Pali Primer Exercise 4
Translate into English
1. Coraa gaamamhaa pabbata.m dhaavanti.
thieves / [from] village / [to] mountain / run
Thieves run from the village to the mountain.
2. Daarako maatulasmaa odana.m yaacati.
child / [from] uncle / rice / begs
The child begs [for] rice from the uncle.
3. Kumaaro sopaanamhaa patati.
boy / [from] stairway / falls
The boy falls from the stairway/steps.
4. Maatulaa saa.take dhovanti.
uncles / garments / wash
Uncles wash garments.
5. Dhiivaraa pi.takehi macche aaharanti.
fishermen / [in] baskets / fish / bring
Fishermen bring fish in baskets.
6. Upaasakaa sama.nehi saddhi.m vihaarasmaa nikkhamanti.
lay devotees / [with] monks / with / [from] monastery / set out
- Lay devotees set out from the monastery with monks.
- Lay devotess leave the monastery with monks.
7. kakacena rukkha.m chindati.
brahmin / [with] saw / tree / cuts
The brahmin cuts the tree with [a] saw.
8. Kumaaraa mittehi saha bhuupaala.m passanti.
boys / [with] friends / with / king / see
Boys, (together) with friends, see the king.
9. Vaa.nijo assena saddhi.m pabbatasmaa oruhati.
merchant / [with] horse / with / [from] mountain / descends
The merchant descends from the mountain with [his] horse.
10. Yaacako kassakasmaa yaacati.
beggar / [from] farmer / dog / begs
- The beggar begs (for) the dog from the farmer.
- The beggar begs the farmer for the dog.
11. Sappaa pabbatehi gaama.m otaranti.
serpents / [from] mountains / [to] village / descend
Serpents descend to the village from the mountains.
12. Amaccaa sarehi mige vijjhanti.
ministers / [with] arrows / deer / shoot
The ministers shoot deer using arrows.
13. Coro gaamamhaa saka.tena saa.take harati.
thief / [from] village / [in] cart / garments / takes away
The thief takes away the garments from the village in [a] cart.
14. Bhuupaalo amaccehi saddhi.m rathena paasaada.m aagacchati.
king / [with] ministers / with / [by] chariot / [to] palace / comes
The king comes to the palace with [his] ministers by a chariot.
15. Suukaraa paadehi aavaa.te kha.nanti.
pigs / [with] feet / pits / dig
Pigs dig pits with [their] feet.
16. Kumaaro sahaayakehi saha saa.take dhovati.
boy / [with] friends / with / garments / washes
The boy washes the garments with friends.
17. Sama.naa gaamamhaa upaasakehi saddhi.m nikkhamanti.
monks / [from] village / [with] lay devotees / with / leave
Monks leave the village with lay devotees.
18. Kukkuro pi.takamhaa maccha.m khaadati.
dog / [from] basket / fish / eat
The dog eats a fish from the basket.
19. Mitto puttamhaa sunakha.m yaacati.
friend / [from] son / dog / begs
- The friend begs the son for the dog.
- The friend asks for the dog from the son.
20. Buddho saavake pucchati
Buddha / disciples / questions
The Buddha questions [his] disciples.
21. Amaccaa pa.n.ditehi pa~nhe pucchanti.
ministers / [from] wise men / questions / ask
- The ministers ask the wise men questions.
- The ministers ask questions from the wise men.
22. Rajako sahaayena saha saa.taka.m dhovati.
washerman / [with] friend / with / garment / washes
The washerman washes the garment with [a] friend.
23. Macchaa pi.takamhaa patanti.
fish / [from] basket / fall
Fish fall from the basket.
24. Coraa paasaa.nehi varaahe paharanti.
thieves / [with] stones / pigs / hit
The thieves hit the pigs with stones.
25. Amacco paasaadamhaa suva.m aaharati
minister / [from] palace / parrot / brings
The minister brings the parrot from the palace.
Translate into Pali
1. Horses run from the village to the mountain.
assaa / dhaavanti / gaamamhaa / pabbata.m
Assaa gaamamhaa pabbata.m dhaavanti.
2. Merchants come from the island to the monastery with lay devotees.
vaa.nijaa / aagacchanti / diipasmaa / vihaara.m /
upaasakehi saha
Vaa.nijaa upaasakehi saha diipasmaa vihaara.m aagacchanti.
3. Thieves shoot pigs with arrows.
coraa / vijjhanti / suukare / sarehi
Coraa sarehi suukare vijjhanti.
4. The lay devotee questions (about) the dhamma from the recluse.
upaasako / pucchati / dhamma.m / sama.namhaa
Upaasako sama.namhaa dhamma.m pucchati.
