[ Readings Section
In this short article by Ven. Narada, learn about the basic tenets of Buddhism in the most concise and yet intriguing form. A detailed examination of the core concepts of Buddhism such as Kamma, Rebirth, Dependent Origination and Nibbana, by Ven. Narada. This book introduces Buddha's teaching clearly and without recourse to exaggeration, not excluding cultural implications or disparaging of particular schools of Buddhism, so that the reader can understand the Buddha Dhamma in its modern context.
The story of the Buddha, from his birth to his final passing away. This article is written especially for young people who wants to understand the life of Gotama Buddha and some insights into the early buddhist sangha. The unhappiness of humanity can be overcome through spiritual means. This central teaching of the Buddha is conveyed through the Buddha's Four Noble Truths, first expounded in 528 BC in the Deer Park at Sarnath near Varanasi and kept alive in the Buddhist world ever since. In this book, Bhikkhu Bodhi explains, with references to the Pali Tipitaka, the eight factors of the path and their components. This anthology is both a treasure-house of important passages from the Canon covering the key points of the Buddha's teachings, as well as a practical manual to help the serious meditation student navigate through some of the most fundamental and profound points of Dhamma. It consists of over 200 newly translated passages from the suttas, along with extensive commentary to help the reader grasp their full meaning and their relation to the practice of meditation. A systematic exposition of all the main tenets of the Buddha's Teachings presented in the Master's own words as found in the Sutta-Pitaka of the Buddhist Pali Canon. Dana -- the Pali word means giving, generosity, self-sacrifice: the quality of the heart that moves a person to give away his or her own possessions for the sake of others. Giving in Buddhism is not a mere moral virtue to be randomly engaged in or followed as an obligatory duty. It is, rather, an aspect of training, a means of practice, by which a spiritual aspirant learns to overcome selfishness and attachment and to express a compassionate concern for the welfare of others. In this Wheel booklet four practicing Buddhists of today (Susan Elbaum Jootla, Lily de Silva, M.O'C. Walshe, and Nina van Gorkom), and one classical Buddhist commentator (Acariya Dhammapala), set forth their understanding of giving and examine it in relation to the wider body of Dhamma practice. The writers demonstrate the great range of the Buddhist practice of giving and its vital connections with the quest for enlightenment and final liberation from suffering. As lay Buddhists, we must be ever vigilant so that in our pursuit of worldly goals such as wealth, pleasure, and success we do not lose sight of our spiritual goal..... This book contains eight essays which explore various facets of experience from the lay life. An excellent overview of the powers of "bare attention" in mindfulness practice, organized in terms of four of its aspects: its capacity to "name" experience with dispassion; its non-coercive attitude toward experience; its capacity to slow down the mind so that the mind can see itself more clearly; and its capacity to see things directly, as they are.
Introductory text to meditation practice at home, in daily life, and on retreat. Also discusses the cultivation of the divine abidings (brahma-vihara) and the perfections (parami), as well as some of the possible pitfalls of meditation practice. |
It has been more than 2,500 years since the Buddha set out on his search for the ultimate truth. His realisation led to a series of awakening in a great many people, who in turn spread the dhamma to other parts of the world. In those ancient days, the work of dhamma transmission was real tough. Imagine without modern transportation and communication equipments, the job of dhamma transmission is almost impossible if not for the determination and perseverance of the early sangha. Throughout the years, Buddhism spread peacefully to many parts of the world. Buddhist monks and nuns crossed vast deserts and stormy seas in order to bring the Buddha's teaching to the other side of the world. It was great inspiration and compassion that helped them overcome the physical and mental obstacles in those dangerous journeys. With the support of their teachers, friends and followers, they successfully delivered the dhamma to the people in faraway lands. Today, Buddhism has become an integral part of many cultures, each unique in its own ways, across the world. It has been recognised by many as a religion of peace and harmony. However, we shall not forget those inspirational moments which set people onto difficult journeys to share with their fellow human beings the magnificent teachings of the Buddha The study of Buddhist history always start with the early sangha and its development. As you read about the Buddha sasana, you will always come across two prominent figures - Sariputta and Maha Moggallana, Buddha's two chief disciples. At the same time, you may have also read about Maha Kassapa, Maha Kaccana, Ananda, Upali, Anuruddha, Punna, Subhuti and Rahula. Together with Sariputta and Maha Moggallana, they are the ten foremost eminent disciples of the Buddha. Since the days of the Buddha, women had been playing a distinguishing role in Buddhism. The contribution they had made is no less than that of the men. The lives of the Buddhist women at the time of the Buddha vividly reminds us of women equal to men in faith, diligence, commitment and achivements. Myanmar, or Burma as a nation has been known throughout history, is one of the major countries following Theravada Buddhism. In recent years Myanmar has attained special eminence as the host for the Sixth Buddhist Council, held in Yangon (Rangoon) between 1954 and 1956, and as the source from which two of the major systems of Vipassana meditation have emanated out into the greater world: the tradition springing from the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw of Thathana Yeiktha and that springing from Sayagyi U Ba Khin of the International Meditation Centre. |
An Introduction to Buddhism The word Buddhism is
derived from a Sanskrit root 'bodh', which means to awake. Buddhism points
out the path to self-awakening, the release from life's unsatisfactions
through individual strive. As such, Buddhism has a
special approach towards life. Siddhattha Gotama: Knowing the Buddha The Buddha is named Siddhattha Gotama (in
Pali) or Siddhartha Gautama
(in Sanskrit). His name Siddhattha means "wish fulfilled", while
Gotama is his family name. The Buddha was born a member of the Sakya
(Sanskrit: Shakya) clan, the ruling clan of Kapilavattu (Sanskrit:
Kapilavsatu). Hence, the Buddha was also popularly known as Sakyamuni (Shakyamuni),
meaning "the sage of the Sakyans". The Axis of Evil Buddha always teach that we should look inwards for happiness and peace. On
many occasions, he taught that the root of evil lies within each of us. Yes,
whether we admit it or not, each of us has the tendency of wrong-doing. On the
other hand, even the most evil man can become good, and Angulimala is a good
example. The Buddha further cautioned us not to underestimate the ill consequences of wrong-doing, no matter how small it may
seem to be. |