puññaani karotha.
if / you / in heaven / having being born / to be happy / aspire / merits / do
If you aspire to be happy being born in heaven, do meritorious deeds.

20. Sacca.m ñaatu.m ussahantaa braahma.naa sahaayakehi saha mantayi.msu.
truth / to know / trying / brahmins / with friends / discussed
Trying to know the truth, the brahmins discussed with friends.

21. Naariyaa pañjare (cage) pakkhittaa sukaa kadaliphala.m khaadantaa nisinnaa honti.
by woman / into cage / placed / parrots / plantains / eating / seated / are
The parrots placed into the cage by the woman sat eating plantains.

22. vihe.thetu.m na icchanto vaa.nijo saka.tamhaa bha.n.daani niiharitvaa bhuumiya.m nikkhipitvaa kassaka.m aarocesi.
ox / to harass / not wishing / merchant / from cart / goods / having removed / on ground / having placed / farmer / informed
Not wishing to harass the ox, the merchant removed the goods from the cart, placed (them) on the ground and informed the farmer.

23. A.taviya.m viharantaa migaa ca go.naa ca varaahaa ca siihamhaa bhaayanti.
in forest / living / deer and / oxen and / pigs and / (from) lion / fear
The deer, oxen and pigs living in the the forest fear the lion.

24. Sama.naa saddhaaya upaasakehi dinna.m bhuñjitvaa sacca.m adhigantu.m vaayamantaa siilaani rakkhanti.
monks / with faith / by lay devotees / given / having enjoyed / truth / to understand / trying / precepts / observe
Having enjoyed (the requisites) given by the lay devotees with faith, the monks observe precepts trying to realise the truth.

25. Rattiyaa nadi.m taritvaa pabhaate (in the morning) diipa.m
in night / boat / river / having crossed / in morning / island / reached
The boat setting out in the night crossed the river and reached the island in the morning.

26. Gehassa chaayaaya .thatvaa daarikaaya bhuumiya.m nikkhitta.m odana.m sunakho khaaditu.m aarabhi.
house's / in shadow / having stood / by girl / on ground / placed / rice / dog / to eat / started
Having stood in the shadow of the house, the dog started to eat the rice placed on the ground by the girl.

27. Bhariyaaya naa.liyaa mita.m dhañña.m aadaaya kassako gato hoti.
by wife / with measuring vessel / measured / corn / having taken / farmer / [to] market / gone / is
Taking the corn measured by (his) wife with the measuring vessel, the farmer has gone to the market.

28. U.d.dente kaake disvaa vaalukaaya ca udakena ca kii.lantii daarikaa hasamaanaa dhaavi.
flying / crows / having seen / with sand and / with water and / girl / laughing / ran
Having seen the crows flying, the girl playing with sand and water ran laughing.

29. Ratha.m paajetu.m (to drive) ugga.nhanto puriso dakkho (clever) rathaacariyo bhavitu.m vaayami.
vehicle / to drive / learning / man / clever / vehicle-teacher / to be / tried
Learning to drive a vehicle, the man tried to be a clever driving instructor.

30. Viva.tamhaa dvaaramhaa nikkhantaa kumaaraa pañjarehi muttaa saku.naa viya (like) uyyaana.m dhaavi.msu.
opened / from door / leaving / boys / from cages / released / birds / like / [to] park / ran
The boys left through the open door and ran to the park like birds released from cages.

Translate into Pali

1. Seated on the bed the girl drank the milk given by her mother.
nisinnaa / mañce / daarikaa / pivi / khiira.m / dinna.m / ammaaya
Mañce nisinnaa daarikaa ammaaya dinna.m khiira.m pivi.

2. Taking the pots (gha.te) and talking the women went to the river to bring water.
gahetvaa / gha.te / sallapantiyo / naariyo / gacchi.msu / nadi.m / aaharitu.m / udaka.m
Gha.te gahetvaa sallapantiyo naariyo udaka.m aaharitu.m nadi.m gacchi.msu.

3. Without wishing to harass the bird the woman released him from the cage (pañjara).
na icchantii / vihe.thetu.m / / itthii / muñci / (ta.m) / pañjarasmaa vihe.thetu.m na icchantii itthii (ta.m) pañjarasmaa muñci.

4. Unable (asakkoti) to pick the fruits from the tree the young girl called the farmer.
asakkontii / ocinitu.m / phalaani / rukkhamhaa / taru.nii / pakkosi / kassaka.m
Rukkhamhaa phalaani ocinitu.m asakkontii taru.nii kassaka.m pakkosi.

5. There is no (natthi) milk in the bowl of the crying child.
natthi / khiira.m / pattasmi.m / rodantassa / daarakassa
Rodantassa daarakassa pattasmi.m khiira.m natthi.

