Pali Day by Day

Pali Primer Exercise 17

Translate into English

1. Kassako khetta.m kasitvaa nahaayitu.m udaka.m otari.
farmer / field / having ploughed / to bathe / water / entered
After ploughing the field, the farmer entered the water to bathe.

2. Ugga.nhantaana.m daarakaana.m daatu.m aacariyaa kusumaani aahari.msu.
learning / to children / to give / teachers / flowers / brought
The teachers brought flowers to give to the learning children (students).

3. Upaasakaa aasanehi u.t.thahitvaa dhamma.m desetu.m upasa'nkamanta.m vandi.msu.
lay devotees / from seats / having got up / dhamma / to preach / approaching / to monk / paid respect
The lay devotees rose from (their) seats and paid respect to the monk approaching to preach the dhamma.

4. Nagaresu kammaani katvaa vetane labhitu.m aaka'nkhamaanaa naraa gaamehi nikkhami.msu.
in cities / deeds / having done / wages / to receive / hoping / people / from villages / left
Hoping to do work in the cities and receive pay, the people left the villages.

5. Aacariyo aasana.m dussena chaadetvaa nisiiditu.m nimantesi.
teacher / seat / with cloth / having covered / monk / to sit / invited
Having covered the seat with a cloth, the teacher invited the monk to sit.

6. Kumaaro dvaara.m vivaritvaa rukkhamhaa oruhante vaanare passamaano a.t.thaasi (stood).
boy / door / having opened / from trees / descending / monkeys / seeing / stood
The boy opened the door and stood watching monkeys climbing down from the trees.

7. Pa.n.dito coretvaa akusala.m karonte nare pakkositvaa ovadi.
wise man / oxen / having stolen / evil / doing / men / having summoned / admonished
The wise man called and admonished the men stealing the oxen and doing evil.
Alt: The wise man summoned and advised people who commit evil by stealing cattle.

8. Yaacakassa puttaa rukkhehi patantaani phalaani sa.mharitvaa aapa.nasmi.m
beggar's / sons / from trees / falling / fruits / having collected / at market / sold
The beggar's sons collected fruits falling from trees and sold (them) at the market.

9. Kassako dhañña.m minitvaa vaa.nijassa vikki.nitu.m
farmer / grain / having measured / to merchant / to sell / sent
The farmer, having weighed the grain, sent (it) to sell to the merchant.

10. Dhamma.m ugga.nhitvaa bhavitu.m aaka'nkhamaano amacco aacariya.m pariyesamaano Buddha.m upasa'nkami.
dhamma / having learnt / monk / to become / wishing / minister / teacher / seeking / Buddha / approached
Wishing to learn the dhamma and become a monk, the minister seeking a teacher approached the Buddha.

11. Sace tumhe gaama.m paapu.neyyaatha mitte olokeyyaatha.
if / you / village / would reach / friends / would see
If you reach the village, you would see friends.

12. Pa.n.ditamhaa pañhe pucchitvaa sacca.m jaanitu.m maatulo ussahi.
from wise man / questions / having asked / truth / to know / uncle / tried
The uncle tried to ask questions from the wise man and find out the truth.

13. Paasaa.namhi .thatvaa aja.m khaadanta.m siiha.m disvaa vaanaraa bhaayi.msu.
on rock / having stood / goat / eating / lion / having seen / monkeys / got frightened
Having seen the lion standing on the rock and eating a goat, the monkeys got frightened.

14. Rukkhamuule nisiiditvaa gitaani gaayantaana.m kumaaraana.m kaayesu pa.n.naani ca pupphaani ca pati.msu.
under a tree / having seated / songs / singing / boys' / on bodies / leaves and / flowers and / fell
Leaves and flowers fell on the bodies of the boys sitting under a tree and singing songs.

15. Tumhe dhana.m sa.mharamaanaa maa samudda.m taritvaa diipa.m gacchatha.
you / wealth / collecting / do not / sea / having crossed / island / go!
(You) Do not cross the sea and go to the island collecting wealth.

16. Aapa.nasmi.m bha.n.daani vikki.nantassa vaa.nijassa ratho atthi.
at shop / goods / selling / merchant's / chariot / it is
It is the chariot of the merchant selling goods at the shop.
Alt: The merchant who sells goods at the shop has a vehicle.

17. Aha.m puttassa daatu.m dussa.m sibbanto giita.m gaayi.m.
I / to son / to give / clothes / sewing / song / sang
Sewing a piece of clothes to give my son, I sang a song.

18. Suukaraa ca sunakhaa ca khette aavaa.te
pigs and / dogs and / in field / pits / dug
The pigs and dogs dug pits in the field.

