The Pali Companion
since July 31, 2001

by Ong Yong Peng, MEngSc, BEng, BSc


1. The Alphabet

2. The Language Tree

3. The Scripts

The Pali Companion

We dedicate this website to the learning of the Pali language.

The Pali Companion is designed as a set of activities based on the book, An Elementary Pali Course. On top of that, several other reference books have been used in the prepration of this online activity book. The list of references is as follows:

1. A Practical Grammar of the Pali Language, by Charles Duroiselle
2. Introduction to Pali, by A. K. Warder
3. Pali Grammar, by V. Perniola
4. A Pali Grammar, by K. R. Norman
5. The Pali Literature of Ceylon, by G. P. Malalasekera
6. English-Pali Dictionay, by A. P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
7. A Concise Pali-English Dictionay, by A. P. Buddhadatta Mahathera
8. Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, by G. P. Malalasekera

This companion is designed to be expandable as knowledge acculmulates and study methods improve. If you have an idea on what new activites to be added, please share with us to make the learning of Pali more interesting. Kindly write to us at Thank you.

Study Pali? Join us in the reading of Pali textbooks. The books which we will be using include

1. Pali Primer, Dr. Lily de Silva
2. A New Course in Reading Pali, James W.Gair and W.S. Karunatillake

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This site is updated on May 10, 2009. All rights reserved.