Pali Day by Day

Pali Primer Exercise 13

Translate into English

1. Buddho vihaarasmi.m sannipatantaana.m manussaana.m dhamma.m deseti.
Buddha / in monastery / assembling / people / dhamma / preaches
Buddha preaches the dhamma to the people assembling in the monastery.

2. Buddhassa puujetu.m cintento upaasako pupphaani ocinaati.
Buddha / to honour / thinking / lay devotee / flowers / picks
Thinking to honour the Buddha, the lay devotee picks flowers.

3. Te patte udakena puurentaa giita.m gaayanti.
they / pots / with water / filling / song / sing
They, filling the pots with water, sing a song.

4. Tumhe araññe vasante mige pii.letvaa asappurisaa hotha.
you / in forest / living / deer / having oppressed / wicked men / are
You, oppressing the deer living in the forest, are wicked men.

5. Maya.m gantvaa vaa.nijehi saddhi.m kathetvaa dhañña.m vikki.naama.
we / [to] shop / having gone / with merchants / having discussed / corn / sell
Having gone to the shop and discussed with the merchants, we sell corn.

6. Tva.m u.d.denta.m suka.m disvaa ga.nhitu.m icchasi.
you / flying / parrot / having seen / to catch / wish
Seeing the parrot flying, you wish to catch (it).

7. Pabbatamhaa udenta.m canda.m passitu.m kumaaro gharamhaa dhaavati.
from mountain / rising / moon / to see / boy / from house / runs
The boy runs out of the house to see the moon rising from the mountain.

8. Aha.m kassakehi saha khettasmi.m rukkhe ropemi.
I / with farmers / in field / trees / plant
I plant trees in the field with the farmers.

9. Maya.m amaccehi saha mantentaa paasaadasmi.m aasanesu nisiidaama.
we / with ministers / discussing / in palace / on seats / sit
We sit on the seats in the palace discussing with the ministers.

10. Tumhe Tathaagatassa saavake nimantetvaa daana.m detha.
you / Buddha's / disciples / having invited / alms / give
Having invited Buddha's disciples, you give alms.

11. Upaasakaa vihaara.m gantvaa diipe jaaletvaa dhamma.m sotu.m nisiidanti.
lay devotees / [to] monastery / having gone / lamps / having kindled / doctrine / to hear / sit
Having gone to the monastery and having kindled the lamps, the lay devotees sit (down) to hear the doctrine.

12. Luddako siisa.m (head) dussena chaadetvaa nisiiditvaa maretu.m ussahati.
hunter / head / with cloth / having covered / having seated / birds / to kill / tries
The hunter, having covered (his) head with a cloth and seated, tries to kill birds.

13. So vane aahi.n.dante gaama.m aanetvaa vaa.nijaana.m vikki.naati.
he / in forests / roaming / oxen / [to] village / having brought / to merchants / sells
Having brought the oxen roaming in the forest to the village, he sells (them) to merchants.

14. Tva.m aapa.nehi bha.ndaani ki.nitvaa saka.tena aanetvaa gehe .thapesi.
you / from shops / goods / having bought / in cart / having brought / at home / keep
Having bought goods from the shops and brought (them) in a cart, you keep (them) at home.

15. Tumhe kakacehi rukkhe chinditvaa pabbatamhaa paatetha.
you / with saws / trees / having cut / from mountain / fell
You, having cut the trees with saws, fell (them) from the mountain.
Alt: You cut the trees with saws and fell (them) from the mountain.

16. Dhammena manusse paalentaa bhuupaalaa akusala.m parivajjenti.
with truth / people / ruling / kings / evil / avoid
Ruling the people righteously (lit. with truth), kings avoid evil.

17. Sacca.m ñatu.m icchanto aha.m sama.nehi pañhe pucchaami.
truth / to know / wishing / I / from monks / questions / ask
Wishing to know the truth, I ask the monks questions.