5. The child falls from the rock with a friend.
daarako / patati / paasaa.nasmaa / mittena saha
Daarako mittena saha paasaa.nasmaa patati.
6. The dog bites the child.
kukkuro / .dasati / daaraka.m
Kukkuro daaraka.m .dasati.
7. Ministers set out from the palace with the king.
amaccaa / nikkhamanti / paasaadamhaa / bhuupaalena saha
Amaccaa bhuupaalena saha paasaadamhaa nikkhamanti.
8. The man brings a deer from the island.
naro / aaharati / miga.m / diipasmaa
Naro diipasmaa miga.m aaharati.
9. The farmer gets down from the tree.
kassako / oruhati / rukkhamhaa
Kassako rukkhamhaa oruhati.
10. Dogs run along the road with horses.
kukkuraa / dhaavanti / maggena / assehi saddhi.m
Kukkuraa assehi saddhi.m maggena dhaavanti.
11. Boys take away lamps from merchants.
kumaaraa / haranti / diipe / vaa.nijehi
Kumaaraa vaa.nijehi diipe haranti.
12. The thief gets down from the stairway.
coro / oruhati / sopaanasmaa
Coro sopaanasmaa oruhati.
13. Merchants bring parrots from mountains.
vaa.nijaa / aaharanti / suve / pabbatehi
Vaa.nijaa pabbatehi suve aaharanti.
14. The horse hits the serpent with its foot.
asso / paharati / sappa.m / paadena
Asso paadena sappa.m paharati.
15. The uncle, with his friends, sees recluses from the mountains.
maatulo / mittehi saha / passati / / pabbatehi
Maatulo mittehi saha pabbatehi passati.
16. Merchants bring horses to the palace from the island.
vaa.nijaa / aaharanti / asse / paasaada.m / diipamhaa
Vaa.nijaa diipamhaa asse paasaada.m aaharanti.
17. The minister questions the thief.
amacco / pucchati / cora.m
Amacco cora.m pucchati.
18. The farmer eats rice with the washerman.
kassako / bhu~njati / odana.m / rajakena saha
Kassako rajakena saha odana.m bhu~njati.
19. The child falls from the stairway.
daarako / patati / sopaanamhaa
Daarako sopaanamhaa patati.
20. The fisherman climbs the mountain with his uncle.
dhiivaro / aaruhati / pabbata.m / maatulena saha
Dhiivaro maatulena saha pabbata.m aaruhati.
21. The beggar, together with his dog, sleeps.
yaacako / kukkurena saddhi.m / sayati
Yaacako kukkurena saddhi.m sayati.
22. Kings protect islands with their ministers.
bhuupaalaa / rakkhanti / diipe / amaccehi saha
Bhuupaalaa amaccehi saha diipe rakkhanti.
23. The king worships the Buddha from his palace.
bhuupaalo / vandati / Buddha.m / paasaadasmaa
Bhuupaalo paasaadasmaa Buddha.m vandati.
24. The man kills a serpent with a sword.
naro / hanati / sappa.m / khaggena
Naro khaggena sappa.m hanati.
25. Fishermen bring fish to the village in carts.
dhiivaraa / aaharanti / macche / gaama.m / saka.tehi
Dhiivaraa saka.tehi macche gaama.m aaharanti.
26. Pigs run from the village to the mountain.
suukaraa / dhaavanti / gaamamhaa / pabbata.m
Suukaraa gaamamhaa pabbata.m dhaavanti.
27. Lay devotees ask questions from the wise man.
upaasakaa / pucchanti / pa~nhe / pa.n.ditasmaa
Upaasakaa pa.n.ditasmaa pa~nhe pucchanti.
28. The son brings a parrot from the tree.
putto / aaharati / suka.m / rukkhamhaa
Putto rukkhamhaa suka.m aaharati.
29. Wise men go to the monastery.
pa.n.ditaa / gacchanti / vihaara.m
Pa.n.ditaa vihaara.m gacchanti.
30. Disciples go along the road to the village.
saavakaa / gacchanti / maggena / gaama.m
Saavakaa maggena gaama.m gacchanti.
1. The noun following "nikkhamati" takes the ablative form:
Eg: Ministers leave the palace.
amaccaa / nikkhamanti / paasaadasmaa
Amaccaa paasaadasmaa nikkhamanti.
2(a) pucchati: questions
The minister questions the thief.
Amacco cora.m pucchati.
2(b) The minister questions the dhamma from the Buddha.
Amacco Buddhasmaa dhamma.m pucchati.
3. Do not confuse the following words:
...saka.ta - cart, saa.taka - garment;
...dhaavati - runs, dhovati - washes;
...kha.nati - digs, khaadati - eats.