6. The girls who were singing under the tree started dancing.
daarikaayo / gaayantiyo / rukkhamuulamhi / aarabhi.msu / naccitu.m
Rukkhamuulamhi gaayantiyo daarikaayo naccitu.m aarabhi.msu.

7. Being chased by the hunter and his dogs the deer ran into the forest.
anubandhitaa / luddakena ca / kukkurehi ca / migaa / dhaavi.msu / arañña.m
Luddakena ca kukkurehi ca anubandhitaa migaa arañña.m dhaavi.msu.

8. Wishing to get profit the women sold garments in shops.
icchantiyo / labhitu.m / laabha.m / naariyo / / saa.take / aapa.nesu
Laabha.m labhitu.m icchantiyo naariyo aapa.nesu saa.take

9. In order to buy oil (tela) to light lamps the boy went from shop to shop.
ki.nitu.m / tela.m / jaaletu.m / diipe / kumaaro / agami/agacchi / aapa.nasmaa /
Kumaaro diipe jaaletu.m tela.m ki.nitu.m aapa.nasmaa agami/agacchi.

10. I gave the box to the girl sitting in the shade of the tree.
aha.m / adadi.m/adaasi.m / mañjuusa.m / kaññaaya / nisinnaaya / chaayaaya.m / rukkhassa
Aha.m rukkhassa chaayaaya.m nisinnaaya kaññaaya mañjuusa.m adadi.m/adaasi.m.

11. The girls laughed pulling the creeper from the tree.
kumaariyo / hasi.msu / aaka.d.dhantiyo / lata.m / rukkhamhaa
Rukkhamhaa lata.m aaka.d.dhantiyo kumaariyo hasi.msu.

12. They who oppress women and children are wicked men.
te / vihe.thentaa / vanitaayo ca / daarake ca / honti / asappurisaa
Te vanitaayo ca daarake ca vihe.thentaa asappurisaa honti.

13. We see with our eyes the rays of the sun falling on the ground.
maya.m / passaama / nayanehi / suriya-rasmiyo / patantiyo / bhuumiya.m
Nayanehi maya.m bhuumiya.m patantiyo suriyarasmiyo passaama.

14. Hitting with a stick the woman killed the serpent entering the house.
paharitvaa / ya.t.thiyaa / itthii / maaresi / sappa.m / pavisanta.m / geha.m
Ya.t.thiyaa paharitvaa itthii geha.m pavisanta.m sappa.m maaresi.

15. Putting fruits and flowers in boxes sisters sat at the open door.
pakkhipantiyo / phalaani ca / pupphaani ca / mañjuusaasu / bhaginiyo / nisidi.msu / viva.te / gehadvaare
Mañjuusaasu phalaani ca pupphaani ca pakkhipantiyo bhaginiyo viva.te gehadvaare nisidi.msu.

16. If you will come out of water and protect the child I will step into the pond and bathe.
sace / tva.m / uttaritvaa / udakasmaa / rakkheyyaasi / daaraka.m / aha.m / otaritvaa / / nahaayissaami
Sace tva.m udakasmaa uttaritvaa daaraka.m rakkheyyaasi aha.m otaritvaa nahaayissaami.

17. We got angry with the women committing evil and left the hall.
maya.m / kujjhitvaa / naariihi / karontiihi / paapakammaani / nikkhamimha / saalaaya
Paapakammaani karontiihi naariihi kujjhitvaa maya.m saalaaya nikkhamimha.

18. Do not shoot the cows and deer roaming in the park, the king and queen will get angry.
(tumhe) / maa / vijjhatha / gaaviyo ca / mige ca / aahi.n.dantiyo / uyyaane / bhuupaalo ca / raajinii ca / kujjhissanti
Maa tumhe uyyaane aahi.n.dantiyo gaaviyo ca mige ca vijjhatha, bhuupaalo ca raajinii ca kujjhissanti.

19. May the king and his ministers not oppress the people living in the island.
bhuupaalo ca / amaccaa ca / maa pii.lentu / manusse / viharante / diipasmi.m
Maa bhuupaalo ca amaccaa ca diipasmi.m viharante manusse pii.lentu.

20. I gave rice to the starving dogs walking on the road.
aha.m / adadi.m / odana.m / kudhaaya pii.litaana.m / sunakhaana.m / carantaana.m / maggamhi
Aha.m maggamhi carantaana.m kudhaaya pii.litaana.m sunakhaana.m odana.m adadi.m.

Series A

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30
+ Lesson 31
+ Lesson 32

Series B

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12

Series C

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30

Series D

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

+ Exercise 1
+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22
+ Exercise 23
+ Exercise 24
+ Exercise 25
+ Exercise 26
+ Exercise 27
+ Exercise 28

Series F

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+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22