18. Daana.m datvaa siila.m rakkhantaa* sappurisaa saggaloka.m** paapu.nanti.
alms / having given / precepts / observing / good men / heavenly place / reach
Good men who give alms and observe precepts reach a heavenly place.

19. Dhañña.m minanto kassako netvaa dhañña.m vikki.nitu.m cinteti.
corn / measuring / farmer / [to] shop / having taken / corn / to sell / intends
The farmer measuring corn intends to take it to the shop and sell it.

20. Aha.m pattena paaniiya.m pivanto dvaarasmi.m .thatvaa magga.m olokemi.
I / with bowl / water / drinking / at door / having stood / [at] road / look
Drinking water with a bowl, I stand at the door and look at the road.

21. So aapa.namhaa khiira.m ki.nitu.m putta.m pahi.naati.
he / from shop / milk / to buy / son / sends
He sends (his) son to buy milk from the shop.

22. Maya.m dhamma.m ugga.nhitu.m ussahantaa pa.n.ditena saha mantema.
we / doctrine / to learn / trying / with wise man / discuss
Trying to learn the doctrine, we discuss with a wise man.

23. Corehi saddhi.m gehe bhinditvaa manusse pii.lentaa tumhe asappurisaa hotha.
with robbers / [into] houses / having broken / people / oppressing / you / wicked men / are
You are wicked men (who) oppress people by breaking into houses with robbers.

24. Aha.m pariyesamaane diipamhaa aagacchante vaa.nije jaanaami.
I / gold / searching / from island / coming / merchants / know
I know merchants coming from the island and searching (for) gold.

25. Aha.m aacariyo homi, tva.m vejjo hosi.
I / teacher / am / you / doctor / are
I am a teacher, you are a doctor.

26. Tva.m asappurisa, Buddhena desenta.m dhamma.m sutvaa sappuriso bhavitu.m ussahasi.
you / wicked man / by Buddha / preaching / dhamma / having heard / virtuous man / to be / try
You wicked man, having heard the dhamma preaching by the Buddha, try to be a virtuous man.

27. Aha.m pa.n.ditehi saddhi.m mantento dhammena diipa.m paalento bhuupaalo asmi.
I / with wise men / discussing / righteously / island / ruling / king / am
I am the king who discuss with wise men and rule the island righteously.

28. Varaahe maarentaa coraa kassake pii.lentaa paapakammaani karonti.
pigs / killing / thieves / farmers / oppressing / evil deeds / do
Killing pigs, the thieves oppressing the farmers do evil deeds.

29. Siila.m rakkhantaa puññakammaani karontaa manussaa sagga.m pappotu.m aaka'nkhanti.
precepts / observing / meritorious deeds / doing / people / heaven / to reach / hope
Observing precepts and doing meritorious deeds, the people hope to reach heaven.

30. Akusala.m pahaaya paapa.m parivajjetvaa viharantaa naraa sappurisaa bhavanti.
evil / having abandoned / sin / having avoided / living / people / good men / become
Having abandoned evil and avoided sin, the people who live become good men.

Translate into Pali

1. Having picked fruits from the trees you send (them) to the market.
ocinitvaa / phalaani / rukkhehi / tva.m / pahi.naasi /
Rukkhehi phalaani ocinitvaa tva.m pahi.naasi.

2. Having heard the Buddha preach the doctinre I become glad.
sutvaa / Buddha.m / desenta.m / dhamma.m / aha.m / pasiidaami
Dhamma.m desenta.m Buddha.m sutvaa aha.m pasiidaami.

3. Thinking of collecting corn I go to the field with the farmer.
cintayamaano / sa.mharitu.m (to collect) / dhañña.m / aha.m / gacchaami / khetta.m / kassakena saha
Dhañña.m sa.mharitu.m cintayamaano aha.m kassakena saha khetta.m gacchaami.