19. Purisaa rukkhamuule nisiiditvaa taapasena bhaasamaana.m
people / at foot of tree / having seated / by ascetic / speech / listened
The people sat at the foot of the tree and listened to the speech by the ascetic.

20. Luddakena saddhi.m vane aahi.n.dante putte aamantetvaa kassakaa akkosi.msu.
with hunter / in forest / wandering / sons / having called / farmer / scolded
Having called the sons wandering in the forest with the hunter, the farmer scolded (them).

21. Maa tva.m suva.n.napatta.m vikki.nitvaa khagge ki.naahi.
do not / you / golden bowl / having sold / swords / buy!
(You) Do not sell the golden bowl and buy swords.

22. So bha.n.daani ca khetta.m ca ca puttaana.m datvaa geha.m pahaaya bhavitu.m cintesi.
he / (household) articles and / field and / cattle and / to sons / having given / house / having left / monk / to be / intended
Having given (household) articles, the field and the cattle to (his) sons, he intended to leave the household and become a monk.

23. Dhammena jiivantaa sappurisaa mige na maaresu.m.
righteously / living / good men / not / killed
Living righteously, the good men did not kill deer.

24. Aha.m sopaana.m aaruhi.m, te sopaanamhaa oruhi.msu.
I / stairs / climbed / they / from stairs / descended
I climbed the stairs, they came down the stairs.

25. Sahaayakaa udaka.m otaritvaa nahaayantaa padumaani ocini.msu.
friends / [into] water / having descended / bathing / lotuses / picked
Having descended into the water and bathing, the friends picked lotuses.

Translate into Pali

1. The child sprinkled the lotuses with water and honoured the Buddha with them.
daarako / aasiñcitvaa / padumaani / udakena / puujesi / Buddha.m / tehi
Daarako udakena padumaani aasiñcitvaa tehi Buddha.m puujesi.

2. Having received the pay the men went to the market and bought goods.
labhitvaa / vetana.m / naraa / gantvaa / / / bha.n.daani
Vetana.m labhitvaa naraa gantvaa bha.n.daani

3. The fisherman brought fish from the sea and sold them to the farmers.
dhiivaro / aaharitvaa / macche / samuddasmaa / / kassakaana.m
Dhiivaro samuddasmaa macche aaharitvaa kassakaana.m

4. If you go to bathe wash the clothes of the children.
sace / tva.m / gaccheyyaasi / nahaayitu.m / dhovaahi / dussaani / daarakaana.m
Sace tva.m nahaayitu.m gaccheyyaasi daarakaana.m dussaani dhovaahi.

5. The parrots and the crows flew into the sky from the trees.
sukaa ca / kaakaa ca / u.d.desu.m / aakaasa.m / rukkhehi
Sukaa ca kaakaa ca rukkhehi aakaasa.m u.d.desu.m.

6. Do not scold the children playing under the tree with the dog.
maa / akkosaahi / daarake / kii.lante / rukkhamuule / kukkurena saddhi.m
Maa rukkhamuule kukkurena saddhi.m kii.lante daarake akkosaahi.

7. I spoke to the people sitting in the park having assembled to see the king.
aha.m / kathesi.m / manussaana.m / nisiidantaana.m / uyyaanamhi / sannipatitvaa / passitu.m / bhuupaala.m
Aha.m bhuupaala.m passitu.m sannipatitvaa uyyaanamhi nisiidantaana.m manussaana.m kathesi.m.

8. We got frightened seeing a serpent enter the house.
maya.m / bhaayimha / disvaa / sappa.m / pavisanta.m / geha.m
Maya.m geha.m pavisanta.m sappa.m disvaa bhaayimha.

9. I gave water to my son eating rice together with his friend.
aha.m / adaasi.m/adadi.m / paaniiya.m / puttaaya / bhuñjantaaya / bhatta.m / mittena saha
Aha.m bhatta.m bhuñjantaaya mittena saha puttaaya paaniiya.m adaasi.m/adadi.m.

10. Do not do evil, do good to enter heaven after departing from the human world.
maa / karotha / paapaani / karotha / kusalaani / pavisitu.m / sagga.m / cavitvaa / manussalokaamhaa
Maa paapaani karotha; manussalokaamhaa cavitvaa sagga.m pavisitu.m kusalaani karotha.

Series A

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+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30
+ Lesson 31
+ Lesson 32

Series B

+ Lesson 1
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+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12

Series C

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+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30

Series D

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+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
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+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
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+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
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+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

+ Exercise 1
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+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
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+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22
+ Exercise 23
+ Exercise 24
+ Exercise 25
+ Exercise 26
+ Exercise 27
+ Exercise 28

Series F

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+ Exercise 6
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+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22