4. Singing songs you (pl.) look at the birds flying in the sky.
gaayantaa / giitaani / tumhe / oloketha / / u.d.dente / aakaase
Giitaani gaayantaa tumhe aakaase u.d.dente oloketha.

5. I advise the wicked man who oppresses the farmers in the village.
aha.m / ovadaami / asappurisa.m / pii.lenta.m / kassake / gaamasmi.m
Aha.m gaamasmi.m kassake pii.lenta.m asappurisa.m ovadaami.

6. We dig pits to plant trees in the park.
maya.m / kha.naama / aavaa.te / ropetu.m / rukkhe / uyyaanamhi
Maya.m rukkhe ropetu.m uyyaanamhi aavaa.te kha.naama.

7. We know the man who is lighting lamps in the monastery.
maya.m / jaanaama / manussa.m / jaalayamaana.m / diipe / vihaare
Maya.m vihaare diipe jaalayamaana.m manussa.m jaanaama.

8. You (pl.) cross the sea with sailors to reach the island.
tumhe / taratha / samudda.m / naavikehi saha / pappotu.m / diipa.m
Tumhe diipa.m pappotu.m naavikehi saha samudda.m taratha.

9. The king governing the island wins.
bhuupaalo / paalento / diipa.m / jinaati
Diipa.m paalento bhuupaalo jinaati.

10. We begin to learn the dhamma from recluses living in the village.
maya.m / aarabhaama / ugga.nhitu.m / dhamma.m / sama.nehi / jivaamaanehi / gaamasmi.m
Maya.m gaamasmi.m jivaamaanehi sama.nehi dhamma.m ugga.nhitu.m aarabhaama.

11. Searching for the truth the wise man goes from city to city.
pariyesanto / sacca.m / pa.n.dito / gacchati / naharamhaa / nagara.m
Sacca.m pariyesanto pa.n.dito naharamhaa nagara.m gacchati.

12. Avoiding the sleeping dog with his foot the child runs home.
parivajjetvaa / sayamaana.m / sunakha.m / paadena / daarako / dhaavati / geha.m
Sayamaana.m sunakha.m paadena parivajjetvaa daarako geha.m dhaavati.

13. Wishing to be born in heaven wise men fear to do evil.
aaka'nkhamaanaa / uppajjitu.m / saggamhi / pa.n.ditaa / bhaayanti / kaatu.m / paapa.m
Saggamhi uppajjitu.m aaka'nkhamaanaa pa.n.ditaa paapa.m kaatu.m bhaayanti.

14. Departing from the human world wicked men are born in hell (narake).
cavitvaa / manussalokasmaa / asappurisaa / uppajjanti / narake
Manussalokasmaa cavitvaa asappurisaa narake uppajjanti.

15. Having invited the hermit from the mountain the king gives him a robe.
nimantetvaa / taapasa.m / pabbatamhaa / bhuupaalo / dadaati / ciivara.m
Pabbatamhaa taapasa.m nimantetvaa bhuupaalo ciivara.m dadaati.

16. Trying to understand the truth lay devotees become recluses.
ussahamaanaa / adhigantu.m / sacca.m / upaasakaa / bhavanti / sama.naa
Sacca.m adhigantu.m ussahamaanaa upaasakaa sama.naa bhavanti.

17. Expecting to hear the monk preaching the dhamma lay devotees assemble in the monastery.
aaka'nkhamaanaa / sotu.m / / desenta.m / dhamma.m / upaasakaa / sannipatanti / vihaarasmi.m
Dhamma.m desenta.m sotu.m aaka'nkhamaanaa upaasakaa vihaarasmi.m sannipatanti.

18. We see with our eyes, hear with our ears (sotehi), touch with our bodies.
maya.m / passaama / nayanehi / su.naama / sotehi / phusaama / kaayehi
Maya.m nayanehi passaama, sotehi su.naama, kaayehi phusaama.

19. I am the king governing the islands.
aha.m / homi/bhavaami / bhuupaalo / paalento / diipe
Diipe paalento aha.m bhuupaalo homi/bhavaami.

20. You (pl.) are wicked men who take counsel with thieves.
tumhe / hotha/bhavatha / asappurisaa / mantayamaanaa / corehi saha
Tumhe corehi saha mantayamaanaa asappurisaa hotha/bhavatha.

21. Good men begin to plant trees to protect the world.
sappurisaa / aarabhanti / ropetu.m / rukkhe / rakkhitu.m / loka.m
Sappurisaa loka.m rakkhitu.m rukkhe ropetu.m aarabhanti.

22. Having heard the dhamma, the thief wishes to avoid evil.
sutvaa / dhamma.m / coro / aaka'nkhati / parivajjitu.m / papa.m
Dhamma.m sutvaa coro papa.m parivajjitu.m aaka'nkhati.

23. Merchants keep clothes in shops to sell (them) to farmers coming from the villages.
vaa.nijaa / .thapenti / vatthaani / aapa.nesu / vikki.nitu.m / kassakaana.m / aagacchamaanaana.m / gaamehi
Vaa.nijaa gaamehi aagacchamaanaana.m kassakaana.m vikki.nitu.m aapa.nesu vatthaani .thapenti.

24. The sick man (gilaana) is a messenger of the gods in the human world.
gilaano / hoti / duuto / devaana.m / manussalokamhi
Gilaano manussalokamhi devaana.m duuto hoti.

25. There are good men in the world who admonish wicked men.
vasanti / sappurisaa / loke / anusaasentaa / asappurise
Asappurise anusaasentaa sappurisaa loke vasanti.

26. Having picked lotuses from the water, the doctor goes to the monastery to listen to the dhamma.
ocinitvaa / padumaani / udakasmaa / vejjo / gacchati / vihaara.m / sotu.m / dhamma.m
Udakasmaa padumaani ocinitvaa vejjo dhamma.m sotu.m vihaara.m gacchati.

27. Seeing the Buddha and being please the thief throws away the arrows.
disvaa / Buddha.m / pasiiditvaa / coro / nikkhipati / sare
Buddha.m disvaa pasiiditvaa coro sare nikkhipati.

28. Wishing to avoid evil I practise virtue.
icchanto / parivajjetu.m / akusala.m / aha.m / rakkhaami / siila.m
Akusala.m parivajjetu.m icchanto aha.m siila.m rakkhaami.

29. We cook rice to give alms to the monks coming from the monastery.
maya.m / pacaama / bhatta.m / daatu.m / daana.m / sama.naana.m / aagacchantaana.m / vihaaramhaa
Maya.m vihaaramhaa aagacchantaana.m sama.naana.m daana.m daatu.m bhatta.m pacaama.

30. You (pl.) go from island to island searching for gold with merchants.
tumhe / gacchatha / diipasmaa / diipa.m / pariyesamaanaa / / vaa.nijehi saha pariyesamaanaa tumhe vaa.nijehi saha diipasmaa diipa.m gacchatha.

* Literally "protects virtues", "siila.m rakkhati" is an idiomatic expression that is better translated as "observes the precepts" or "behaves morally".

** Buddhist cosmology posits many heavenly levels, not just one particular heaven as is common in Western religions.

Series A

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30
+ Lesson 31
+ Lesson 32

Series B

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12

Series C

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30

Series D

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12
+ Lesson 13
+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

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+ Exercise 2
+ Exercise 3
+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22
+ Exercise 23
+ Exercise 24
+ Exercise 25
+ Exercise 26
+ Exercise 27
+ Exercise 28

Series F

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+ Exercise 4
+ Exercise 5
+ Exercise 6
+ Exercise 7
+ Exercise 8
+ Exercise 9
+ Exercise 10
+ Exercise 11
+ Exercise 12
+ Exercise 13
+ Exercise 14
+ Exercise 15
+ Exercise 16
+ Exercise 17
+ Exercise 18
+ Exercise 19
+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22